Open Erp V6.0 Client: Creating Your Company

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Creating your Company

Starting screen
Adding Users
Administrator-> Users->User->New

Adding user Responsibilities

Administrator-> Users->User->New->Add button
List of Users

Adding Customers
Sales->Address Book->Customers-> Add
Adding Suppliers
Accounting->Suppliers->Suppliers -> Add

Adding a new Product

Sales-> Products->Product->New
Bill of Material
Manufacturing -> MasterData ->Bill of Materials->New

Manufacturing Order
Manufacturing-> Manufacturing-> Manufacturing Orders->New
Click on “Confirm Production” and then on “ForceReservation” and then on
“Start Production” to go in phase of Production and then on “Produce” to
acknowledge Production

Sales Order
Sales -> Sales -> Sales Order

Click on Confirm Order and then click on Create Final Invoice to get Customer
Invoice as below
Click on “Validate” and “Payment”

Pay Invoice
Deliver Products
Warehouse->Product Moves->Deliver Products
HR Job Positions
Human Resources->Recruitment->Job Positions

Click on “In Recruitment”…..After Recruitment select “In Position”

Applicants Recruitments
Human Resources->Recruitment->Applicants

After Selecting “In Progress”, select “HIred”, ”Refused” or “Pending”.

Sales Analysis
Sales -> Reporting -> Sales Analysis

Inventory Analysis
Warehouse -> Reporting -> Inventory Analysis
Production Analysis
Manufacturing -> Reporting -> Production Analysis

New Bank Statements

Accounting -> Bank and Cash -> Bank Statements -> New
Opportunity Details (Sales Team)

Phone Calls
Sales -> Phone Calles -> Inbound and Outbound -> New

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