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Name: _________________


Student Number:

Dissertation Supervisor: __________________________________

Signature of Supervisor: __________________________________


Please fill in your student number above before handing in your work

All material in this assignment must be the result of your own investigation and all
references used in preparation of the text must be cited.
The work must not have been submitted previously, either as part of any other
assessed module or for any other degree or diploma.

SS29220: Research in Sport and Exercise Science 2 - Proposal

Relevant learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of approaches to research in sport and exercise science
2. Critically analyze existing literature from a methodological viewpoint
4. Demonstrate knowledge of research design.

Overall Comments:

Marker’s Name: Signature: Date:

Does the title reflect your research question?

Introduction and review of literature:

Does the introduction set the scene?
Are the study delimitations rationally identified?
Is the literature review sufficiently detailed?
Does it logically progress to the research question and a statement of hypothesis/ese?

Are the proposed subjects, equipment, and/or materials of the study adequately described?
Could another person undertake the study?
Are the data analyses appropriate for the study design?

Is there evidence of having attended the dissertation conference and engaged in reflective practice regarding
your dissertation next year?

Are these presented using the correct style in the text and in a reference list at the end of the text?
Are the references appropriate (i.e., drawn from the primary research literature rather than books and

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