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The Official Student Newspaper at the Lebanese American Universty

Year XIII, Vol. II, No. II Friday, April 1, 2011

I L**e My Teacher Crowded Campus

By Sahar Moukaddem By Diaa Aljurdy
LAU Tribune staff LAU Tribune staff

“Look, I don’t have space to dents, many of which ma-

Photo by: Yasmine Dabbous

put my books,” Mona Knio, jor in Business. Accounting
an associate professor of dra- II is one of the most difficult
ma and the chairperson of courses at the department
LAU’s communication arts yet the number of students
department, said with a gen- exceeds the limits. Already
tle smile. comprising 40 students, the
Knio’s small office is full of total is raised to 44 due to by-
books. Some are on shelves force add-ins.
and some on the floor in box- “The number of students is
es along with papers and large and it’s sometimes dif-
files. One can barely walk in. ficult to deliver the lectures,
Behind her office is a window especially during problem-
that makes the room livelier. solving sessions,” Rima El
LAU is 24,525 square me- Hakim, an accounting in-
Once upon a time, a girl had because 70 percent of the go anywhere beyond this,” ters with eight main build- structor, said. “Students ask
a consuming crush on a guy. Lebanese population has a Mohsen explained. “It is ings. The number is impres- a lot of questions and, since
He had green eyes, a bril- crush on him.” light unrestricted and very sive, but it is not big enough time is limited, we can’t al-
liant smile and a striking Stories of student-teacher innocent.” for LAU’s instructors, stu- ways answer them all.”
voice. He taught her things relationships, considered by Mohsen sees students’ crush dents, staff members and Dabbous faced a similar
related to existence, knowl- many as inappropriate, cer- on teachers as something administration. Space at problem. She teaches Media
edge, values and mind. But tainly raise some eyebrows. productive and positive. “It the LAU Beirut campus is a and Society, a discussion-
this was fitting. He was, af- But most of the time, a crush makes everybody happy and problem that bothers every- based class, but the number
ter all, her philosophy teach- on a teacher is innocent and it makes you want to go to one, including instructors in of students is 40 and class-
er. unrequited. class,” he said. Mohsen add- offices and class rooms. rooms are small. “This can
Nellie A., a political science Nellie believes that her like- ed that it would not bother “We need space, all teach- transform the class into a
student at LAU, does not see ness to her teacher has not him to know that students ers need space,” Knio said. lecture-based session,” Dab-
her philosophy instructor reached the stage of obses- like him. He would feel re- “There is no place for people bous said. Three sections of
just as a university professor sion. She just sees him as warded but understand the to come and participate in the class were opened to ac-
but as the “perfect full-pack- someone who attracts her responsibility that comes theater activities.” commodate the student flow.
aged man.” intellectually and physical- with such situation. “I have There are around 302 facul- Students also complain from
“He is smart and hand- ly. “I really wish I get the to make sure that I keep the ty and staff members, spread lack of space in the cafeteria,
some at the same time,” she chance to sit and talk to him image of instructor, father across a small number of of- classrooms and the gates ar-
said with winking eyes. The for hours about philosophy, and friend combined,” he ex- fices. In the Fine Arts build- eas. “I don’t like small spaces
whole story began when Nel- history and other issues,” plained. ing, an office next to Knio’s because we as students can’t
lie heard his name from ran- she explained. “But he is a According to an online dic- (no. 103) houses seven in- concentrate in the class and
dom people on campus. Cu- busy person he won’t have tionary, a crush is a “pain- structors with varying office we always get distracted by
riosity led her to search him time for me.” ful experience.” But Dr. Nor- hours. Nicol and Irwin Hall any whisper or movement,”
on Google, and she found out Students like teachers be- ma Moussally, the student faculty members also share Tamara Farhat, a 19-year-
that he is a music composer cause of their personalities counselor at LAU, said that few offices. old political science student,
as well –a detail that made and the authority they have, having feelings for one’s “The problem is obvious and said.
her like him more and more. rather than their looks, Nad- teacher may have positive is reflecting on us as instruc- Farhat added that instruc-
“I listen to his songs when I im Mohsen, a cultural stud- effects. It helps students tors and on students,” Yas- tors are sometimes unable to
wake up and before I sleep,” ies instructor at LAU, said. build their identity and dis- mine Dabbous, an assistant properly explain the materi-
Nellie said while the sound He believes that students’ cover what their interests professor of journalism and al. “I go to class earlier so I
of her teacher’s song played crush on teachers is normal in life are. “Students will be media studies, said. “Many could find a place in the front
out of her laptop. and understandable. more outspoken and interac- classrooms have an exces- and a chair near my instruc-
“I think he can tell I have a “It is a natural situation, we tive in class,” she said. “They sive number of students and tors,” Farhat said.
crush on him because my all get attached, impressed all want to impress their some offices have more than George Sadaka, an instruc-
face lights up when I see or we have a crush on some- teacher.” three instructors.” tor of English and cultural
him,” she laughed. “But any- body at some point in our The LAU Beirut campus
way, he wouldn’t care for me lives and the crush doesn’t Continued on page 9 accommodates 5,427 stu- Continued on page 9
2 Tribune April 1, 2011

Jordanian Cultural Club Cervical Cancer Preventable
By Noor Monajjed By Diana Bachoura
LAU Tribune staff LAU Tribune staff

