Final Speech

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Ladies and Gentlemen

In this very happy occasion, I can speak for you about corruption. Do you know
corruption? Of course we are know about corruption, that is a kind of crimes that harm at
large society. Ironically, Indonesia is notorious as the most corrupt state in Asia and most
people know about this, but just few that care to stop the corruption . It prove that only a very
small number of corruptors have been exposed and punished. The question is, why it is so
difficult to prosecute corruption cases in Indonesia? Many people believe the roots of
corruption are difficult to expose because the legislation is unclear. Other say the majority of
out our legal enforces are not really committed to fighting corruption.
We realized that corruption is an extraordinary crime, extraordinary measures must be
taken to determine the future of the agenda for corruption eradication.
o Firstly, major corruption cases must be handled properly and seriously, as
experience has shown that the corruption cases still are not dealt with successfully.
o Secondly, government officials involved in corruption cases must be discharged
from their positions.
o Thirdly, when a court of law finds a government official guilty of corruption, it
must be put in prison immediately after the verdict is passed by the district court.
In conclusion. However effort to speed up the corruption eradication cannot be left
completely to the executive. We also need to know the commitment of all of goverment
component and all of Indonesian people in eradicating the corruption. The future of
corruption eradication efforts should be much better than in the past. Now is the right time to
Indonesia. So let us keep in ourselves to “Never Stop Fighting Against Corruption for Better
Live in Future”.
Ok, thank’s for the attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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