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Training Provider SETA Vendor Trainers Extras Scor Notes


Important things to look at:

 Pick up to 5 training companies based on your personal requirements, such as demographics, pricing, referrals from friends and family, training dates and times, or any other factors
important to you;
 Visit their websites for more information on their accreditations, affiliations and training offered.
 Make sure you pay a personal visit as well. Do not make a decision based on fancy premises alone though. It is the quality of training that is important, not the lunches or comfy seats.
 Verify each claim they make regarding accreditations or affiliations with any bodies. A quick internet search will help you find the relevant Vendors or Bodies to allow you to verify their
current status.
 Insist on seeing proof of Trainers’ and lecturers’ experience, qualifications and certifications. In particular, do they hold the latest version of certification they are teaching towards?
 How long has this company been in business? Can they provide you with references?
 At this stage you can add all the extras to your scorecard. This would include your personal requirements such as pricing, convenience, availability, etc.
 Now you can make an informed decision based on your research!

For more assistance, please feel free to contact CompTIA on or or call us on (011) 787-4846.

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