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What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product

The technology I’m going to use is a: Panasonic camera, tripod and iMac. All of this is suitable, the
camera and tripod are so that I can film and the tripod will keep it steady because I want to look as
professional as I can. The iMac will play a big part because I’m planning to do a split screen in my
opening and I will be using this when I start my editing. I won’t face any limitations because my
opening is going to be simple. All the props will be easy to obtain because it will be different types of
cloths and the tripod/camera will be provided by the school.

The decisions which we made were all to do with what equipment we had to use such as whether
we were going to use the tripod or not because in the scene were the camera was going to act as the
mirror, we had to ensure that it was going to stay still.

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