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Magic Candle II: The Four and Forty


Ten years have passes since the spells were restored on the magic candle in Fortress Berbezza. The archdemon Dreax remains safely imprisoned in the magic candle's flame, guarded by forty guardians: replacements for the four and forty who vanished a decade ago.

Your quest is to find out the fate of the missing four and forty. And to find a way to banish the demon Zakhad who has taken over Dreax.

In this solution, I shall not elaborate on how I managed to find the clues. The process mainly involves conversations with people and offering some items to them.


General hints

In this game, money is very important. With it, you can buy weapons, armours, herbs, etc. So, here's the way to make lots of money:

Buy lots of blue pearls (about 80 coins each) from Telermain gem trader. Then go to the town of Glusaga in Ruul (91,60). Sell them at around 380 coins to the jewellery shop there. You will earns 300 coins for every blue pearls you sold.

There is another technique which exploit a certain bug in the program. This involves going to Glusaga and buying rubies from the jewellery shop. Each ruby cost 500 coins, but when you buy 99 of them, it produces a negative value. So, your money will increases when you buy the rubies. This allows you to carry more than 9999 coins. And when you repeat this process with every member of the party, you'll get more than enough money to last till the end of the game. Note that the programmers might have fix this bug by the time you read this. So, use the previous method if this don't work.


When you are assigning a companion to do something, give them a minds tone so that you can keep in touch with them. You'll came across mindstones in dungeons, either buried or inside treasure chest.


Mapping feature

You can use the map when you are in town or wilderness. But when you are in the dungeon, you will need to drop pearls into map flask. The blue pearl are better than the normal Ones as the flask might break if the normal pearls are being used.

Potion and plants

Always try to stock up potions, sermins, luffins, mirgets, nifts, gonshis and turpins. Medicin and loka are only needed when you are poisoned or diseased.

There are places where you'll find patch of mushrooms. Pick as much as you want but make sure you don't pick all so that the patch will grow back again.

Here are some of the known locations of mushroom patch:

gonshi - (24,39) (168,91) loka - (162,28)

luffin - (123,54) (110,49) (123,44) (165,98) (214,136) mirget - (68,69) (72,67) (240,96) (247,81) (245,87)

nift - (102,43)

sermin - (47,41) (175,20) (212,118) (165,13) (63,18)



Combat and magic skills increases as you play the game. So there is no need to waste time training them. Hunting skill increases when you hunt for food. But the rest of the skills won't increases unless you do some training or was increases by the Gods.


Spellbooks are very expensive. So, once you have lots of money. You can get spell books from the following people.

Ketrop, Faranim Sabano, Demaro
Llendora, Estefaz Vannex
Oshcrun, Frik Felmis
Ussa, Naendix sells all spell books.
Wanasol, Ehrizem Sabane, Zoxinn
Wanasol, Nimmenzar Ishban, Demaro
Ziyx's Tower Ziyx Emenad 4

Alternatively, you can invite wizards to join your party and exchange spell books with them.

Weapon & strength needed


Short sword Scimitar Long sword Broad sword Elven sword Great sword

4 4 4 5 6 8

Magical Sword

Dread Slayer

Found in Ruz 2, (56,67)


Brennix - (can only be wielded by Lukas) Already in Lukas inventory when game started


Hammer axe Battle axe Double axe Great axe

4 5 6 8


The Three Magical Axes (Dwarves only)



Drakhelm 1, dig at the sign "Happy shovel causes trouble"

Rhokadur 10

Dorak 7, dig at the spot (34,33)

Nalanduir 10 Namaz 4, dig at the three rocks at (28,6)


Ash bow Brom bow Elven bow Bone bow

4 4 6 8

Magical Bow (Elves only)

Darkfinder Catacombs (127,7)


Note: Magical weapons tend to hit better and increases the strength of the user and they don't suffer any wear and tear.



The best armour are metheal armour and pearl plate. Anyone can wear them, so try to get them as soon as possible.

Metheal armours are only sold in Drakhelm, while pearl plate can only be found in chest in certain dungeons.


Music has certain effects on the various creatures you encountered. You'll need to find the right person to teach you the song. Talk to them and mentioned the songs you want to learn.