Bashar Al Sheikh Ali, an she said, smiling. Cervical cancer, the second contamination. their wives for adultery is
LAU freshman at LAU, was The meeting began at most common type of cancer Non-sexual exposure in- another factor to take into
voted president of the Jor- 6:30 p.m.. All chairs in the among women, is prevent- cludes mother to newborn in consideration, he added.
danian Cultural Club dur- lounge were filled and the able by vaccination, Dr. Wis- cases where birth is natural. Doctors recommend the vac-
ing a meeting at the facul- environment was calm. sam Ghandour, gynecology Most people who are infect- cine be given to females be-
ty lounge in Irwin Hall last With a Jordanian and Leba- and basic health instructor ed with the virus are carri- tween the ages of 10 and 55.
March. nese flag in the background, at LAU, said during a lec- ers and show no symptoms. “Parents ask me all the time;
“Mabrouk istilam el-ho- Ali stood up to introduce the ture last March. “This is more fearful,” Ghan- ‘why would I get my 12 year
kom,” a young man in the club to its new members. Organized by the depart- dour said. “A person who old daughter vaccinated so
back yelled. The atmo- “Our most important focus ment of natural science as shows no signs of the virus is young? It’s not like she will
sphere was friendly and now is heritage day coming part of the “Healthy Mind, still infectious and may de- have sex at 12,’” Ghandour
loud, with people catching up in April. We must have Healthy Body” campaign, velop symptoms sooner or said. “The answer is because
up and joking around. costumes. Music. A projec- the lecture aimed to raise later.” at such a young age, the
“The club was established tor and, of course, mansaf,” awareness about factors If exposed to HPV only once, body has a better immune
in 2002 and every fall we he said, prompting an up- that lead to cervical cancer there is a high chance that a response to the vaccine.”
have an election where we roar in the audience. and to inform people about person can heal alone. “Re- The cervical cancer vaccine
elect the club’s committee,” The president discussed the benefits of taking the peated exposure over the can also be given to young
Ali explained. The commit- possible events this spring. vaccine. years may lead to what we men to decrease the chances
tee consists of a president, Among the suggestions Human Papilloma Virus or call cervical cancer in wom- they have of passing on HPV
vice president, secretary were a mini football com- HPV, also known as geni- en,” Ghandour explained. to their female partners.
and treasurer. petition against other clubs tal warts, is the sole cause of In a lifetime, over 50 percent Dr. Mirvat El Sibai, assis-
“Anyone can join the club; and an LAU vs. AUB paint- cervical cancer. of men and women will be ex- tant professor of biology at
not just Jordanians,” Ali ball competition. There are over 100 subtypes posed to HPV. LAU, supports the idea that
continued. “We have Leb- Ali also invited the club’s of HPV virus. “It’s not one The peak incidence of con- prevention is better than a
anese, American, Spanish members to propose other simple virus, it’s a family of tracting HPV is between cure.
people and lots more.” options. viruses that have similar- ages 15 to 24 while the peak We really should start
At 6 p.m., people start- “You’re a part of this club ities and differences in be- incidence of contracting cer- thinking about prevention
ed pouring into the lounge. too. Camping? Hiking? Any tween each other and that vical cancer is between ages of certain cancers as Dr.
Groups of close friends came thoughts or opinions at all are referred to as the HPV 35 to 55. Ghandour discussed “it’s
in and greeted the presi- just let us know,” he told his group,” Ghandour said. “Imagine a young lady mar- the silver bullet, ” Sibai
dent, talked with each oth- audience. Out of the various HPV sub- ried with two kids developing said.
er and chattered away with Ali also revealed that a trip types, 15 to 20 are oncogen- cervical cancer and dying at “The government is not in
laughter filling the room. to Jordan would be orga- ic –meaning they lead to cer- such a young age,” Ghandour contact with what’s hap-
Ola Khalifeh, the club’s new nized during the Easter va- vical cancer. HPV 16 and 18 said. pening; it’s not in tact
vice president, explained cation and invited people to are also associated with cer- Because HPV is a sexual- with our needs and this
that club members are sign up. vical cancer. ly transmitted disease, the is where I think univer-
quite close and the atmo- “We are honored for While other HPV subtypes cervical cancer vaccine is sities have a very im-
sphere is generally relaxed having you all and hope are not cancerous, they lead considered controversial in portant role” said Sibai.
and friendly. “I have been in you enjoy being in our to genital warts. Lebanon. “People refuse to “Our role is to educate,
the club for two years now. I club and thank you all The virus is spread through acknowledge the existence of we have to educate our
started off as secretary last once more for coming to all forms of sexual contact. premarital sex,” Ghandour community and society.
year and this year got pro- the reception,” Ali con- Using a condom may be not said. We start by educating our
moted to vice president,” cluded. be sufficient to prevent viral Husbands may also infect students,” Sibai concluded.

Essentials for the New Generation

By Lyn Abu-Seraj
LAU Tribune contributor

According to the Oxford Eng- tor of books for universities, variety of books in different has flourished over the last
Photo by: Lyn Abu-Seraj

lish Dictionary, the longest schools, bookstores, librar- categories such as dictionar- 22 years. Just recently, Le-
word in the English language ies, and other educational in- ies, mathematics, English, vant gave buyers the liber-
is pneumonoultramicroscop- stitutions. science, stories, literature, ty to purchase books online.
icsilicovolcanoconiosis. It re- “This is just a small exhibi- playbooks, and language. “We advertise these books
fers to a lung disease caused tion that we do every year,” “Our school could really ben- to schools, universities, and
by inhaling very fine ash and Siham Abboud, a represen- efit from the new studies and students themselves,” Fawaz
sand dust. tative at Levant explained. researches, it’s an experience said. “Just last week, we did
LAU and the Levant Insti- Students and faculty mem- I would like to be part of,” Ha- the same exhibition at Riv-
tute hosted an event at Ir- bers at LAU’s Beirut campus nadi, a graduate from Mary iera hotel and we had more
win Hall last week to in- participated in this event. Immaculate College (MIC) than 200 visitors.”
troduce helpful books with Publishers and professors and currently a professor in Levant built its reputation
useful theories and current from around the world at- new books in educating new English and science, said. based on trust, quality and
research to new students and tended the event to speak generations. Another representative at respect. It was created to im-
teachers. Levant is known about the importance of On the shelves of the exhibi- Levant, Said Fawaz, ex- port press to Lebanon from
to be the leading distribu- learning and the role of such tion, one could find the vast plained how the institute abroad.
April 1, 2011 Tribune 3

