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1.Cand am plecat de la politie Albert si sotia lui inca mai vorbeau cu un politist.

-When I left the police station,Albert and his wife still spoke with a cop

2.Ce se intampla in casa ta cand am trecut pe la tine ieri seara.Am sunat la usa, dar nu
mi-a raspuns nimeni, desi se auzea muzica inauntru.

- What happens in your house when I called on you yesterday evening. I rang the door
but nobody answered, though it could hear music inside

3. El dormea cand a fost trezit de un zgomot.Cobori scarile sa vada ce se intampla.A

inteles ca ceva nu era in regula deoarece cainele latra furios.

- He was sleeping when he was awakened by a noise. Descend the stairs to see what
happens. He understood that something was wrong because the dog barking furiously.

4.I-am pus aceasta intrebare de cateva ori , dar el nu m-a auzit fiindca citea ziarul.

- I asked this question several times, but he doesn’t heard me because he read the

5.Pe cand imi cautam ochelarii a sunat telefonul .In timp ce mergeam sa raspund
cineva a batut la usa .Telefonul inca mai suna cand am deschis usa, dar cand m-am
intors el s-a oprit.

- While looking for my glasses the phone rang. While I was going to answer someone
knocked on the door. The phone still rings when I opened the door, but when I returned
he stopped

6.Intentionam sa te rog sa ma ajuti dar dormeai cand am intrat in camera ta asa ca am

renuntat si am facut totul singur.

-I intended to ask you to help me , but sleep when I entered your room so I gave up
and I did everything myself.

7.Eu dormeam inca atunci cand stewardesa a venit si ne-a spus ca trecem peste
Himalaya.M-am uitat pe fereastra si am fost surprins sa vad ca zburam deasupra unor
minti atat de inalti.

- I was still asleep when the stewardess came and told us to go over the Himalayas. I
looked out the window and I was surprised to see some crazy flying so high above.

8.Mi-am amintit de unde il cunosc pe aces om.Am impartit camera cu el cand eram
studenti.Mereu deschidea fereastra indiferent cat de frig era afara.

- I remembered where I know this man. We shared the room with him when we were
students. Always open no matter how cold it was outside.

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