Instr Creature Teacher

Firedance band munak Swiftwind, Shumaran (32,12)

Lullaby of Gu flute sandgu Piero, Oshcrun (51,18)

Mage's Joy lyre slime Rileon, Telennain Tavern

Morning Mist lute barg Delfina, S. Misor (54,64)

Rondo Miz lyre mizrgu Giddar, Drakhelm (13,28)

Sambali band doombeast Pharus, Wanasol (47,8)

Urg's Dream flute urgodot Sheria, Ussa (18,14)

Wind Song lute fennigon Elion, Llendora (61,17)


Special Items

The Horn of Tundra - Maratul 8.

The Horn can call the nomads to battle when they hear it.

The Conch of Calm - Catacombs (6,9)

Use to calm the sea so that it is safe for sea travel.


There are 3 libraries in Gurtex. They are found at Telermain, Oshcrun and Wanasol. You'll need to do some research on certain topics in order to complete the game. Father Orbonn (Orbo) is the companion with the best research skill. Invite him and bring him to the libraries to do the research. You may assign him to go to certain stronghold or wait for you or dismiss him but whatever you do, make sure you can find him again. Give him a mindstone just for sure.


Some topics that can be researched:

Telermain - Nalanduir, Mindstones, Candle of Despair, Candle of Pain

Oshcrun Castle - Altersens, Zakhad, Oolau, Darkfinder, Rhokadur

Wanasol - Orb, Prophecy, Conch, Candle of Anguish, Candle of Death

Towns and towers


Catacombs - Dead Wood Cellars - Oshcrun ground level

Dead Wood - Goblin town, Mandarg (213,49) Deraum - Cellars 2

Dorak - East Gate (95,26) West Gate (87,20) Dragos - Katarra

Drakhelm - Gizra Mt (l40,~1) Dreax - Katarra

Glusaga - Orc village, Ruul, (91,60) Hudga-Hag - Troll village, Krum, (247,20) Katarra - Mandarg 4

Ketrop - Oshcrun Isle

llendora - (88,36)

Mandarg, (178,51)

Maratul - Mandarg, (216,57) Namaz - Altesia, (222,212) Oolau Bird - N. Misor, (62,19) Oshcrun Castle - Oshcrun Isle Pentyne - Altesia, (188,118) Ruz - Krum, (231,15)

Shann - Mariz Isle (67,79) Shumaran - Fall (152,28) Telennain - Oshcrun Isle

Ussa - The Throat, (116,38) Wanasol- Sariss, (165,85) Ziyx's tower - N. Misor, (47,38)





Strongholds are locations in Gurtex where you can rest safely. It is also an ideal place for meeting. You'll need to reach a stronghold physically before you can assign companions to go there.

Altesia . 171,118
Demonspine 93,23
Farsum 201,61
Isle of Winds 128,55
Kar'lomug 234,81
Krum 231,7
N. Misor 60,29
Oshcrun 31,51
S. Misor 56,61
The Throat 124,41
The Tundra 163,13
Rhon 225,41
Ruul 96,63
Sariss 166,80
The Gods I~


There are 8 gods in Gurtex. 5 good, 3 evil. Each one of them have a temple with the word to wake them. Whispering the word in the chamber they are sleeping will wake them up. The Gods might increase the characters attributes. But beware of the evil Gods, all of them request certain sacrifice.

Here is a list of the God's chamber and temple.

Balene - the Goddess of Furious Vengeance Chamber - Isle of Winds (123,58)

Temple - Krum, (212,30)

Word - kimyabin

Sacrifice - Brennix

Attrib - "Str+l, Dex+2, End+l , Int+l

Fronnoxx- the God of Jubilant Destruction Chamber - Mandarg, (189,55)

Temple - Mandarg, (174,59)

Word - azavaz

Sacrifice - Somona the Sorceress Attrib - Str+2, End+l , Ag+1

Ghartel- the God of Glorious Death Chamber - Ruz 2, (53,44)

Temple - The Throat, (110,45) Word - banishahbat

Sacrifice - a mighty warrior, Durin, Lupi, etc. Attrib - Br+1, Str+2, End+Z


Marior - the God of the Sea Chamber - Cellars 2 (9,20) Temple - Oshcrun Isle, (14,50) Word - ranalamma

Attrib - Br+1, Str+1, End+I, Ag+1, Res+1, Swim+IO


Nerelnes - the God of Opportunity Chamber - Maratul4, (7,18) Temple - The Tundra, (158,18) Word - asharim

Attrib - Dex+ 1, Charm+2, Int+ 1, Lockpicking+9

Oraniana - the Goddess of the Forest Chamber - Sariss, (175,92)

Temple - Sariss, (163,82)

