Tugas Icha

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ICHA : What do you do know? Why didn’t you reply my message yesterday?
VITA : I’m sorry Icha I had broken heart!!
ICHA : What??? Why did it happened???
VITA : Yes, I don’t know why, he leaved me for another girl!
ICHA : Huh!!! I’m angry with him!! I will send message to him, if important I send ten message to
him so he will remember my words!!!
VITA : No, No, you just always reply my message ang gve me an advice words that has make me
ICHA : Hmm,Ok… but you must always send me a message if you have any problem!! I’m your
close!! I will give my time for you if I am not busy everytime you need me!!! Don’t ever
remember again, let it be your precious experience!!
VITA : Ok, thank you so much baby!……

Doly : “Hei, you!!! What do you mean about this short message?? Any another words
beside this??”
Diego : “Haha, I want to give you a creativity so you don’t be a serious person again!
Sometimes you must know about joke and unique!
Doly : “Do ypu think I can’t make this emoticon form?? You are wrong! See my
message!! I will send you an angry expression!!! 
Diego : “ Oh..Pardon…just kidding girl!!get it, the funny expression…:D….
Doly : “ Haha…can you teach me to make it???
Diego : “ Take it easy, you just need two drop and the big D, I still have some emoticons
form if you want I will send to you.

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