An Old-Time Breakfast

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An Old-Time Breakfast

By Elton Camp
I so fondly recall far back in the day
When I could have breakfast my way
Eggs sunny-side-up with yolks so raw
And not a sign of Salmonella ever I saw
ig patties of sausage filled with sage
!hick" white gravy was all the rage
Sunday breakfast we had fried chicken
#ike the $olonel" our fingers licking
Wonderful" but greasy bacon in a pan fried
I never knew that from such fat people died
White flour biscuits so light and fine
%ot that heavy whole-wheat kind
!he toast we fi&ed was never whole wheat"
And with lots of butter it tasted really neat
%ow I eat egg whites without any cholesterol
And cook them thoroughly" bad germs to foil
Soy strip bacon looks about the same"
ut not with the taste" it's such a shame
(et" it's the right thing to do without any doubt
A lot better than having my arteries reamed out
Still" I sneak off to $racker arrel now and then
And have a breakfast like I had way back when

Be sure to sprinkle on some more cholesterol and sodium!

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