Word - kirrak

Requirement - need elves in party Attrib - Dex+l , Ag+2, Int+l , Res+2

Rhokan - the God of Wealth Chamber - Dorak 7, (16,64) Temple - Demonspine, (96,8) Word - shadguram

Requirement - dwarves must be in party

Attrib - Br+l, Str+2, Dex+l , End+I, Smith+9, Gemcut+9

Senvara - the shield Goddess Chamber - Altesia, (212,135) Temple - Altesia, (179,105) Word - urumaen

Attrib - End+l , Ag+l, Int+2, Res+I



There is usually one teleportal in every dungeon. These are usually not easily accessible unless you have 'clean up' the dungeon. There are only a few teleportal building on the surface. Below is a few I came across.


Isle of Winds The Tundra Rhon Kar'lomug

120,56 160,40 220,47 243,396

Now that you have found the teleportal, you'll need to know the combinations to get you to the various places. You will need sphere, pyramid, cone, cube and cylinder. Buy them from wizards who sell such item. For a start, you can buy them from Truk at Oshcrun. Knock on his door on the top level. The only wizard who sell all 5 items is Furukan who lives in Hudga-Hag. Knock on his door at 0:00 hrs.

Location x,y Combination
Isle of Winds 23,52 pyramid, pyramid, sphere
S. Misor 55,66 sphere, sphere, pyramid
N. Misor 76,7 cube, cylinder, cylinder
Demonspine 83,51 sphere, cube, sphere
Demonspine 102,53 cone,sphere,cone
Blackwood 104,32 Cube, cube, cylinder
13 Isle of Winds 126,52 cone, cube, pynunid
Mandarg 140,45 cone, cone, cone
S. Sariss 157,89 cylinder, pyramid, sphere
N. Tundra 163,11 pyramid, sphere, cube
Mt. Mandarg 163,53 sphere, cone, cone
Farsum 196,66 cylinder, cube, cylinder
Fronnixx's Gap 208,39 pyramid, cone, cone
N.Krum 215,29 cone, cone, sphere I
Deladorn 216,58 pyramid, cylinder, pyramid ·1
Duln Isle 217,9 cube, cylinder, pyramid
Rhon 238,53 pyramid, cube, cube
Kar'lomug 246,83 cylinder, cone, cylinder Companions

There are many people who will join your party. Either for a short while or till the end of the quest. Each one of them has their strong and weak points. So, use them wisely.


Arga Ben Crstyn Durin Eftun


Telermain, Black Rooster Tavern Shann 1 (67,79)

Oshcrun, guest room (03:00) The Throat (103,35) Drakhelm (33,24)


Eldai Shann 1 (17,5)
Friz Oshcrun (14,12)
Gilondo Llendora (7,16)
Grolf Oshcrun, knight's room (14,12)
Gustron Oshcrun (23,14)
limbo Ketrop (15,19)
Kruga Drakhelm, meeting hall (13,28)
Lupi Llendora, meeting hall (39,19)
Madir Ussa, tavern (18,14)
Nazim S. Misor (75,49)
Nehor N. Misor (81,25)
Nimmo Telermain, Eastern Breeze Tavern (20:00)
Orbo Oshcrun, prayer room (46,51)
Perin Ketrop, meeting hall (39,18)
Polo Telermain, Library
Ralle Telermain, Eastern Breeze Tavern
Reb Oshcrun, (35,10) (after you save Zidoni)
Rexor Oshcrun, throne room (36,9)
Rogga Maratul 2 (7,26)
Sakar Cellars 1
Subia Oschrun top level (32,25)
Somona Pentrye (60,7)
Stref Shann 6 (29,24)
Tamas Deadwood's Catacombs (102,6)
Tuff Ketrop (20,22) 15


There are many towers that requires you to whisper some word
of power to raise the gate.
Location x,y Word
Catacombs in Deadwood yommanis ~
Dorak 9S,26 zaradenak
Dorak 87,20 waharnial
Drakhelm 140,51 nokarvahim I
Mandarg 178,51 suuvduan
Maratul 216,57 ruandair
Namaz 222,122 vumakl-
Ruz 231,15 jimmelkin
Shann 67,79 frikenatz Combat Techniques

There amount of damage done to the enemy for any physical attack depends on the character's strength. When their strength is low, eating a mirget will allow them to do more damage. For those character with low combat skill, eating a luffin will allow them to make a success hit on the next attack. Character with low agility who can't dodge enemy attack should eat nift, it protect them from the next 3 physical attack. Those with less than 7 Dex may need to eat goshi so that they can perform 3 moves on the next tum. Finally those that are not skilful in magic should use turpins. Luffin, mirget and turpin will last until they


are being used while nift and goshi will lost their effect after the next combat.

