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Miss [mma Juett.

ADutch LlIlllllLhy





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SOp. or Te nor in A . Me 220-50,0. in G


Altoor8erin F


Copyright {SS9 by G Schirme,r:


A Dutch Lullaby.


JUl.ES JOHTli\l\".


1'1 .. " r= ,
11fJ,· - , I:iiOI
Wynk I'll ,a II t! Blyuk "ll, and
/1'/1, .
1'1.01 oil r;. ....--. t~ II;::'" -- .. _
~ .. ~ '- ~~ . -
p If!''lJfero It· r/). a tf~JJ/pll.
I.- .. .... ... I!.- I .....
I r r 1 ., Ililrllt,

Saikd off III it

wood _ t~il



.. j

1\ 'II ~. ~ - r· • .. .;_
. ILl - r ~ __. '-# - - -.:
Sailed on a fJv - er of mist-y_ Jjg'llt ]n - 10 a spa of_
. 1\ .01 II _.--.,_, ...... -
l-iJ' ~ • -~. r...:_ -f s-: ~~f
1-- t---. 1- 1\ ~I
.' , .
I-I I -I .... I .j.



. fl JI +I I "
It) - r
dl~w._ "Where arc yOIl J{o - illl{, and what do you wish?"
fl jj a :::.:: po.
.J .-.__:_ _./+ ~ -.....__ '-....". - 11". ---

