Hanif Sims Arrest Warrant Genesis Sims Murder

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sus-oe-200 16:27 kona Tu ce ee Po : ARREST WARRANT {DISTRICTACOUNTY) COURT, EL PASO COUNTY, STATE OF COLORARB yy me oxsrt4er ano WARRANT NUMBER i10-S8814w3 ee Rey ou SUL 88 2010 ‘The People ofthe Site of Colorado, Paints til Ee v. ‘Sims, Hanif DOB: 12/07/80, Black male, Height 606 Weight 185, Black hair, Brown eyes, SSN: EDRB, Devendans ‘Whereas Detective Joseph Kelemen has made an Application and A(fidavito the Cour forthe issuance of an Arrest Warrant, and; ‘Whereas the application isin proper form and probable cause is found to believe that the person named inthe application has committed the offenses) of: CRS 18-6-401 Chid Abuse resulting in death, 1 Count, Class 2 Felony in violation of Colorado Revised Statutes within the County of El Peso and State of Colorado; THEREFORE, any peace officer into whose hands this Arzest Warrant shall come is hereby ordered to atest Sims, Tanif DOB: 12/07/80, Black mate, Height 606, Weight 185, Black hai, Brown eyes, SSN: and bring her without unnecessary delay before the nearest Judge of the County or District Court Itis further ordered that Bond is set in the amount of: SBO,000.°° (Five hundend thou sod dottars we wi T have duly served this Arrest Warrant by arresting the aforementioned RETURN AND SERVICE: 20, Defendant as required on the day of, Signed ‘Law enforcement agency: El Paso County Sherif's Office & SB rusorame 16:28 kona Ty 2 (DISTRICT (COUNTY) COURT, EL PASO COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO WARRANT NUMBER j10-588]aw3 : OBITS APPLICATION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT JUL 9.8 2010 SEB The People ofthe State of Colorado, Plant y, ‘Sims, Hanif DOB: 12/07/80, Black male, Height 606,Weight 185, Black hai, Brown eyes Defendant The undersigned, a peace officer as defined in 10-1-901 (3) (1), CRS. 19% amended, being fist duly sworn on oath moves te Court to issue an Arrest Warrant fo DOB: 12/07/60, Black malo, Height 606 Weight 185, Black hair, Brown eyes, SSN: (RB erovided in Rule 42 ofthe Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedae. ‘As GROUNDS THEREFORE, the undersigned applicant states tat the facts submitted in support ofthis request are set forth in the accompanying atachment designated as Attachment “A” ‘Which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and that probable cause exists to believe thatthe aforementioned person has commited the offense(s) of: ERS 18-6-401 Child Abuse resulting in death, 1 Count, Class 2 Felony in violation of CRS. 1973, ss emended within the County of El Paso and State of Colordo, Wis respectfully requested tht bond on his Arrest Warrant be set in the amount of: $00, 000.8 Dollars 0/07 Bophicant El Paso Couniy Sheriff's Office Deputy Sherif Swomeed subsea before me tis_@ _ aayor__ Tia 2010. Aue J hho Judge fuc-orene 16°20 kone Ty Pes : ATTACHMENT | Your Affant is Detective Joseph Kelemen, a regularly employed Deputy Sheriff for the County of Ed Paso, State of Colorado, and currently assigned to the Investigations Division of the El Paso County Sheriffs Ofice (EPSO). Your Afflant has been co employed for the past 14 years. ‘The facts set forth within this affidavit are based upon information your affiant has gained from this investigation, your affian’s personal observations, your affiant’s training and experience, and/or information related to your atfiant by other law enforcement officers. Since this afidavit is being ‘subritied for the limited purpose of securing an arrest warrant, your affiant has not included each ‘and every fact known to him concerning this investigation, but have set forth only the facts that are Necessary to establish probable cause to believe thal violations of CRS 18-6-401 Child abuse resulting in death ocourred, On Friday, May 14, 2010, Your Affiant was contacted by Detective Sergeant B. Burns and briefed with specifics regarding @ suspicious death at the residence of 764 Century Place #4, Monument, unincorporated Ei Paso County, ‘Your Affient learned the following: On Fiidey, May 14, 2010, at approximately 4:30 p.m. Sergeant William Bums was contacted by the Monument Police Depariment in regards to a suspicious incident. Sergeant Bums relayed the following facts. He stated on this day at approximately 3:45 p.m. Officers from the Monument Police Department were dispatched to 764 Century Place, unit “A” in regards to a possible body which was located in a crawl space inside of the residence, by contractors who were replacing @ sump pump. Your Affiant was told the contractors had discovered a garbage bag under the craw! space, while digging more than 30 inches dewn when thoy found what they initially thought was. buried taash due to the strong odor emanating from it. Your Affiant was informed that after they replaced the sump pump they became curious about the bag they had found buried deep in the ‘craw! space and decided to check it when they discovered what appeared to be human remains, At approximately 6:00 p.m., Your Affiant along with Sergeant Burns and Inspector San Agustin responded to the above mentioned address. Your Affiant learned the following information; the property had been vacant since October 2009. The owner, identified as Bob Longfield who currently resides