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Last night I dreamt that I finished my breakfast, and went off for college on bicycle; the day went

excellent at college. It was 2 o’ clock and college time was off, the weather was cloudy and cool breeze
was blowing. I decided to take long route back home to enjoy the weather. On my way I stop near a
water cooler to have some sips of water, there I saw shining bright light in the sky. The light was
attractive that I wanted to see it from close. I set my cycle to that direction and reached that place
where it came down. The place was weird where no one comes, I went there and I was shocked to see a
huge silver color ship landed just like in movies. I was afraid and about to run, as I turned around two
aliens were standing, the moment I saw them I started shivering and stood still. While I was standing still
someone from back came and started pushing me I turned back it was my elder brother. In fear I hugged
my brother tightly and I heard alarm ringing and my eyes opened wide, finding myself in my room on
bed. Then I said “Oh it was a dream thank God!” .

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