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I am always fascinated by the way animals move.

They swim,fly,crawl anddo

many other amazing movements.

Animals move tofind food and protection. It is the basic instanct in animals
behaviour in response to hunger and danger. Animals move in different ways
on land, in waters or in the air.

Most animals that live on land use their legs to move.kangaroos hop and frog
leap with their two powerful hind legs.dogs,horses,tortoises,and lizards .get
around on their four legs. Animals like a monkeys and oran utans have a long
arms and tails that they use to climb and swing from tree to tree . Squrrels
,possums,and raccons on the other hand use sharp claws to cling to the bark of
tree and branches. Snakes slither on their bellies to move around. Snails and
slugs use thick mucus to help them move around. Earthworms dig through the
soil using tiny hairs on their bodies.

There are animals that live and move in the water. Fish use their fins and tails
to swim. Mammals like whales and dolphins swim and dive using their flippers
and tails. seals and sea lions move gracefully in the water but are awkward and
slows on land.

Ducks, geese, and pelicans are waterbirds . they can fly in the air and walk on
land . They are also

Good swimmers. They use special webbed feet to paddle in the water.
Penguins are waterbirds too but they cannot fly
.however ,they are excellent swimmers because they
have flippers to push them through the water.

Birds fly by flapping their wings up and down. Some birds glide through the air
with their outstretched wings. Bats are flying
mammals that have wings covered with leathery
skin.the way animals move are magical.

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