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Key Concepts in


Laguna University
Second Semester 2010-2011
Different Methods of Acquiring
1. Tenacity- accepted for a long
period of time.
2. Authority - claimed as valid by
respectable source of authority.
3. A priori- – agree with reason
and not necessarily with
experience; method of intuition.
4. Science- method of science
a. Rationalism- process of
b. Empiricism - observation of
real events
is an objective, accurate, systematic
analysis of a determining body of
empirical data, in order to discover
recurring relationships among
phenomena (Manheim, 1977).
Aims of Science
According to Manheim:
1. to describe – answers questions
like: “What are the facts?; What
is the case?; and What is out
2. to explain – answers the
question “why?”
3. to predict – make inferences
from facts or laws
Aims of Science
According to Kerlinger:
Main goal: to develop a theory
1. to explain 3. to predict
2. to understand 4. to control
Science deals with:
1. Generalizations - can be verified
through actual observation in the
real world.
2. Controlled investigation or
inquiry - to demonstrate the
relation between theory and
3. Prediction - to demonstrate conditional
relationship that consistently holds within
stated limits and that the propositions
take the “if… then” form.

4. Causality - seeks single and multiple causes.

5. Naturalism and determinism – phenomena
are aspects of nature and therefore are
ordered according to the order of nature
(naturalism); condition that phenomena
can be determined and all orders can be
accounted for (determinism).
Scientific Method
1. Identifying the problem
2. Defining the problem
3. Formulating hypothesis
4. Deductive reasoning
5. Testing the hypothesis
Some Definitions:
Phenomena – any object or event, the characteristics of which are susceptible to observation.
Theory - is a set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that present a systematic view of phenomena by
specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting the phenomena (Kerlinger, 1973).
Hypothesis – is a conjectural
statement. It is a tentative
propositions about the relation
between two or more phenomena or
variables (Kerlinger, 1973). In other
words, “if such and such occur, then so
and so result.”

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