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E ? ?

• A guy met her in a party …
• she was outstanding, he was just
• @ the end f party he invited her 2 hav
• Whn in coffee shop , he was too nervs 2
talk 2 her !
• He sudnly askd waiter 2 put sum salt in his
cofee..she askd him Y ??

• He said he was born near d sea n enjyd d

salty taste 4m Childhood.

• He missd his parents,still livng der n d

sea…..N tears came out of his eyes

Thus der
• Soon they fell in LOVE n Got MARRIED

• They lived Happily

• After 40 years He died Leaving a letter 2 her

Saying ……..
• He hated d salty coffee n out f nervousness told salt 4 sugar,
n drank it his whole life bcz havin her was d biggest
happiness dan anythng ……………

• Tears welled up in her eyes…

• One day sum one askd how does salty coffee taste ..she

• Love is not 2 frgt but 2 frgiv

• Lov is not to c but 2 understand

• Lov is not 2 hear but to listen

• Lov is let 2 go but to HOLD……………

Praveen kumar

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