Religious Co-existence MCF: The May Chidiac Foundation
Is Beneficial for Media Studies
By Zahi Sahli By Diaa Aljurdy
LAU Tribune contributor LAU Tribune staff

anon,” she affirmed. “I under- Famous Lebanese journal- er Abbas Nasser from Al-
Photo By: Zahi Sahli

Photo via Creative Commons

stood that it is a great deal to ist May Chidiac introduced Jazeera will teach this course
have a church and a mosque the May Chidiac Foundation and this would be a good op-
side-by-side.” (MCF) to enthusiastic jour- portunity both for us and
Meanwhile, Al-Fayha gave nalism and radio/TV/film also for the trainees,” Chidi-
the audience an idea of songs majors during a lecture at ac said.
they will present at the next LAU on Tuesday March 22 at Another course teaches film-
Arabs Got Talent. Beirut campus. making students to shoot the
Raphaël thinks that the inte- “The media became a tool for right footage and how to do
Journalist Nada Raphaël’s gration of the eighteen sects many, but it is a science after so accurately with minimal
documentary, “Hyphen Is- sets the ground for future ac- all,” Chidiac said. She add- room for error, if any. Other
lam Christianity,” and an in- complishments. She urged ed that there is a difference courses for film editing, pro-
spiring performance by Al Christians and Muslims to between writing and editing duction and investigative
Fayha choir generated a joint search for shared features. for literature and doing so for some light on the training journalism are also available
call for co-existence on March “When we talk about Islam news. program and the well-re- in the training program.
17 at LAU’s Beirut campus. and Christianity, we some- News writing requires the nowned instructors who will Chidiac then also mentioned
Raphael, introduced to the times think about the differ- writer to stick to the facts teach the courses. Among the courses related to the radio,
stage by Vice-President Elise ences and the (civil) war. We whereas, in literature, a classes offered is a TV ap- journalism and broadcast
Salem, bemoaned the pri- should rather think of the writer does not have to be pearance course that focus- technology and industries.
oritization of politics and similarities,” Raphaël said. faithful to reality in any way es on how to present news. New media has its space in
religion in Lebanon, em- Raphaël explained the signif- whatsoever. It revolves around the im- MCF and courses related to
phasizing the role of the of- icance of propagating a uni- Chidiac’s lecture was main- provement of looks, pronun- this field will be taught by
ten-forgotten citizen in the fied proper image of Leba- ly about her MCF institute ciation and breathing. “Some Ayman Itani, a digital media
country. non, with the Lebanese Al which helps aspiring stu- people are just born talented instructor at LAU.
“I am not scared of tackling Fayha chorus, led by conduc- dents become active in the in dealing with the camera, Chidiac concluded the lec-
an issue that involves politics tor Barkev Taslakian, at the media field in a mere 20 however they along with ev- ture with the fact that me-
and religion because there core of her documentary’s hours. “MCF is a nonprofit ery other journalist should dia in Lebanon has become a
is something more impor- success. organization, and it bridges learn verbal performances, tool in the politicians’ hands
tant, and that’s humanity,” Raphael explained that she the gap between academia gestures and other principals and thus, journalistically,
Raphaël said. was warned of aggression and industry,” Chidiac said. of TV journalism regardless,” is disappointing. She hoped
Raphaël then pointed out co- from interviewees but was Chidiac added that MCF Chidiac said. that her institute would help
existence is almost an exclu- pleasantly surprised. “Out helps new graduates en- Another course is about mas- counter this trend.
sive phenomenon of Lebanon of all the people of the 1,270 hance their market and tering the techniques of news “Every politician has his own
at a time where prejudice is villages we talked to, no one helps professionals improve delivery. It includes many TV channel to spread the
growing around the world. said ‘no’ and there was no ag- their skills through capacity different aspects but concen- news as he wants,” she said.
“Abroad, people are amazed gression,” the Lebanese jour- building. trates on reporting live news. “I honestly hope this will
with the co-existence in Leb- nalist said. Chidiac additionally shed “The well-known report- change some day.”

LAU’s Got Talent 6000 Nurses for Four MillionPeople

By Lama Al-Haqhaq Tala Osseiran
LAU Tribune staff LAU Tribune staff

Auditions for LAU’s Got Tal- clude both students as well “It’s predicted the nursing ence for nursing by improv- During the session, Doumit
ent took place on the Wednes- as faculty members, two of profession may disappear by ing its status in Lebanon.” explained that the objective
day the16th, Thursday the whom are going to be LAU 2020,” Rita Doumit, a nurs- The school of nursing at LAU is to market nursing as a ca-
17th and Friday the 18th of theatre coordinator Hala ing faculty member, said includes a curriculum which reer. “We’re trying to change
March in Nicol 221, LAU’s pi- Masri and music instructor during Nursing Day at LAU. is the first of its kind in the the concept of nursing,” she
ano room. The auditions in- Rima Kcheich. Celebrating the event, the Al- Middle East. It gives stu- said. She also noted that, in
cluded a wide range of tal- The event is set to take place ice Ramez Chagoury School dents the opportunity to Lebanon, we only have 6,000
ents, and also included the on Beirut campus on Friday of Nursing invited high study with medical and phar- nurses when this should be
traditional talents such as April 29. The prize to be pre- school students from around macy students. The school quadrupled to fit the coun-
singing and dancing. sented to the winner is yet to the country to learn about offers incomers a special fi- try’s needs.
“There was a priority on the be decided. the school’s undergraduate nancial aid package, with re- “The unemployment rate in
singing,” Zeina Shehayeb, a LAU’s Got Talent is the first program.“Our purpose is to duced tuition fees, a high fi- Lebanon is 40 percent and
journalism student with the event of its kind at the uni- teach about the role and re- nancial aid rate and the 25 percent are young peo-
communication arts depart- versity and is organized by sponsibilities of nursing in chance to practice nursing at ple under the age of twenty
ment at LAU and one of the a group of students from the today’s society,” Dr. Nan- the Rizk Hospital after grad- five,” Doumit added. “Why
event organizers, said. Introduction to Public Re- cy Hoffart, founding dean of uation. don’t these unemployed peo-
Some of the judges at the lations course taught by Dr. LAU’s Nursing School, said. “Our goal is to recruit,” Hof- ple head for the nursing pro-
LAU’s Got Talent event in- Ramez Maaluf. “We want to make a differ- fart said. fession?”
4 Tribune April 1, 2011

