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How does your media product

represent social groups (500)

By Tré Mckenzie

Jody Simpson
This shot angle and camera position is used to connote the power and
authority that is associated with her. It corresponds to the attributes of a
bully, it signifies her to the audience as the villain in the film. People
will already begin to dislike her and sympathise with Noor.

Throughout the opening sequence we can hear Jody constantly striking the
pad. This also shows power and stamina her presence is felt. The punches
are also rhythmic and consistent like a heart beat., So the punches are can be
used to represent Noor’s heart beat and they audience begins to find Jody
threatening. It makes it obvious to the Audience that Jody is a strong fighter
setting them up to be sympathetic when they see Noor.

Noor Khan
Noor Khan is the main character in the film, she is the
third and the last to be seen by the audience of the
significant characters in the film. This corresponds to the
view of Noor as the forgotten or left out child. We see her
warming up on her own unlike Jody who has a mass of
people watching her and a sparring partner the portrays
the different levels and views of each of them.

This is a key shot in the opening sequence, it signifies that

in the ring Noor and Khan are equal as their head are level.
This is subtitle but very effective and the members of the
audience who are more interested in films will pick up on

The Relationships
 The relationships are there to signify the relationships in a
typical Asian community and in society itself. Jody’s
hostility to Noor signifies white peoples hostility to Asians
at first. As Jody’s hostility to Boxing a new thing for
Asian people to be entering.
 Later on in the film you see how Noor’s father also
disapproves of Noor’s decision and we see the struggle
that’s he goes through, symbolic and our target audience
will be able to relate to the struggle and this is intended to
draw them in.

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