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Lampiran 1

(a) Guideline for Preparing the Practicum Report (Secondary School)

This Report will be prepared on individual basis and will consist of three parts;

I Introduction

A description of the school, – its background, history and achievements,

organization and management, mission, vision, staff, students, activities,
etc. Most of these are readily available from the school and can be attached to
the report. Your writing will be a summary of all the above information in
about 5 pages.

II Implementation

A description of what you actually went through doing the practicum in the school.
(3-4 pages of writing)

(Submit all documentation and materials related to your practicum, i.e.

syllabus, 10-week plan, weekly plan, lesson plans, teaching aids, classroom
assessments, log book, etc.)

III Reflections

For reflections, you need to write about your thoughts on the practicum that you
have experienced. What have you learned? What improvements need to be done?
What is your thinking about learning, teaching, students, curriculum, assessment,
school, the teaching profession, etc.? This part of the report requires your deep thinking and
analytical ability (at least 3-4 pages).

Note: Your report writing should be in Arial or Times New Roman using font size 11 with 1.5 spacing.

(b) Guideline for Preparing the Primary School Report

For the Primary School Report write for Parts I and III only. If a group is involved in observing a school,
Part I can be prepared as a group report while Part III (reflections) should be done individually.

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