Culture Shock
By Ranim Hadid
LAU Tribune contrtibutor

When Dana Joulani, a Jor- American hometown.

Photo by: Ranim Hadid

danian who lived in Alberta, Most students, however, find
got her LAU acceptance let- it easy to adapt to Beirut’s
ter, she was a bit hesitant. “I wild life –and more impor-
then realized that it’s not as tantly its infamous nightlife.
dangerous as the news makes Razan Zananiri, a Palestin-
things seem,” she said. She ian finishing her freshman
has been in Beirut, happi- year, describes Lebanon as
ly studying at LAU, for a few “unbelievable.”
years now. “There’s always something
Culture shock is a common to do and somewhere to go, if
feeling among immigrants, there isn’t a plan, the easiest
including international stu- thing to do in Beirut is make
dents. one!” she said.
With Lebanon’s increasing Students from the gulf, usu- “The shock comes from uncer- new habits. “As long as you Jordanian living in Qatar,
instability during the last few ally raised with more restric- tainty,” Nasser said. “Step- are willing to try, you adapt expresses her opinion on cul-
years, the problem acquires tions imposed by their native ping into a new culture that better,” Nasser explained. ture shock. “Moving to Leba-
an additional dimension. culture, find alcohol, clubs, is different, the structure of Nasser advised students non after living in Qatar my
A Lebanese-American jour- pubs and similar distrac- formulas changes and ev- on how to deal with culture entire life, I could really see
nalism student who asked to tions readily available. “All erything becomes unpredict- shock. “The best way is to the differences between their
remain anonymous said that I did my freshman year was able.” have two side-by-side pro- culture and ours,” Soufan
she highly disliked the coun- club,” Lara Jomaa, an interi- “Everything new creates this cesses; enculturation and ac- said.
try. “I don’t like the corrup- or design junior, said. “It was idea of the unknown, which culturation,” he said. “Encul- Fortunately Soufan did not
tion. I don’t like the insta- the only thing I did when I you fear. Your way of think- turation is the enjoyment of suffer from culture shock for
bility. I don’t know why my came and all my friends were ing, your references change,” your original culture and ac- a long time. Instead, she be-
parents sent me here,” she doing it too. So it just made it Nasser added. culturation is the enjoyment came more faithful to her cul-
complained. The young wom- all the more fun.” But this change is not en- of your new culture. They ture. “We must learn to over-
an said she tries to travel to Khaled Nasser, PhD in in- tirely negative and the anxi- should occur at the same time come culture shock in order
Dubai as often as she could terpersonal communication, ety soon fades away, allowing to reduce culture shock.” to be more accepting toward
because it feels more like her discusses cultural shock. people to experiment and try Iman Soufan, an American others,” Soufan said.

The Truth about Muscles

By Tala El Riz
LAU Tribune staff

A month ago, the young LAU shops such as GNC, proteins was obvious from the huge kidney and digestive prob- are illegal in most sports or-
student looked like Tintin, and steroids may lead to se- shape of his biceps. “I’ve lems. “Too much protein can ganizations. In January
the famous skinny detective, rious illnesses, especially been taking proteins over make you gain weight,” Alai- 2005, the Controlled Sub-
but today, he’s Johnny Bra- when taken in abusive quan- two years now; I had a lot of wan said. The average adult stance Act made the posses-
vo’s twin brother. tities. health problems. It hurt my requires between 46 and 56 sion of anabolic steroids a
Sitting on the bench in front Protein shakes replace liver and had a lot of acne,” grams of proteins per day. federal crime in the United
of him, a young woman ad- one’s regular intake of pro- he said. “But all this was Dr. Walid Alayli, a general States. Still, some athletes
mired his biceps and the tein in foods but in excessive solved later. If it weren’t for health doctor, agreed with continue to use them and so
enormous, confident laugh amounts. Among the most these shakes I wouldn’t look Alaiwan. “As long the guy is do several LAU students on
on his face. “What’s the rea- popular supplements is Hy- like this.” He smiled proudly. aware of the amount of pro- the Beirut campus.
son for this change?” she per Mass 5000. Equivalent Coach Omar Alaiwan ex- teins he is taking, there’s no The appeal of steroids comes
wondered. to one burger meal, it comes plained there was no harm in problem,” he said. “But never from the fact that they beef
Behind the young man’s in various flavors. Caramel taking small amounts of pro- use steroids. They are fatal up muscles, increase virility,
phenomenal shape-up were Cappuccino is widely used on tein but cautioned against and can lead to a lot of body delay fatigue and often cre-
harmful yet popular fat-sol- campus. the abuse of such supple- damage.” ate a feeling of euphoria.
uble organic compounds; ste- Coming in 5000-gram con- ments. Two types of steroids exist. Basketball player Al-Hassan
roids. tainers, Hyper Mass 5000 is “The healthy way out is to Corticosteroids, such as cor- Dandash, a business man-
Protein and steroid shakes found in gyms and pharma- follow a diet that maintains tisone, are often prescribed agement student at LAU,
are quite popular among cies. Most LAU students buy your weight,” Alaiwan said. by doctors to help control in- said he would never consid-
LAU’s male students. They it from the supplement store “Eat healthy food that keeps flammation. Anabolic ste- er steroids or proteins as an
help them develop a mus- because it is cheaper. Hyper you in good shape and always roids, on the other hand, are option. “I believe I help my
cular, body-built shape in Mass 5000 costs around 100 work out at the gym so that synthetic versions of testos- body get stronger by practic-
less than a month and often dollars. all residues get out of your terone, used to treat the loss ing on a daily basis and eat-
increase their virility. Al- Ziad H., an MIS major at system.” of lean muscle mass. ing healthy,” he said. “I’m a
though legally sold at vari- LAU, admitted to surviving Research suggests that ex- When used for non-medical
ous pharmacies and vitamin on proteins shake –which cess of proteins can lead to reasons, anabolic steroids Continued on page 9
April 1, 2011 Tribune 5