in Arizona, had recently hired two independent contractors to do some repairs at the residence for him. The contractors were identified as Mark Michael DOB: 02-23-69 and Mark ‘Schoning, DOB: 10-31-77 and are the parties who found the remains, On Solurday, May 15, 2010, at approximately 8:00 a.m., Dr. Robert Bux performed an autopsy on the vicim, ‘The unidentified victim, referred to as Jane Doe at the time, wos described as a female approximately 7-10 years of age. She measured approximately 501" tall and weighed ‘approximately 43 pounds with her clothes on. She was weering socks, jeans, underwear, and a t shirt. Additionally, a friendship-ype wristband was located on her left wrist. The victim appeared to be a black female; however, Forensic Pathologist Dr. Bux could not confirm that at that time, Investigators were able to determine through interviews and record searches that the residence was occupied by a black family from November 2008 to February 2009. They were identified as. Monique Lynch, Hanif Sims and two children described as a 12 year old male Devon Lynch and 7 year old female Genesis Sims. During a neighborhood canvass, at least two neighbors advised, they had stopped seeing Genesis at the residence and asked the parents where she was. They were told by the parents that they had sent Genesis back to live with her family in New Jersey. The rus-ee-210 16:28 kore Ty Poa neighbors also said they he. witnessed physical abuse of Ge...sis Sims by Hanif Sims and Monique Lynch, Detectives were able to identify family members for both Hanif Sims and Monique Lynch and none of the family members had seen Gensis alive since they left New Jersey, even though they had been told contradicting stories by Hanif Sims and Monique Lynch concerning the child's whereabouts. ‘On May 28, 2010 Detective Losasso interviewed Devon Lynch, the son of Monique Lynch who had resided with the Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims the last time Genisis had been seen alive. Devon ‘was in foster care at the time of Detective Losasso’s interview. Devon said on December 10, 2008 he had been at home at 764 Century Place in Monument, Colorado to open his binhday gifts with his step sister Genesis. He said afterwards he went over to his friend Jonathan's house unt December 12, 2008. Devon said when he retumed he was told by his mother and Hanif they had ‘sent Genesis back to New Jersey to live with her biolagical mother. Detectives contacted the biological mother of Genesis Sims, Jopetia Garretson, who said she has ot seen or heard from her daughter Genesis since Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims moved to Colorado in 2008. Ms. Garretson provided buccal swabs to Investigators to compare her DNA with the DNA ofthe victim, Detective Losasso showed Devon Lynch a picture of the multi-colored burlap bag Jane Doe's body \was found inside. Devon postively identified the bag as one his mother used to put laundry in ‘On July 5, 2010 at approximately 4:00 p.m. Detective Losasso was contacted by Detective ‘Sergeant Willam Bums in regard to this investigation. Sergeant Burns advised he had been contacted by the El Paso County Sheriffs Office Public information's Officer (PIO) identified as. Ueutenant Lari Sevene. He said she informed him Reporter Tak Landrock of KROO News Channel 13 had called her and stated he had been ia contact with both Hanif Sime and Monique Lynch reference our investigation. Sergeant Bums said Mr. Landrock informed him that he had recorded his conversation with Sims and Lynch and confirmed that they had offered an ‘explanation for the death and burial of Genesis Sims. Mr. Landrock agreed to provide the Sheriff's Office a copy of the interview if a warrant or subpoena for the recording was provided, On July 5, 2010, Detective R. Losasso conducted an interview with Tak Landrock at the El Paso County Sherif's Office Law Enforcement Bureau. Mr. Landrock advised he had intially been contacted by Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims via his Facebook account through the intemet and then later by cell phone. Mr. Landrock stated Monique told him she had an explanation as to ‘what happened to their daughter Genesis Sims and would be willing to talk to detectives in reference to the case. Mr. Landrock provided a cell phone number for Monique Lynch and Hani ‘Sims, but when Detectives attempted to contact them, determined the cell phone had been turned off. Messages were left for Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims but never returned, ‘A warrant was obtained for the recording containing the conversation between Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims, which was provided by New Channel 18. After reviowing the recording, Monique Lynch made statements as to being at a friend's house and retuming to her residence at 764 Century Place #, Monument, Colorado and finding Genesis Sims in the shower ‘dead’. Monique Lynch stated that her husband attempted “CPR™ on Genesis but was unsuccessful in reviving her. Monique Lynch stated during the recording that she and Hanif had held a memorial service for the child, when they buried her in the crawlspace of the residence and said she had Bo nrc Riese, een tomatoe ato why she dd ot cal 911, Ms, Lye sad she PUS-O4-2810 16:28 w Pes 2 July 6, 