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my love, here I was always waiting and waiting for came and approached me, I'm sad I always

when his
ngebutuhin lover figure who can comfort me. dikala I'm glad I want to feel the happiness I am with you. I
waited a long time boyfriend who went to pursue his mission. I hope you're all right there. keep
themselves well, do not ever forget me. I'm not willing to if you forget me just like that, I'm not ready to
lose you .. congratulations dear greeting to pursue the mission you my love on you ... Yani

With a trip with my boyfriend who I love as long as I live lovingly. I really really love you until
my life. I was resigned to life and my death are all just for you. I hope my love is not unrequited.
for four years, always there when you're sad, difficult and fun. recently approached the problem
by problems both of us. we try to understand each other no matter what. Any major problems we
face with patience and full fidelity. with the arrival of this letter I hope you'll never leave me .....

love you where ....................??????????

love this moment where you were, I was so sorry when I leave you, indeed I was not so serious and you
love but now I'm very sorry kehilangmu. my love, my love, my love arise after I go away.
         I love that will not forget in my life. first time we are still together, a problem for both of us
approached the problem we try to trust each other, so that we remain united in love
      I send this letter so that you know the size of my love for you ......
      life depends on you love my death I hope you come back ..?????????? I really miss you........ adi

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