When fighting the enemies, try to kill the spell casters first. For they will probably do the most damage. Be careful when fighting Kazih, Gargan, Gaem and DreadKnight. They can cast 'forget' which practically removes the spell you have just recall from memory and this is very undesirable. Try to kill them all in the first battle round. Casting 'time stop' will lets you have 2 rounds to wipe them out.

To kill an particular enemy (the spell caster especially). Let your wizards cast 'jump' on your best fighter. Jump them next to the enemy. Then let the fighters use goshi, mirget, luffin and attack the enemy. If the fighters strength is high enough, the enemy will be kill in one strike. If the fighters had used the mushrooms in advance, they will be able to make a second attack to the next enemy. This technique is very good against battles against dreadknights. They might come in group of eights so you will need to wipe them out as fast as possible.

When you think that you are not powerful enough to wipe out the enemies within 2 rounds. Here is another alternatives method. Cast 'disappear' on every party member. If turpin is in effect, the character will disappear for 12 rounds. Once you become invisible, ready the bow and shoot at the enemy. When invisible, the enemy can't dodge the arrow. Shoot at the spellcaster first If you attempt to attack with sword or axe, you will become visible again. Combining this technique with the previous one is very useful against battles against N aur and Zakhad.


When walking in the dungeon. The enemy might ambush your party. When you are ambushed by more than 8 spell casters. Your party will probably be wipe out and there is really nothing much you can do about it. Just imagine your party being zapped by 8 'zapall' spells. To prevent this from happening, you can either have someone with high tracking skill in your party or you can cast the 'sense' spell. Make sure everyone shield is 99 when moving in area where there are lots of ambush.


Walk through

Early strategies

You begins the game at the port of Telennain. The first thing you need to do is to find some companions to join in your quest. Check up the taverns. A few people will be eager to join you. Check up the list of companions available. When you invite a hireling, you must give them a portion of the treasure you came across. Hirelings don't trade items, so don't give them the important items. Once you have gathered a few companions, get out of town and go to Castle Oshcrun which is very near to Telermain. Talk to the king and his advisors. More people will be willing to join in your quest.

If you need to find the town of Llendora, take Lady Subia with you. Once Llendora is found, you will be able to enter it the next time even when Lady Subia is not in your party. Elven bows and swords are only sold in Llendora, so bring her along when you need to upgrade your weapons.

Once your party is gathered, you might want to start adventuring. You may talk to everyone you came across. There are people who stay in house and will let you in when you speak their name. Since all the necessary info are listed earlier on, you can skip all those conversations.


The Main Quest

The fate of the 40 guardians

To find out about the fate of the forty, you must find the ghost of three guardians.

One of them is in Deraum. The entrance to Deraum can be reach from the cellars under Castle Oshcrun. The door is magically locked so you need to look for the crystal key first. Explore the cellars 1 and look for the teleportal room. You might want to increase your attributes by waking Marior who sleeps in cellars 2.

Use the teleportal to get you to Mariz Island. Whisper 'Frilkenatz' to raise the gate of Shann. Explore the place and find your way to Shann 6. If you didn't find any way to reach the stairs, casting 'detect' when turpin is in effect will detect portals for 30 minutes. This portals will usually let you access the next level. At Shann 6, look for Malaaq in one the rooms. Whisper 'Hefriti' and he will give you the crystal key.

With the crystal key. Go back to Castle Oshcrun and explore the cellars. Make sure you have enough 'walk water' spells. You'll be doomed when you run out of spells in the middle of the water. If necessary, rest in rooms and learns them. Use the crystal key to open the red door at Cellars 2. This room leads to Deraum.


Explore Deraum thoroughly. Take the portal at the 'Point of no return'. Enter the room and talk to the ghost, Horann. You'll need to cast 'soul speak' to talk to it. Then cast 'rest soul' to free the spirit. Get the white scroll that is left behind. Note the title "Candle of Despair"

Now, go to Telermain Library and research "Candle of Despair". You might need to invite someone with high research skill to do it. It will take one whole day to do the research. So, you can either pass the time in the library or do some shopping in town. Once the research is done, get the white scroll and you might want to assign the researcher to do something else.

