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Green Computing

Ashish Dubey
M.Tech 1st Sem
Roll No:010-MCSE-202
Roads to Green Computing
• Green Use
• Green Disposal
• Green Design
• Green Manufacturing
• In 1992
• Energy Star Program
Regulations and Industry Initiatives
• Government
• Industry
Approaches to green Computing
• Algorithmic Efficiency
• Virtualization
• Terminal Servers
• Power Management
• Power Supply
• Video Card
• Display
Operating System Issues
• Microsoft has been heavily criticized
producing operating system
• Microsoft Windows Vista has improved
this by adding basic central power
management configuration
Materials Recycling
• Computer system that have outlived their
particular function
• Electronic waste and computer recycling
• Recycling computing equipment can keep
harmful materials
• Teleconferencing and Tele presence
• VOIP reduces the telephony
• The site
includes a list of researches
What is being done
• Reduce the amount of energy
• Start using green (er) or more sustanable
energy resources
• Earth friendly IT infrastructure
– Less energy consumption equipments.
– Material used
• Adopt Environmentally Friendly Practices
Green Computing Technology
• Virtualization
• Recycling
• Telecommuting
• Power Management
How we help community
• Benefits
• Regeneration
• Spirit of Competition

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