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By Molly Bolder
Theme Two: Creation of Antibodies.
• Anyone that has no prior interest or knowledge of
• Aged between 16-21.
• Choice of colours and music are more common among
young females, males may find them too feminine.

Reason for choice:

• The emotional reaction a brain has to music is seen in
both sexes not just females, this combined with elegant
visuals may allow for both to be entertained despite
any previous apprehensions.
Narrative Structure
Act One
• Introduced to the inner space and the B cells that
reside there. The antagonist, a bacteria, enters the
scene and attracts the attention of the B cell.
Act Two
• The B cell with the correct antibodies engulfs the
bacteria and attracts a helper T cell to provide a
stronger defence.
Act Three
• The T cell creates cytokines to alert other cells. More of
these antibodies are produced and the body is finally
Initial Research
Ohara Koson
Concept art
Experiments with Texture
Looking at Endoscopy
Colour References
Modelling: The B Cell
Rendered and Textured Cell
Helper T Cell
Paper Texture
Final texture and render of B and helper T
Textured and Rendered Bacteria
Helper T Cell, Bacteria & B Cell
Onwards and Upwards!
Thank you for your time!

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