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Naming of collectors:

Should not start with Number

Spacing not allowed between two words or phrase

Points , question mark ( special chracters) not allowed

Underscore allowed

Meshing guidlines :
Element size not a constrain for the Abaqus solver. You can go upto 0.5 mm minimum element size . All critical features to be captured as per the CAD OR
based on the importance of the part in analysis. Standard quality ciretria for shell and solid mesh to be followed.

Procedure :

1. Study the CAD data and working principle of the assembly. ( e.g : How parts will intercat each other, penetrtion isues, constraints etc)

2. Mesh the parts as per the CAD keeping in mind node to node connectivity provision for the weld region and Gap elements.

3. Keep LH and RH parts in separate component collector.

4. Create Material collecotors for the each of material. Assign material card to component collector

5. Assign card image to component collector

6. Weld the adjacent parts as per the welding details gived by CAD engineer or By studying the CAD data.

7. Create GAP elements for the parts interact through surface interaction.

8. Create interfaces for the parts interact through surface interaction.

9. Create Output block

10. Apply loading and boundary conditions as required for the particular analysis

11. Create Loadstep

12. Create control CARDS

13. RUN the analysis

Creation of GAP elements :
Creation of output block : It consists of output request for the particular analysis

Following option to be checked in Node file request

Following option to be checked in Element file request

Following option to be checked in Contact file request

Following options to be cheked for print option

Following parameters to be entered after checking the options:

Creation of Load Collector:This collectors panel allows you to create, review and edit load and boundary conditions.
Creation of Load Step:This consists of Load collector, output block , groups and step parameters required for the analysis

Following step options to be checked

Following parameters to be entered after checking the options:

Control Cards : To set the job level and solver specific data.

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