Flushed Out: The Life of a Dorm Girl
By Caroline Hodroj
LAU Tribune staff

A 20 year-old-female stu- week and the food in the re- and dryer are quite old and

Photo by:Lyn Abu-Seraj

dent dressed in a pink pa- frigerator was left to rot.” they occasionally break
jama hides a tissue roll un- A member of the cleaning down accordingly to many
der her armpit as she tiptoes crew who also refused to be dorm residents.
through the Orme-Gray resi- named confirmed the sto- Some students have experi-
dence hallway to answer na- ry. She assured us, however, enced more drastic issues in-
ture’s call. As she opens the that everything in the refrig- volving medical problems.
bathroom door she stands in erator is thrown out once a Dima Zeituni, a 21 year-old
utter shock and disgust at the week to avoid all forms of de- chemistry major, shared her
foul smell that creeps into her cay. She also said all rooms experience. “When I was
nostrils. are properly and sufficiently studying, the dorm chair
While it might be convenient cleaned. wasn’t comfortable and I got
to live in the middle of the The Jordanian student dis- severe back pains,” she said.
LAU campus surrounded by agreed. “The floor gets Zeituni was told she need-
lush green gardens and con- cleaned but sometimes the ed a medical report faxed
stant friends, hygienical- same mop is used,” she said. from Syria to be allowed to
ly, the living conditions of an “You feel like it’s never ful- bring her own furniture. “If
LAU dorm girl aren’t easy. ly clean and you feel disgust- my mom wasn’t here I don’t
The Orme-Gray building is casional difficulty of sharing per decorating the bathroom ed.” know what I would have
located just across the Busi- bathrooms and dealing with floors. Hiam Mucharrafieh, the done,” she remembered.
ness Building and the Riyad the clutter that comes with “I was shocked when I en- manager of the dorms in Haddad, at one point, had to
Nasser Library has 34 dorm too many people living to- tered the bathroom. I won’t LAU Beirut and Byblos, was depend on herself for med-
rooms for women. According gether. say more but I’ll leave it to unavailable for comment. ical assistance. She needed
to the LAU housing depart- “It’s not easy but I try to your imagination,” Leen In addition to the com- hospitalization but no emer-
ment, the accommodations make it better,” Abu-Seraj Haddad, an interior archi- plaints over the lack of hy- gency driving was available.
are comfortable and meet the said. “Cleanliness and lack tecture major, said. giene, some students criti- “I went by myself to AUH”
student’s academic and social of privacy is what we suffer A Jordanian student who cized the shortage of laundry she related.
needs. from. The tables are left un- refused to be named sheds machines which do not suf- But, regardless of the un-
Lyn Abu-Seraj, a 20-year- clean and the sink is always some light on what she be- fice the 18 to 25 girls sharing happiness some feel about
old journalism major, made filled with dirty dishes and lieves is the main problem in each floor. living conditions, the girls
it a point to make her dorm some girls in the bathrooms dorm life. “We’re many girls and there’s unanimously agreed that the
room as homey as possible. don’t clean after them- “Some girls are unhygienic, only one iron, one washing friendships they made at the
She has her own tiny refrig- selves.” it’s crazy,” she said with frus- machine and one dryer on ev- dorms help them cope with
erator and decorates the room Sticky yellow stains or un- tration. “We all share bath- ery floor,” the Jordanian girl all difficulties. “I love living
with stuffed toys and pictures flushed smelly toilet bowls rooms, one kitchen and one said. here because the girls make
of her loved ones. She tries to are still a common sight. laundry room. The kitchen The laundry room is less it easier,” the Jordanian stu-
make herself comfortable so They come accompanied by once had twenty unwashed than half a bedroom in size dent said. “If they weren’t
that she can disregard the oc- a cluster of stained tissue pa- dishes that were left for a and the washing machine here I would leave.”

