CHAPTER 14: The Nation Divided The Antebellum ( - ) Period Outline

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CHAPTER 14: The Nation Divided

The Antebellum (_________________________) Period Outline

Name: __________________________________ Hour: ________ Score: _______

Main Topic: NORTH & SOUTH DISAGREE ABOUT ___________________________
Because of Slavery:
• _______________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________
• _______________________________________________________________
Slavery and the Mexican-American War
• United States in 1848:
• ______ Slave States
• ______ Free States
• The Mexican-American war threatened to throw off the balance.
• What to do about new land from Texas?
• Missouri Compromise did not cover this issue.
The Wilmot Proviso
• Proposed by ______________________ (1846)
• Pennsylvania Congressman
• Proposed Law:
• It never passed.
• Southerners believed this was a direct attack on their way of life.
• Very controversial!
An Antislavery Party
• Wilmot Proviso debate led to a new political party.
• _______________________
• GOAL:____________________________________________________________
• They chose ______________________________ to run for President.
• Lost Badly
• Made up of _____________________________________________________.
Election of 1848
• Democrats wanted ___________________________________.
• Popular Sovereignty: _______________________________________________
• Presidential Nominees:
• Free Soil: Martin Van Buren
• ____________________________________________
• Democrats: Lewis Cass
The California Debate:

_________________________→ _______________________ → ____________________

• ___________________________________________ __________________________.
• Missouri Compromise would split the state in half.
• Southern leaders _______________________________________________________.
The California Debate: OPINIONS
• __________________________________________________
• __________________________________________________

• __________________________________________________
• __________________________________________________
• ___________________________ Proposal
• For the North:
– ___________________________________________________________ _.
– ____________________________________________________________.
• For the South:
– Popular Sovereignty ____________________________________________.
– ______________________________________________________
• ________________________________________________________ .
• Northerners must assist Southerners
• ________________________________________________________.
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854
• Stephen Douglas tries to compromise between North & South
• Formed 2 New Territories:
– _________________
– _________________
• Southerners objected:
– _____________________________________(Because of Missouri Compromise)
– _________________________________________________________________
– (_________________________________________________)
• Passed by both houses, signed into law.

Comparison of the Wilmot Proviso, Compromise of 1850 & Kansas-Nebraska Act

What can we conclude about all of these compromises?

Rush to Kansas (1854)

• ________________________________________________________________. Why?
• _________________________________________________________________:
– Kansas=3000 voters
– Actual votes cast=8000
• 39 legislators elected, 36 supported slavery
• _____________________________________________________.
• _____________________________________________________.
Bleeding Kansas
• _______________________________________.
• Pro-Slavery Sherriff shot and returns with 800 men
• _____________________________________ (___________________________) :
– Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas: Murdered 5 pro-slavery men and boys
• Violence in Senate
– ________________________________________________ & Senator Butler
– Butler’s nephew, Preston Brooks beat Sumner with a cane in the Senate
End of the Whigs & Rise of the Republicans
• Whig Party Split:
– Whig: ________________________
• Weakened by the deaths of Henry Clay & Webster
– Republican Party: ________________________________
• Goal: ______________________________________________________
• Attracted: Northern Democrats & Free-Soil Republicans
• Becomes powerful force: 105 of 245 candidates in House

Uncle Tom’s Cabin
• By: ________________________________________
• She wanted to write: “something that will make the whole nation feel what an
accursed thing slavery is.”
• A novel about Uncle Tom, a kind man who is enslaved and abused by his cruel
master, Simon Legree.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin: The Reaction
• Bestseller in the North
• Shocked people and ______________________________________________
• Outraged by the book.
• Claimed that the book was __________________________
– Propaganda: _____________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________.
The Dred Scott Decision
• ______________________________________ owned by a US Army doctor
• Lived in IL and WI Territory
(Free Land)
• Moved to Missouri
• _______________________________________________________________.
• The case went all the way __________________________________________.

The Dred Scott Decision
• Court decided that he is ______________________________.
• 2 Reasons
• He had ________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________________________________
• Chief Justice Roger B. Taney said: ___________________________________
The Dred Scott Decision
• ____________________________ because slavery was now legal in all territories
• Northerners were stunned by the decision because slavery could spread to the
• One northerner who spoke out was Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln vs. Douglas
• “The Little Giant”
• Democrat
• ______________________________________________
• ______________________________________________

• Tall, awkward and thin
• Republican
• ___________________________________________
Douglas the “Little Rock Star”: Why does he have this title?


The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
• ___________________________________________________________________
• ______________________________________ and gives a stirring speech in favor of
the Union known as “_____________________________________________.”
• _____________________________________________________________, but most
Southerners thought that he would.
• ________________________________________. Lincoln thought slavery was morally
wrong and Douglas tolerated slavery as a right of whites to choose their lifestyle.
House Divided Speech
Question for you to answer: What is the house divided speech discussing?
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
• ____________________________________________________________________
• Douglas supported ____________________________________________________
• Lincoln was against _______________________________________because he
believed slavery would die out on its own eventually.
• ____________________________________________ , but in two years they would
battle again for the Presidency
John Brown’s Raid (1859)
• John Brown went from Kansas back to New England
• ___________________________________________________________________.
• He and his followers _____________________________________________________
• Federal troops overtook him though and killed ten of his followers.

• Brown was found ______________________________________________________
• North ___________________
• South ___________________
Comparison of John Brown Pictures:


Northern Depiction Southern Depiction

Why do you think the depictions so different?

Election of 1860
• Democratic Party (Divided):
– Northern Democrats: ______________________________
• Ideas on Slavery : ________________________________
– Southern Democrats : ______________________________
• Ideas on Slavery _________________________________________
• Constitutional Union Party
– _______________________
• Ideas on Slavery: _________________________________________
• Newly Formed Republican Party
– _______________________________, an Illinois lawyer
• Ideas on Slavery: _________________________________________
• Southern states:
– Did not even allow Lincoln’s name to appear on their ballots
– __________________________________________ (______________) the
United States if Lincoln became president
• November 1860 – ________________________________ wins the election
Lincoln’s Election
Abraham Lincoln ____________________________________________________

Lincoln’s Inaugural Address
Question for you: What do these words tell you about Lincoln’s intentions with the South?
Southern Secession!
• ____________________________________________________________________
• Why? Southerners Believed:
– That they would no longer have a voice in government.
– A president with no Southern votes should not be allowed in office
– The Republican Party would ruin the southern way of life.
• Secessionists argued that:
Confederate States of America
• After South Carolina _________________________________________________
• February 1861:
– These states formed the Confederate States of America
– Elected __________________________________ their president
List the Confederate States on the Map:

Northern Perspectives After Secession
When President Lincoln takes office in 1861 many northerners are divided over how the
union should respond:
 Should they appease southern wishes?
 Should the let the southern states succeed?
 Should they attempt to force the Confederacy to return?
Lincoln’s Perspective After Secession
• President Lincoln:
– Believes that ___________________________________________________.
– ______________________________________________________________.
– Ignores the role that slavery played in starting the war.
– _______________________________________________________________.
– Believes his job is_____________________________ not solve the slavery issue.
The First Shots: Fort Sumter
• After seceding _________________________________________________________.
• ______________________________________________________________________
– March 1861: Unions were still stationed in many Southern ports
– Confederate guns were trained on the fort which was in need of supplies;
President Lincoln decided to send the necessary supplies to the fort, but no
– ______________________: Confederates _______________________________

and the fort surrendered the next day


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