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Present Simple

Positive Negative
Subject Main verb Subject Main verb
We We
+ like + do not like
You You
They They
He He
She + likes She + does not like
It it

do + not = don't / does + not = doesn't

True in general I live in Portugal.

He lives in Germany.

Frequency I never drink coffee before 12:00. (every day, every week, every year, every month, on mondays)
She usually eats at 19:00.
We always play tenis on Monday.
He often works late.
They sometimes walk to school.
She rarely goes to the gym.

Facts Ice melts at 0 degrees.

The sun rises in the east.

Schedules The train leaves at 17:00.

The opera starts at 21:00.
and states He preferes red wine.
of mind I think he is wonderful.

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