Expensive Apartment Rents in Hamra

Iman Soufan
LAU Tribune contributor

When Ruba Abu-Shanab- hammed Bijjani, a real es- so expensive,” Zayed Arafeh, we pay the same rent? Ham- Salatt, a Qatari LAU stu-
first moved to Lebanon to tate agent, said. “Five years owner of two residential ra is overpriced,” she said. dent, said. “Plus it’s as if
study at LAU in 2006, she ago, the most expensive buildings in Hamra, said. Surrounded by AUB and Hamra is designed for inter-
paid 1,200 dollars for a stu- apartment would have been Arafeh explained that the LAU, Hamra is a central res- national students.”
dio in Siran Towers. Today, less than 1,500 dollars.” expenses of maintaining the idential and commercial dis- “All the apartments in both
she lives in the same apart- The cost of living in Leba- buildings has also risen. trict in Beirut. It has always of our buildings are taken up
ment but spends a monthly non increased immensely; Ameera Al-Felaij is a Bah- experienced a very high de- by international students,”
1,800 dollars on rent. expenses multiplied and it raini LAU student. Her old- mand for apartments. Adnan Jabado, owner of two
With the sky-high prices of is now difficult for a middle er sister, who studies in Par- Most international students residence buildings, said.
housing in Hamra, interna- class family to afford buying is, lives in a one-bed room prefer to live within walking La Bella One and Two are
tional students who study a house without a bank loan. apartment that is quite sim- distance of their universities mostly cost around 2,000
at LAU or AUB cannot live Bijjani has been a real es- ilar to hers. “But my sister and find themselves forced to 2,700 dollars month-
nearby without spending a tate agent for over 15 years. pays 100 dollars less than I to pay high rents for accom- ly. “I have received sever-
fortune. He witnessed the dramat- do,” Al-Felaij complained. modation. al complaints regarding the
“If you’re looking for a decent ic inflation during the last Al-Felaij said that the dis- “I would live in cheaper ar- high prices, but nothing will
apartment to live in around few years. “The prices of the trict her sister lives in is eas like Mar Elias, but it’s change as long as everything
Hamra, you will not find one lands have risen drastically, more luxurious and more way more convenient to live is this expensive,” Jabado
below 1,500 dollars,” Mo- that’s why apartments are modern than hers. “Why do by the university,” Loulwa explained.
6 Tribune April 1, 2011


Are You e-Clean?
By Nour Monajjed
LAU Tribune staff

Scan. Clean. Secure. These cent of employers used social or alcohol-related.

Photo by: Yasmime Dabbous

are the three words I read networks to screen job can- Now what if your career isn’t
when I first signed into So- didates. Thirty-five percent on the line? What if your em-
cioclean. What exactly did of them decided not to hire ployer is cool and believes
this mean though? Well, ex- a candidate based on what that what happens in col-
actly as it suggests. This pro- they found. lege is not a big deal? Is So-
gram alerts you to anything Imagine not getting a job be- cioclean worthless? Nope.
offensive on your social net- cause of one stupid post from Quite the opposite. If em-
work pages and sends you freshman year and poof. Just ployers are understanding,
links to the words in ques- like that. There goes your ca- what can one do about future
tion so they can be easily de- reer and, most importantly, or even current spouses? So-
leted. there goes your reputation. cial networks are known to
Why is such a program need- After all, employers want be a source for growing num-
ed? Think back with me now. squeaky-clean fresh new fac- bers of break-ups related to
We’ve all heard stories about es on board. Socioclean can cheating.
companies not hiring people help. For instance, say you’re a
because of their social net- Priyanshu Harshavat, who guy who likes this girl. Even
work profiles. Whether it’s founded Socioclean, concep- back at sixteen, you thought
embarrassing drunk pic- tualized a way to help job she was the one but she left
tures of crazy nights with candidates get their social you and now you’ve moved
friends, inappropriate wall profiles in shape before they on. or whatever. She may leave Now of course I’m generaliz-
posts by exes or whatever. were inspected by potential If your new partner finds out too. ing. You can say no, I won’t
People’s careers and futures employers. He invented this that you guys are still Face- It’s the same for the girls. If a do that or no, I’ll understand.
are seriously being affected. program which scans social book friends and are “casu- guy you’re with sees a picture But do you really want to
In 2009, a Harris Interac- profiles, searching for 5,000 al,” this could result in mixed of you on the beach with this risk your spouse or fiancé or
tive study for CareerBuild- words and phrases that are feelings. The girl would feel other guy last year and gets love or whatever? Is it really found that 45 per- racial, profane, drug-related you haven’t really moved on all jealous, then what? worth the risk?

Ayman Itani: the Man Behind the Tweets

By Tala Osseiran
LAU Tribune staff

“My passion has always and remain connected to the non’s active social media sires, expression, consump- Caught between his numer-
been for how the Internet Lebanese online community. community.” tion, generation,” he said. ous jobs and his family life,
and technology can be used “It was really interesting,” Itani’s brainchild and his Itani does not have a favor- Itani tries to balance both re-
to enhance our day-to-day Lama Al-Haqhaq, an LAU personal business is Think- ite social medium but, when sponsibilities reliably. “It is
lives and how we are doing journalism senior said about Media, a company that helps pressed, he said he’d choose very challenging to attend
things differently and to our Itani’s class. “I thought I al- existing mass media con- Twitter if he had to “because to the growing family needs
advantage,” Ayman Itani, ready knew a lot about social glomerates and other Mid- of the great community that as well as the growing work
digital strategy consultant media but he taught us a lot dle Eastern businesses build is active on it.” needs,” he explained. “I do
and LAU new media instruc- more.” their emerging digital media Itani plays an important role what I can to make sure that
tor, said. Al-Haqhaq already had eco system to attend to the in the Lebanese social com- a balance is maintained,
He remains up-to-date with Twitter, Facebook, a You- growing online user needs munity and says he in turn which inevitably leads to
the social media environ- Tube account and wrote and expectations. has been affected by their working harder and smarter
ment by reading, learning on her own blog before she Itani received his BA in com- warmth. “Being part of such on both fronts.”
and engaging with users dai- joined the digital media puter and communication a lovely online community Like everything else in his
ly. Itani is also the reason be- class. Today, she added a engineering from the Ameri- that gives without asking for life, Itani looks at the chal-
hind the fact that many com- FourSquare account to her can University of Beirut and anything in return continues lenge with a positive light.
munication arts students at collection. his masters in business ad- to have such a profound ef- “The internet has become
LAU are well-equipped to Unlike Al-Haqhaq, jour- ministration from the Leba- fect on me,” he explained. such a pervasive medium
face the new media world to- nalism senior Ivana Hin- nese American University. Recently, the social entre- that is all around us and in
day. di was not very active on- He has been working in the preneur became a proud fa- everything we do,” he said,
Itani occasionally lectures at line. Her daily regime only Internet Services industry ther to six-month-old Lea with a convinced tone. “For
various universities but re- included Facebook. Today, for more than a decade now, who already has a twitter ac- example, when you use your
mains a part-time instructor however, she blogs and has across different job respon- count and is a shining celeb- BlackBerry device for email,
at LAU. Among his achieve- FourSquare and Twitter ac- sibilities throughout his ca- rity in Itani’s expanded so- messaging, and Facebook,
ments is the LAUSocial, a counts. reer. cial network. “I consider this you are using the Internet
virtual platform where stu- “We attended many events “Growing into Digital Media to be my most important job for that.”
dents discuss the univer- and got to know many social was a gradual extension as and hardest so far,” Itani “In a way, we are all online
sity’s activities, cover live media geeks,” Hindi said. it has the user at its core in said. “You can find her on all the time,” Itani conclud-
events on and off campus “We became part of Leba- terms of interests, needs, de- twitter as @leaitani.” ed.
April 1, 2011 Tribune 7


