Urbanization Essay

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Nguyen Dinh Dung

Group 1
ENGL 2201

Persuasive Urbanization Essay

Have you ever thought how urbanization is negatively affecting on our society?

According to World Bank (2009a), in next 25 years, urbanization can make over two

billion new urban people in many huge cities. A lot of rural people move to big cities,

possibly lead to overpopulation, crime and pollution. There are some people who still

consider the negative effects of urbanization, but I extremely believe that urbanization

has brought a lot of benefits on many countries which are developing in over the world.

This essay will explore some advantages of urbanization in the developing countries.

In spite of some advantages, there are some bad effects of urbanization over the

world. World Bank (2009b) presents that gases or large quantities of carbon dioxide can

be released to the air by industries and vehicles which make from the urbanization. For

example, the acid rain which comes from the vehicle’s gases can destroy forests,

buildings and animals. On the other hand, urbanization is a good reason for rural people

who want to come to larger cities. Various job opportunities are offered by various

business companies in the big cities. Furthermore, unemployed people and farmers in

rural areas have the only one opportunity to get the better life by finding the jobs in

some big cities then the result will be more and more people who want to move to the

cities for work chances. Moreover, the locals can be provided more land to use by the

expansion of urban fields. When the cities expand, many companies and corporations

will start their business in these cities. This means that they can help people find
suitable jobs and improve the infrastructures such as roads, departments, factories in

developing countries .

One of the main positive effects of urbanization is that it makes the better
services in cities (Falola and Salm 2004). For instant, there are more educational
facilities such as schools, colleges, universities in the cities than in the rural areas.
Higher qualities of education can be provided to people in the big cities, especially the
children and teenagers. They can study in the big schools with bigger classes, many
technology equipments such as computers, projectors and various subjects available for
them. Besides that, time is more efficiency because of the developing of transportation.
Furthermore, the newest technological improvements will support the medical service
then many modern hospitals will be built to take care the health of urban people.
Another benefit of urbanization is enriching our life. Can you figure out what our
world will happen if we do not have the internet, big plazas or entertainment? What I
mean is that urbanization can create a better life for people to enjoy more than before.
Moreover, the development of science can be grown by urbanization, especially in the
communication areas. For example, for long time ago, we just can write letters if we live
far away from our friends or family. Now, urbanization changed this situation. With the
development of internet, we can talk with our friends in everywhere and any time we
want. In addition, we can also get whatever information we want through the internet. To
sum up, these benefits are brought by the urbanization.
Finally, one of the best effects of urbanization is that it can help improve the
economy quickly. World Bank (2009c) states that with the development of urbanization,
some poor areas can be reduced easily over the long term and it will increase new
chances for rural people. Then it can lead to the economy to grow up. For instant,
today, the Vietnam’s economy can be increased faster by some open policies from the
Vietnam’s government. Then the living standards will be better and many productions
that people cannot afford in the past time can be owned in today. These benefits prove
that urbanization is very vital for people’s life and economy in Vietnam.

In conclusion, urbanization is the best way to increase the people’s life and
country’s economy. The government of some developing countries should concern
about using urbanization to improve their economy and people’s living standard.
According to Young (2009), a lot of expensive places where used for livings have
evolved by urbanization and they combined with areas so blighted that no one wants to
live there. Cities are places that are greater social mobility, educational and professional
opportunities than a village. Life in a city is always more comfortable than in a village.


• Falola T, Salm S J 2004, ‘Globalization and urbanization in Africa’, 1st end, Africa

World Press.

• World Bank 2009a,’ The new Urban Strategy’, wburbanstrategy ,viewed 27



/files/FEUUR%200901%20for%20web%201029.pdf >

• World Bank 2009b,’ Promoting a safe and sustainable urban environment’,

wburbanstrategy ,viewed 27 March


/files/FEUUR%200901%20for%20web%201029.pdf >

• World Bank 2009c,’ Making pro-poor policies a city priority’, wburbanstrategy

,viewed 27 March


/files/FEUUR%200901%20for%20web%201029.pdf >

Young, E M 2009,’Urbanization in the 21st Century: A changing role’, helium,

viewed 27 March 2011,<



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