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Thriller Movie

In what ways does your media product use developed or
challenged forms and conventions of real media products?

Well,  a variety of conventions were used in the thriller movie

FANGZ  such as romance  where the black rose was used, shock
horror where blood dripped down from timothy Edwards, played
by Sarah khan’s face and also in and around the vase.  As well as
the thrills of mysterious music and different camera angles and the
actions of the characters this contributed to the suspense.
Well,  a variety of conventions were used in the thriller movie
FANGZ  such as romance  where the black rose was used, shock
horror where blood dripped down from timothy Edwards, played
by Sarah khan’s face and also in and around the vase.  As well as
the thrills of mysterious music and different camera angles and the
actions of the characters this contributed to the suspense.
How did you attract/address your

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What we did to attract and get the audience’s attention is to
actually find out what different types of people like to watch in a
thriller movie. Therefor we found out what people like to see in
thriller movie is by doing a questionnaire.
After looking at the questionnaires that we handed out, we found
out that the most common answer in one of our questions was to
have good plot, lots of emotions, and young actors in the film. So
we took on board these requests and used them in our final idea.
We also decided our movie would be certificate 12 as this allows
teenagers over 12 to view our film. We set the setting in a high
school class room and the emotions that were shown through the
effects, and also through the acting and style of music.
How does the media product represent
particular social groups?
Our media product represents a teenage social group
because all our characters are teenagers aged 16 and 17
Also again talking about the setting which was in a school
class room, this shows evidence relating to a teenage
social group.
What kind of media institution might distribute
your media product and why?

Working Title-UK

rs a l - U S 20th Century Fox

Unive -U S
We researched the different types of media institutions that have
successfully made thriller movies. Three media institutions that we
decided to pick were Universal, Working Title and 20th century fox.
Universal is a major film company in the US and have made many
films past and present which we took interest in, therefore we
defiantly would like Universal to distribute our media product.
The second media institution we would like to distribute our media
product is Working Title, this is because universal owns 67% of
working titles budget and therefore universal have made working
title a success.
Finally, another media institution that we would like to distribute
our media product is 20th century fox, this is because this institution
has gained a lot of publicity through one of their films called avatar
and therefore we feel our film will gain a lot of publicity.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of
constructing this product?

The filming equipment we used was a Canon LEGRIA

FS306 camera. This camera has a good quality picture, it
is small and it makes it easier to film shots steadily. Also
this camera takes in a memory card (SD card) which
helps us to transfer the raw footage to the computer.
Then we used the software Adobe premiere pro cs5 to
edit our raw footage and add other things such as
Whilst we were filming we used a Tri pod that not only
helped us have steady shots but it helped us get a range
of high and low shots too.
Looking at your preliminary task, what do you
feel you have learnt in the progression from it
to the full product?
As we had to film a preliminary task, this enabled us to gain experience with using the equipment such as the camera and tri pod and
learn how to use the equipment in a variety of effective ways which aided us with the making of our final production.
Another aspect of the preliminary task we learnt was about was lighting and how lighting can affect our film. We learnt about which
sorted of lighting would be appropriate depending on the genre of the film. In our a preliminary task, we had to film a series of
match-on-action where a character walked through a door and had a conversation with another character, this did not really need a
special type of lighting but we needed enough light to see the character facial expression.
A third aspect of the preliminary task that we learnt was about sound and how it contributed to our film. In our preliminary task we
did not include and secondary sound but we had two characters talking and it was important that the characters spoke loud and clear,
but in our final production we used music which built suspense and tension.
The types of camera angels that we used in the in the preliminary task
match-on-action but we had to follow the rule of keeping it on the 180deg line.
However when we filmed are introduction we could use whatever shots we wanted to use. So the shot we used where, closes-ups for
example on the face, extreme closes-up for example the eyes , mid shots, panning of the class room, and the use of long shots for
example the empty classrooms.
The team work between myself and Nat had grown stronger since we did the preliminary task.
The technology we used throughout both the preliminary task and our media production was the camera Canon LEGRIA FS306
camera and the Adobe premiere pro cs5 on the iMac's. We found that when we started using the technology for are preliminary task
we were just getting use to using them. However when we started the final media production I found that we could use both the
equipment and technology so much better that when we started using the camera we could use it with ease, and when we used
Adobe premiere pro cs5 on the iMac's we could not only us it for the editing we explored the different effects for are final media
To bring our evaluation to a conclusion, we encountered many experiences in the whole course overall. We
learnt a lot about films and the production of film making from using the camera and tri pod to editing our
film using editing software’s (in our case adobe premiere pro cs5 as mentioned previously).

Although we encountered a series of problems such as, the original character to play the boy character
(Timothy Edwards which should be played by Bradley Taylor) was unable to attend our filming sessions that
were available to us and so therefore we had to look for another person to fill in the role, therefore we had
to use a female (Sarah khan) to play a male character. Another problem is that because we are all studying
our a level at the moment all the cast were not available at certain times that were planned due to
educational issues which limited our filming time even though we had planned out specific dates for filming
and meetings on our production schedule.

Whilst filming we found that we wanted to change some aspects of our original storyboard because when
we created our final production we didn’t want to make it seem like an advert for a film so we changed some
of the shots and we did not included some shots such as the cat scene and scene with the boy character
saying ‘sorry’.

Finally, even though we came across some problems in this course, we believe that we have done our best
and we are proud of our final production.

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