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The Kite Runner – Character Profile

Your job is to present a character as they would behave, speak, and respond in a talk show format. Each
group will present their “talk show” after they have had time to gather their thoughts. You may write extra
questions if you would like.

1. How is life these days?

2. How would you describe any tension in the house?
3. If you could ask any question in the presence of one of the other characters, what would it be? That
character will need to answer.
4. (From Hassan to Amir): “I know you saw what happened to me. Can you look me in the eye and tell
me why you ran away, Amir Agha?”

ROLES: Talk Show Host, Hassan, Amir, Baba (you can add another character if you see a reason to do so.)

The Kite Runner – Character Profile

Your job is to present a character as they would behave, speak, and respond in a talk show format. Each
group will present their “talk show” after they have had time to gather their thoughts. You may write extra
questions if you would like.

1. How is life these days?

2. How would you describe any tension in the house?
3. If you could ask any question in the presence of one of the other characters, what would it be? That
character will need to answer.
4. (From Hassan to Amir): “I know you saw what happened to me. Can you look me in the eye and tell
me why you ran away, Amir Agha?”

ROLES: Talk Show Host, Hassan, Amir, Baba (you can add another character if you see a reason to do so.)

The Kite Runner – Character Profile

Your job is to present a character as they would behave, speak, and respond in a talk show format. Each
group will present their “talk show” after they have had time to gather their thoughts. You may write extra
questions if you would like.

1. How is life these days?

2. How would you describe any tension in the house?
3. If you could ask any question in the presence of one of the other characters, what would it be? That
character will need to answer.
4. (From Hassan to Amir): “I know you saw what happened to me. Can you look me in the eye and tell
me why you ran away, Amir Agha?”

ROLES: Talk Show Host, Hassan, Amir, Baba (you can add another character if you see a reason to do so.)

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