.1 poco r//,
.;- r-, J
: .
1 '-__...-'I t~i' f-- -t a !eli/pO

poco 1'/1

o fClI/jlo

_fJ. Lli ~
i I:m---"--
~) '---""' r "vt:e han' CODl.1 -
- TII(I old_mooll askpd of UII' three, to fish for the
a Ir'IIIf/O. ~-
~~~ I!SI - ... ... .d. r
~ - ----,,---- f---"' . -- " ....... --- <, , . ~

:.I. ..J I
;r~----r' f'----f t~i' f\ ' !! ----.... -

f) r. I
her - I";ng' fish That live 11I this beau- fi - ful spa._ Nets of
f'I jj , -
u ~ ..... -- V "". !r . .~: ~ ~ ----
I " ....... .;------._
~~;:rj!---;--'_' -
f--l_:_____ r~ lOt r I I
... f\ .. f
It) sil-ver and gold ,,-e~' Said Wyn - r
hnve ken, Blynken and l\'orl, 1'1Ie
fl .. +I - i!!!III dill _ - ... mo/lo 1'{l~ _
f) '--"""" - -- :-..... '''-_ ---- _.. ...._ -- -
r{f. --
u :::a-: ,. ::=:-::::. ,. r::. ,.. q. J";
"'If ~.
-- . .
I I I" I I I I 4

II 1I_j!_ £"0- -. - -
1 tJ - - ~ -- - '-.__+ r ~ . ___
old moon laughed and Silllg- iI_ SOIlI.C, As thev rorkr-d ill the \\ood - I'll
II JI !! ~ ~ ~_...,~
'-) • f_:_ .... r~ f ~. - " .' -r
1 ---== I=:=- P IT,W!'
~ r- - ~ 1'1 ~ J 1.- -J" I ,J---
- r':~I: .
I--! -r' I r I &~ F F==- 1:1 plaO fit j) »IS F1 r. g 01
~~ IJ ~ . p 1> I
u '-.._.. ...
shoe. All!! 1111' wind thut spedth"111 all Ilig'ht a - lOll!;", Ruf-n"d tile wa\'PS nf_
to· ~ ~I
r~ ~ " -# " ~. r--..:.. f It:: jI~ •• g
'~JU~ ~'I
I- t---, 1-- f" <;
1 I 1--1 .... r

JI(j('U ril

II jI f truupo, --..._ 11/('1111'0
r~ r
d"I1"._ 'Ill.., lit - t 1(' starswere till' her - T'iug_' fish Tioat lived in tll('
. ii a ':::;111'0. a II'1lIpo - ,_..---.
-li -
tJ ~ v'" '--_ ~!I" .. ,I!'!:_....... ==- ...__ ___ I'
- -
.:: r-. --- . 1 J1~1 - -..I •
, ,
1'--1 f:---r t'----f f---r' II JI II .~ , J'
.. -
-u .r -
hf'im-ti -fuJ S4'~a ; (lNo\v cast youI- nr ts where _ ('v - f'r you wish.But 11f'V_f'r a _
1I1I1i ___ - oo!!I .. JO!!!
1,1;19- ~ -~
tJ P - --: ---1'-'--. ---- <, ,_ -' 1''' -ti-.I1"!:_ V

- J - - 1 I
: ...-- ---~ -",
L...... r~r r~--r' (:_____..t =~.
I 6

" ' Ii ~ ..- _l , " '__b
I-iT feard \\"6.'_'_ So cried the stars 10 the fisher - three;
are - men
fJ ~ II _I!'!!!!!!l _a
,J ~. - ,~ "\ II1II- <, _.... v- ........ .» ... <c::>
" J ::.-: ~- ...
: ..,1- ~
. .
r f I I I - ~ I rit.

a t rmpo.

~ All night long their nets they threw


.a 'f'll/po.


home. 'Twas all

so pret-ty a sail, it seemed, POIJ() rl'l.



II /, utpo

1LL_it e -- I!!!'!! -:-= -h
-~ As if_ it could not be; And some folkstiiOllgllm'asa dream they dreamed of
t'I Ii It a {e::to.:. - 1=:::1- - -
u -- --,,',,-_ f-"' "'.__ --- r-i '~ ;!::::-,,!_ V
-- e-J. - .1 ---- 1--1 - 1
r~r· 1l - t~i' (-:____-r r

1\ " 101 --- .._
'-.I sailing the beauti - ful sea,_ But I suallname you t he fisher-l1l<'ll tlirr~:
I'l .. - ... ~ ~
u r. r. . ,: \ ==- ......._-__ ~ .----:__: V <, ~ ...
+1,: IJ .. -------..
. kt-: ! ..
: . -
-~ · I 1 I 1 I r- I r

a kif/po


I'l II .. ril. --- c=t -
t) - Wyn - ken, Blynken and .!i"'" r -- ---' .~
Nod.____ Wvnken and Blynken are twnlit-tle eves,
1\ ~,..-. _ ru. =::=I mol (I) rz't i!!I ,....., a "Ie /IIpo. .
~ :-~ ------ f--- -- -....__::__ bffl ~ _ t~
- t· "
r-_ ... 1---- t...
· .
· . - .
J I I I-I 1--: ra,


POM r /

_/j- +I ~ """" ~ - a .cmpo. I ~ Z, •
t) - ~- trundlc'" ('~Sn -
wee ones - bpd._ xhut your eyf'S while moll! - cr 8illA'S
1\ 1I I! a !('!.!(pn.
~ $': ":: ,r{ "!:_:_ ~ <, _Ii" ... ii~ .-"
't· . -z: 1'-. --- r-I I
.... I"__:"'-I f: r' f--=-------- t . 7

(l t llIJi'

.t: _.. !1 ,(' . O . . - ~ ..
.. r
IU - r -- beauti - ful thillg"S,As),ou
Of wonderful sig'hts1hat be, AIHI you shall see tile
_n .. !1 a tl'lllpO. - .--- - I!!!!!!I
I tffi!=' ... == ~ .... _v
f'.J ;:iii '--- 1-/ oro: " //1 ~. -......__ I----- • -~
( /----- I- J. I--J I
---- --
~ . ~ .. .
r~~-i' r~/r f~r' f' ..
--_.... .h .. * ~ .--. k . __ •
~ -- 1 -
rock on tile mist - y sea;___WllfJn'tllf' 01(1 shop rocked tlw fisher- men thrr-e,
.h , - =- ~
.. -
· · .
U jot- ' +i.' .j • \ = <, ~ <, ....
-,. ~
~ .. t:- t---. .. : .. :=:- .. .-
.:.l. ·
. · . -
. . .:
:T. ----I
· 6 _~ f!. 1 r/r. l VlJ~. IS. -
-it) '_____.-' , .... -, zsr:':
\\',,11 - k('IJ, Hlyukr-n and No(E' \VytlJ{('ll, and Hlynkeu.and i'iml one nj~'lll,
I'\Ji+l;__ - O!'!! r il. ~lIlollo n'I'!!!!!I ~ ( t (!JJl'J)O,
t 'r:;; ~~
U ___ - - -- '--.. ~'~ .. 1C'
I---r' r-------
< ~J -J~ nl'l.
t ,,_.
t" 1- "
. _,_. • , ... 1'1
I ; · .
· 11'-' . \
. r~'T ·1-
I I ~'I a /empo

.6 .. fl - -. - ,1
U - -r]" --- I IiiiJr r' .. . "-..3!l-
~ililf'd o III a wood-en sf Of'; Sailed all a riv-er of misly_ li~'h1 ;
.. II - ,.....,-.~ ,;;;;;;;:---..
I' '-'~ _ .. "!I-' " ftl'" r-' ~~ ... .. ~" - ~
1 r",'
..b_J pl crtsr .
---1 1r I- t-.. ,- "K
: ·
. 1~1 . r -:______...·I
t· I r' I r' r;j

'Lit 1-1 ,..- == ;._ t:'\
...._. .___ ~
, ~
III - to a sea of_ dew.c.; a tempo,
1'\ ~ II: rtf, r;!('1I:.-------.,I(~'};__ -= I':!!:.... f.',
II~ ,
Ll :J:: ,,~ til' .,=-: v" ;;;~ t·ril.'-.....:~.::::: ~
i ~7 - r» •
.: t- Il·. • ... ... I .. t:'\
.... 1--1 r 7W./O

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