2010, LabCorp, « private laboratory and the Colu.ado Bureau of Investigations confirmed that the samples tested from the victim Jane Doe in this case was the biological ‘daughter of Ms. Garretson and proving that the corpse was that of Genesis Sims, DOB 1/19/01 Investigators obtained lawful search warrants for phone records of Monique Lynch and court forde! forthe production of records in regards to Facebook accounts for Monique Lynch. This information, combined with some investigative leads, Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims were located in a motel in Henderson Nevada, ‘Authorities in Henderson Nevada were contacted and responded to the address where they took ‘Monique Lynch and Hanif Sims into custody on existing outstanding warrants. Both Monique Lynch and Hani Sims were booked into the Henderson Nevada Detention Center. On July 7, 2010 Sergeant Detective R. Jaworski and Detective R. Losasso responded to Henderson Nevada in an attempt to interview Ms. Lynch and Mr. Sims in reference to this case, ‘At approximately 11:00 p.m., Sergeant Jaworski and Detective Losasso conducted an interview cof Hanif Sims at the Henderson, Nevada detention facility. Hanif was explained hie Miranda Rights, waived those rights and agreed to speak with them. Hanif Sims told Detective Losasso that on the day of her death, Genesis Sims had soiled herself and Monique Lynch became upset and began ‘beating’ her with a bel. Hanif said he told Monique to stop she had disciplined Genesis enough. Monique then took Gonesis upstairs fo clean her up. Hanif left the residence to go the store to buy cigarettes, Hanif Sims sald when he retuned to the residence, abou a half hour later, he went upstairs and found Monique in the bathroom with Genesis. Genesis was dead in the bathtub. Hanif Sims became very emotional and his voice faded. When asked if he thought that Monique Lynch was responsible for Genesis Sime death he hung his head nodded vertically and stated "Yee" (On July 8, 2010 at approximately 1:30 a.m,, Detective Losasso conducted an interview with Ms. Lynch in reference to this case. Ms. Lynch stated she has never abused her children or even ‘spanked them. When confronted with her son Devon telling Detectives she had spanked them with a belt. Monique stated Devon was a ‘liar. Monique stated she did not contact police when ‘she found Genesis in the shower because the police were racist On July 8, 2010 at approximately 11:00 a.m,, a second interview was conducted with Hanif ‘Sims by Detective Losasso and Sergeant Jaworski, During the interview, Hanif Sims provided additional details to include, on the day Genesis died he had returned from the store and went upstairs to find that Monique Lynch was in the bathroom with Genesis who was in the bathtub Hanif Sims said Monique Lynch was ying al Genesis, fling hor to “get her ass up and quit faking, Hanif said he picked Genesis up took her to the bed and gave her mouth to mouth because she dient seem fo be breathing. Hanif said it appeared that Genesis Sims was breathing, bul According to Hanif Sims, te fold Monique to call 011, but that Monique told him no because she was wanted on a warrant for her arrest and she was pregnant with another child and could Not afford to go to jail. Hanif admitted to detectives that he believed that if medical had responded when they should have called. Genesis would be alive todav. eusor-2ne 16:29 kone Ty P08 Hanif Sims stated that he anu Monique Sims stayed in a bedroun with a shallow breathing Genesis Sims fortwo days before Monique Lynch place the victim into the muli-coloced burlap bag, then placed that bag into a black trash bag. Hanif Sims stated he carried the bag into the craw! space, where he and Monique together dug the hole that the body was buried in. Hanif Sims never provided that the victim stopped her shallow breathing prior to being placed in the bag and buried In summary, Hanif Sims is the victim's biological father. Monique Lynch was living with the vietim and was a regular care provider for the victim. Both Hanif Sims and Monique Lynch were reported for abuse of the victim or have been witnessed in abuse of victim. According to Hanif Sims, two days prior to the victim's death, the vicim was beaten by Monique Sims and ‘that action resulted in the victim lying in an unconscious state in the bathroom of the home in 1 Paso Counly Colorado. The victim was alive and breathing, albeit shallow, while both Hanif ‘Sims and Monique Lynch made the decision to refuse medical care for the child and did not call 911 or request care. After two days, according to Hanif Sims, Monique Lynch placed the Vietim in a sack and plastic bag. Mr. Sims provided that he carried the victim in the bags to a craw! space below the home located at 764 Century Place, #A, where both he and Ms. Lynch dug a “deep” hole and buried the victim together. ‘Therefore, based on the above described facts and circumstances, Your Afflant respecttully moves this Honorable Court for issuance of an arrest warrant naming Sims, Hanif DOB: 12/07/80, Black male, Height 608,Weight 185, Black hair, Brown eyes, SSN: defendant for the crimes) of: CRS 18-6-401 Child Abuse (resulting in d Felony CRS, 1973, as amended ato? fel Hee Date ant 4 Shha _& Tull 20/0 ‘Fdge Date

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