Coffee Shops vs. Library
By Lama Al-Haqhaq
LAU Tribune staff

A mess of books, pens and zir, a radio/tv student, said et as possible to preserve a

Photo by: Lama Al-Haqhaq

laptops tops the tables at he spends three to five hours studying environment. Yet
Starbucks Koreitem. Some in one stretch at Starbucks. this seems to be a factor push-
students silently read while “I usually have one coffee, ing students away.
others work in groups, ask but since I stay there for so “The library gets boring be-
questions and share notes long. I feel like I need to or- cause it’s too quiet,” Kanaan
noisely. der more,” Saad Kanaan, and Al-Wazir agreed.
When midterms loom and a business-marketing stu- “When I study in coffee shops,
the time comes for serious dent, said. “I end up having there are things going on
studying, LAU students tend more coffee.” around me which don’t make
to leave the campus. The Ri- Coffee shops around LAU me feel the time pass by.”
yad Nassar Library, located have accommodated stu- Kanaan said.
at LAU’s Business Building, dent needs, encouraging the Still, LAU’s library sometimes
is one of the biggest libraries constant flow. Lina’s, Star- appeals to students because
in the Middle East. Although bucks, Caribou Coffee and of its strong Internet connec-
many students do frequent Gloria Jeans all have des- tion. While most coffee shops
it, most prefer to work on pa- ignated areas with desks, offer Wi-Fi services to cus-
pers and exams at the coffee creating an academic atmo- tomers, the library’s Internet
shops around LAU. sphere. Some coffee shops, proves to be more efficient. “I
Eight coffee shops within the such as Starbucks Koreitem, only study at the library when
university’s vicinity seem to even extend closing hours I have a big research project to
attract most students: Star- from 10 p.m. to midnight work on, because the library’s
bucks (Koreitem and Ham- during exam periods to give Internet is much better than
ra), Caribou Coffee, Gloria students more time. versity. Starbucks Koreitem more than half are there to the internet in coffee shops,”
Jeans, Lina’s, Cafe Younes, “I prefer studying at Cari- is about a minute away from study. Kanaan said.
Buttermint and Costa. “Ev- bou because I’m a smoker, LAU’s upper gate, and the rest Students aren’t the only ones But for students who do not
eryone I know comes to Star- and you can’t smoke in the li- are scattered around Ham- who use coffee shops as their need to be constantly online,
bucks Koreitem, so I usually brary,” Kanaan said. “They ra Street. “I prefer to study in study-spot. A number of tu- and for those who are look-
study here,” Mohamad Al- have big tables that are Starbucks because it’s close tors frequently visit these ing for company, coffee shops
Zaben, a business-finance made for studying, so it’s not to the university and where I places. “I have a session with around LAU still attract stu-
student, said. hard to organize myself.” live,” Al-Wazir said. a tutor here in Starbucks to- dents with a wide variety
Students spend long hours Coffee shops seem popular According to a barista at Glo- morrow,” Al-Wazir said. of snacks and drinks, study
at these coffee shops during among students because of ria Jeans, over 90 percent of Like any other library, LAU’s desks and a familiar, friendly
exam periods. Yousef Al-Wa- their proximity to the uni- customers are students and requires students to be as qui- atmosphere.

Old, New and Revolutionary Poetry

By Eleena Korban
LAU Tribune staff

“Any piece that lacks rhythm and Mohammad Hdaib won

Photo by: Sahar Moukaddem

In response to Behmardi, As- Harkous, Ali Atrash, Moha-

and rhyme is not poetry, to- second place for his similarly saad Kheirallah, professor at mad Hdeib, Kamal Takied-
day we heard prose,” poet revolutionary piece. the American University of dine, Ali Shreif and Hassan
Henry Zogheib explained, as After the winners were an- Beirut and editor of “Al-Ab- Shamas.
he accused the participants nounced, the night took hath,” spoke of new poetry. Alissar Bakri, UNESCO club
in a poetry competition –in- an unexpected turn when He distinguished between member, said that “partici-
cluding the winners– of ig- Zogheib declared his flagrant what the reader perceives pants seemed to be highly in-
noring the beautiful imag- disappointment in the prose and what the poet intends. fluenced by the Arab world
es poetry is meant to have. style that participants used. “We cannot understand what revolutions, although the
Zogheib, along with fellow Hdaib, however, did not let the poet is referring to with- winners were outstanding.”
poets Bassima Botlouly and Zogheib’s objection go unat- out trying to understand the Abdo Salam Hamade,
Josef Abi Daher, formed a tended. “We were asked to world he creates for himself,” the club’s vice-president,
rather intimidating panel of write about certain themes Kheirallah said. summed up the night elo-
judges. that lead us to this style,” he He read out passages and in- quently. “UNESCO stands
The UNESCO club held a clarified and then boldly re- vited the audience to think for United Nations Educa-
student poetry competition cited another poem. about whether or not they tional, Scientific and Cul-
yesterday night under the The evening started when can identify what he is talk- tural Organization,” he said.
themes of “peace, justice and Vahid Behmardi, the chair- ing about. “Today we implement and so-
freedom.” Vivianne Allam person of Humanities De- explained that the debate be- Participants in the compe- lidify one the pillars of the
won first place for her pas- partment in LAU, spoke tween old and new poetry has tition were Diaa Al Jurdy, culture of the Arab world,
sionate revolutionary poem, about old poetry. Behmardi been around since old ages. Vivianne Allam, Mustafa and that is Arabic poetry.”
8 Tribune April 1, 2011