The next ghost is in Drakhelm 3. Go to Drakhelm and whisper 'Nokarvahim' to raise the gate. Explore the town and replace some of your party members if necessary.

Explore Drakhelm 1, look for Orcbane under the sign "Happy shovel causes trouble". This is a powerful weapon but only usable by dwarves. Take the stairs to Drakhelm 2. There are lots of portals in this level. Look for the portal that bring you to a room with 4 signs and 4 portals. Take the one to the east to reach Drakhelm 1, then take the stairs to reach Drakhelm 3. You will be in the treasure trove. Look for the ghost in one of the room. Cast 'soul speak' and then 'rest soul'. Get the pink scroll "The Candle of Anguish". There is no way you can walk near the stairs because there are portals in front of it. Instead, you can walk through the wall near the torch at (10,65). Once you reach there, the way out is easy.


Go to Wanasol Library and research "Candle of Anguish".

The third ghost is in Maratul 8. Go to the tower of Maratul at Mandarg and whisper 'Ruandair' to raise the gate. The way from Maratul 1 to 5 are connected by stairs and it rather straight forward. Nerelnes sleeps in Maratul 4, so you might want to wake him up to increase you attributes. At Maratul 5, there are 2 separate areas. The right area can only be reached by the portals at the SE comers of the left area. Once you reached this area, you can access Maratul 6 - 8. The Hom of the Tundra is inside one of the room in Maratul 8. Take the portal at the NW comer of Maratul 7 to reach Maratul 8. The Hom is inside the room next to where you had been teleported. The Hom will be able to call the nomads to battle if they can hear you. After that, look for a portal in the SE region of Maratul 8 which will bring you to the room where you'll find the ghost. Get the Gray Scroll "The Candle of Pain" after you have put it to rest.


Go to Telermain Library and research "Candle of Pain".



The fate of the four eldens

Now you will need to rescue the 4 eldens. Three of them will be guarded by Naurs while the last one is guarded by Zakhad himself.

The elden Zifar is in Dorak 6. Explore Dorak thoroughly. The axe, Rhokadur is buried at the end of the passage at the NE region. You can reach Dorak 7 with the stairs at the northern region of Dorak 2. Once you reach Dorak 7, walk southward, don't step on the portal in the middle of the passage. Walk to the end and dig the ground. After that, go to Dorak 1, take the stairs to Dorak 3. At Dorak 3, cast 'detect' and adjust your party formation to get pass the portals. There are many portals, so watch your steps. Move diagonally when necessary. Work your way to the door at the SW region. Take the stairs to Dorak 4. Talk to Stref at the NW region. Cast 'walk water' to step on the portal in the water to reach Dorak 5. Take the stairs to Dorak 6. Take the stairs to Dorak 4. Then take the stairs to Dorak 5. Then take the stairs to Dorak 6. Take the stairs to Dorak 7. Walk to the room at the NW region. Sheathe your weapons and greet Vankruh. He will let you pass if you do it politely. Otherwise, you will have a hard time fighting him. Wake Rhokan who sleeps here to boost your statistics. Take the stairs at the SE region to Dorak 6. The elden is guarded by one of the Naurs in one of the room. It is best to save the game first. Once you have defeated the enemies. Use the White Scroll to free Zifar. Make sure you have done your research first.


The next elden Zulain is in Ruz 2. Go to Ruz at Krum and whisper 'jimmelkin' to raise the gate. Take the stairs at the NW region to Ruz 2. Cast 'walk water' and take the portal in the middle of the water in the eastern region. Fight the Naur guarding the elden. Use the Gray Scroll to free Zulain.

The third elden, Zewinul is in Namaz 6. Go to Namaz at Altesia. Whisper 'vumakleh' to raise the gate. You will be in Namaz 2. Take the stairs to reach Namaz 3. Then take the stairs at the northern region to reach Namaz 4. Take the stairs to reach Namaz 5. Take the portal at the SW comer of Namaz 5 to reach Namaz 6. Go to the room at the NW region to fight the Naur. Use the pink scroll to free Zewinul.

Once you have free those three eldens. Go to the meeting hall at Wanasol. Talk to the eldens and get the blue scroll. Go to the library at Wanasol and research "Candle of Death".


The Prophecy and the Orb of Light

Before you go to find the last elden, Zidoni. Let's look for another item which is equally important: The Orb of Light. You might want to research 'orb' and 'prophecy' at Wanasol Library.

