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Structure of MIDI Messages

MIDI Messages





Real Time


System Exclusive
Channel messages
 Have up to 3 bytes.
 The first byte is the status byte.
Voice messages

 This type of channel message controls voice.

 Sends information specifying which note to play or

to turn off.
 Encodes key pressure.

 Voice messages are also used to specify controller

effects such as sustain, vibrato, tremolo and the

pitch wheel.
Voice messages
Note On
 1st byte: Status byte

 2nd byte: Pitch Data byte

 3rd byte: Velocity Data byte

Note Off

 To end a note, with particular pitch, on a

particular channel.
 The 1st byte (status byte) is 1000cccc.
 Note off message will stop a presently playing
note of the same pitch.

Control Change
 Assigns some effect to the sound in the channel.
 1st byte: Status byte 1011cccc
 2nd byte: control change type  0ddddddd
 3rd/4th byte: control change value 0ddddddd
Program Change

 Assign particular patch (instrument) to a channel.

 Synthesizers have assigned “program numbers” to
each patch.
 The manufacturer decides how to assign which
number to which patch.
 1st byte: Status byte 1100cccc
 2nd byte: program number data byte 0ddddddd
 Polyphonic Key Pressure
 Messages are transmitted by instruments that are capable of
playing more than one sound at a time.

 Pressure messages
 Used to alter the sound of notes while they are playing.
 Pressure is also called aftertouch.
Channel mode messages

 Special case of the control change message

 All mode messages have opcode B.
 The message is &Hbn or 1011nnnn.
 The difference between a control message and a channel mode
message is in the first data byte.
 Channel mode message has its first data byte in 121 through 127
 Channel mode messages determine how an instrument processes
midi voice messages.
 Respond to all messages.
 Respond just to the correct channel.
 Don't respond at all.
MIDI mode messages
System Messages

 System messages have no channel number.

 They are not channel specific.

 Timing signals for synchronization, positioning

information in pre-recorded MIDI sequences and

detailed setup information for the destination
 Opcode for all system messages start with &HF.

 System messages are divided into 3 classifications.

i) system common messages

ii) system real time messages
Iii) system exclusive messages
MIDI system common message
 Song position is measured in beats
 beat is defined as the length of a specific
 System Common messages are intended for
all receivers in the system.
MIDI System Real Time messages
 The MIDI System Real Time messages are used to
synchronize all of the MIDI clock-based equipment
within a system, such as sequencers and drum
System exclusive message
 The MIDI standard can be extended by
 After the initial code, a stream of any specific
messages can be inserted that apply to their own
 A System Exclusive message is supposed to be
terminated by a terminator byte &HF7
 The terminator is optional and the data stream may
simply be ended by sending the status byte of the
next message.

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