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‡ Central character of the play.
‡ Most wonderful king, who ruled India for a
short span of twenty years.
‡ Girish Karnad has shown him to be a man
of opposites, the ideal and the real, the
divine aspiration and the deft intrigue.
‡ One of the critic said that karnad projected
the curious contradictions in the complex
personality of the Sultan.

‡ Tughlaq is well versed in Greek, Persian

and Arabic literature.
‡ He has read the Greeks.
‡ He was very much influenced by the
excellence and the power of uplifting in the
poetry of the Sheikh sadi of persia.
‡ He is also an expert in the game of chess.
‡ His learning of Quran(koran) is better than
that of any of any Sheikh or sayyid.
Even his critics and opponents recognize his
scholarship. Sheikh imamuddin who had
raised the standard of revolt against the
Sultan and stirred the people of Kanpur to
rebel, admits that Sultan is a µSCHOLAR OF
‡ Tughlaq¶s scholarship makes him a visionary.
‡ He longs to climb up to the tallest tree in the
‡ Like Nehru, who was also a visionary, he has
hopes of building a new future for INDIA and
is ready to explain what the people don¶t
³explain tomorrow to those who haven¶t even
opened their eyes to the light of today. ·
‡ Tughlaq has his own ideas which he wants to
translate into action.
‡ He is idealistic to his stepmother and stands
for justice, equality, honesty and courage.
‡ He wishes every act in his kingdom to be a
prayer, every prayer to be a further step in
knowledge and every step to lead the people
nearer to God.
‡ He wants every man to have prayers five
times a day and to read the koran and act
upon it.

‡ He longs for justice to work in his kingdom
without any considerations of might or
weakness, religion or creed.
‡ His ideas of justice and equality are
ahead of his times.
‡ He wants his people to be treated equally.
‡ He wishes to share their joys and to laugh
and cry and pray with them. He works
hard for the people.
‡ Tughlaq is a democrat & not a tyrannt.

‡ He allows people to criticize him openly

and not to be afraid of him.

‡ All his idealism is shattered.
‡ Justice and equality is denied by his state
officers to the people.
‡ Thieving ,looting and killing are rampant in
the state.
‡ People eat burnt strips of skin of all kinds of
‡ They are facing drought and famine stalking
‡ There are riots for foods.


‡ Tughlaq wanted to be a king, worthy to
wear the royal robes, to be loved by the
people of his state,to gain their confidence
to began trust but he got hatred, contempt
and revolt.
‡ His stepmother suspects him and even
barani doubts him.
‡ Many rulers up against him
‡ The state is in a mess.
‡ Tughlaq is also a crafty politician.
‡ He commits murder one murder after the
‡ He orders his stepmother to be dragged
to death.
‡ To do away the opposition, he lays a trap
for sheikh Immamudin for becoming his
envoy for peace and gets him murdered.
‡ Tughlaq is impulsive in nature.
‡ He always thinks that he is right and all his
actions are right too.
‡ Nobody can foretell his moods and actions
and his own fate.

‡ Tughlaq ideals were frustrated within the

short span of twenty years.

‡ He made him as a laughing element.

The play ends as he sleeps on his throne,
tired and exhausted, then wakes and looks
around dazed, frightened as if he cannot
comprehend where he is.

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