Go to Pentyne at Altesia (188,118). The 'teleport' spell don't work when you have reach altesia. So, you need to go on foot. In the town of Pentyne, go to the altar and talk to Alin. He will tell you their prophecy and then give you the Orb of Light.

The Orb need to be touched by the three marked ones.

Go to Telennain. Look for a boy named Timm at Pier 2. Offer him the orb and let him touch it. His mark is that of the star.

Go to Shumaran. It's location varies with the seasons. I only know it location in Fall. If you need to know it's location for the other seasons, go to Ussa and knock on Sponsors door. Ask him about 'sites'. Anyway, when you are in Shumaran, talk to Moongold. Offer the Orb and let her touch it.

Go to Wanasol. Knock on the door of Wartow, next to Serene Meadow Guesthouse. Offer him the orb and let him touch it.

Now, the Orb is functional again.


The rescue of Zidoni

The last elden, Zidoni is in Dreax 2. Go to the Caverns of Mandarg at (178,51) and whisper 'suuvdaun' to raise the gate. There are no stairs in this dungeon, so the different levels can only be reach by the portals. At Mandarg 1, try to reach the portal at the NW region which bring you to Mandarg 2. There are 2 portals at the SE region. One of them take you the northern region. Take the portal at the NW comer to reach Mandarg 3. Take the portal at the NE region to reach Mandarg 4. On this level, you must find the portal protected by snakes on the western region which takes you to the NW region. Then you need to slide down the chute to Mandarg 1. You should see a sign "Hidden Hole", dig under it to get the Iron Key. Then take the portal to reach Mandarg 4. Now, take the portal in the middle of the level to reach the NE region. Use the Iron Key to open the red door. This bring you to Katarra.

Katarra is a one level dungeon. There are lots of dread knight patrolling the place, so be very careful. There are two towers in Katarra. The tower of Dreax is the one on the eastern region. The way is simple, but the enemy are tough.

The other tower is Dragos. There many traps in those 3 levels of Dragos, so if you decide to explore this tower. Keep several save games. There are traps which have no way out.


Once you have reach Dreax 1. Cast 'detect' and adjust your formation and take the portal to the NE of the stairs. Walk to the NE region and take the stairs to Dreax 2. You'll be in an area with lots of serpents. Go to the SW comer and take the portal to the SW region. Then walk eastern and take the portal to the NW region. Enter the room at the NW comer and fight Zakhad and his minions. Use the blue scroll to free Zidoni.

Banish o/Zakhad

Go to Wanasol and talk to the eldens. Zidoni request an audience with the King.

Go to Castle Oshcrun and invite King Rebnard.

Go to Wanasol. Let the King talk to Zidoni.

Go to N. Misor (62,19) to find the oolau bird. Use the Orb to persuade the bird to leave the nest. Let the King whisper 'jemil' to free the prince from the egg. Talk to Prince Jemil and offer him the Orb. Exit the place and the demon will appears. Prince Jemil will then banish the demon from the realm using the Orb.

Congratulation, you have completed the game!

Far across the Sea of Oshmar, Danger Awaits!

Return to the Award-Winnin@ World of The Magic Candie'"!

Fantasy Role-Playing at Its Finest

Over 30 characters will join your hero, for specific quests or as his or her long-term companions.

PUI them 10 work or study, Fight alongside them aguinst rhe forces of darkness. Develop their skills by Iraining and experience.

More monsters, More spells.

A new continent 10 explore.

Beautiful Graphics and Stirring Sounds

The IBM version supports:

• 256-culor VGA graphics (16- color EGA and Tandy 1000)

• Adl.ib, Roland and SoundBlaster sound boards

A Game Player's Delight Conversations and other events are recorded as they happen. Save them to disk or print them cot,


Multiple saved-game positions are available at ahnos; any lime.

Bring your favorite characters from The Magic Cal/dle V"I/ll1Ie I and The Keys III Marumol/.

A Story You'll Never Forget Drama, excitement and wonder await you in Gurtcx.

Discover the secrets of Ihe cruel magic candles of Zakhad and the vanished Four and Forty'

MiI1Ji.:raf! Sol1t~!(lf(I, /IIC, 2291 205111 St., 8I1ill'201. 'lhn·(J/IfI'. CA 90ftO} Al'llial pholo£raphs fromthe II1Mrrandy VCiA

vc~ion ofTlw Mligit ('(lIIdff II. Oilier \'Crsl(lll~ vary


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