A Generation of Coffee
By Layan Doueik
LAU Tribune contributor

It is 6:30 a.m.. LAU’s upper Mohammad Abouchala, a has been a student here

Photo by:Yasmine Dabbous

gate expects no visitors yet. 21-year-old business stu- since 1982. “It was Abou Bra-
However, something gently dent, holds the signature him back then who owned
yawns and ruminates right brown cup of coffee from the van. His free spirit used
behind the campus’ entry. It Hamade’s van. “No one can to gather so many students
is nothing but the ritual of ever take Ali away from us. around him, especially the
Ali Hamade’s famous “white He has become part of our ladies,” she remembers.
van” as it opens its trunk. daily lives and part of the Masri takes a thoughtful
Hamade begins a typical day university,” Abouchala says. glance towards the fence be-
with his “buddy,” the auto- “His van has become the uni- hind which the van rested.
mobile that cannot cross the versity’s second cafeteria. My “You cannot refer to LAU
borderline of LAU’s entrance usual morning talk with Ali without referring to this
but that can certainly pene- is the kick start of my day.” van,” she says. “It has be-
trate students’ hearts. Hamade shares students’ come part of LAU’s tradition,
He cleans his vehicle, places communal feelings. “Do not and Ali in fact inherited not
countless cigarette cartons in ask me about how I feel to- only the van but also his fa-
its rear, and unleashes an old ward students,” he tells me. ther’s secret recipe of dealing
coffee machine out of it. “Ask them about it and let hung over the presence of daily. “You want the usual, with customers.”
By 7:30 a.m., Hamade be- them tell you. If I didn’t love an old unappealing “truck” right?” he asks one of them. Abouchala points out that he
comes invisible as he drowns students and love this job, I in front of a prominent cam- The van has been firm and has already spent more than
in student laughter, chit- wouldn’t be here.” pus’ entrance, Hamade’s nu- stable in front of the LAU 10,000 Lebanese pounds buy-
chats, and hasty orders. “Al- Technology turned every- merous loyal clients believe campus for more than three ing morning supplies from
loush, three Nescafe with thing upside down, but did that it is what’s inside of it decades, giving Hamade a Hamade within one hour of
Nestle! …Two packs of cig- not seem to affect Hama- that counts: the good coffee, decent income to open a shop his arrival on campus. “For
arettes, one hot chocolate!” de or the modest and tradi- the great prices that nev- if he wanted to. But never the past three years, I pass
several hurried students tional aspect of his van, even er change, and the excellent will he get rid of his all time by him every morning for 20
shout at once, as Ali’s char- with the emergence of many service. “companion.” minutes. We chat, smoke,
acteristic cheery face promis- competitors around his little Hamade says –and witnesses Hala Masri, drama coordi- drink coffee, laugh and even
es to fulfill the orders with no world. confirm– that he remembers nator in the department of sing sometimes,” he says,
mistakes. Despite the controversy that what most students order communication arts at LAU, with a pensive side smile.

Behind Lea’s Gentle Smile

By Ivana Hindi
LAU Tribune staff

She met up with me on a sun- until she was introduced to the competition’s format. We judges looked at the slight- Giusti described taekwondo
ny afternoon, in a busy café her mother’s good friend; a therefore trained even hard- est mistake. I won the first as a great substitute to gym
at the heart of Beirut. With taekwondo trainer who en- er than the first time,” she round, but lost the second for a fit body. “I am used to
her wide smile, bubbly atti- rolled her in his club. said. Giusti came out of this one because of a tiny inaccu- what I do, and I don’t think I
tude and petite, slim figure, Giusti recalled the thrills competition with two med- racy, which got me disquali- can ever stop practicing tae-
it is hard to believe that Lea she felt during her very first als: First place in the fight- fied,” Giusti complained. “I kwondo,” she added with a
Giusti is a taekwondo third- championship. “I was part ing category and third place still managed to achieve fifth thoughtful smile.
degree black belt. She or- of the first Lebanese delega- in the pattern category. place despite the difficulties.” The martial arts devotee,
dered a fresh drink and com- tion to a taekwondo world Not only does Giusti practice One of Giusti’s recent suc- however, plans to travel in
fortably began the story of championship. That was in taekwondo, she teaches it as cesses came in October of the near future, to pursue
her journey in the world of 2004, in Italy, after I earned well. Giusti gave courses at 2010 in Slovakia. “In this her career goals in journal-
martial arts. my first black belt,” she said. the Avalon in 2007 for almost competition, I did three ism or marketing. Giusti
Giusti went back to her ear- “I started training very hard a year. Right now, she teach- rounds of the ‘pattern catego- feels guilty about leaving a
ly childhood to describe for two to three months, and es at the Cercle Sportif Fran- ry’ and won third place,” she coach who has taught since
her first encounters with when I went to Italy we were cais. “I like to teach because I recalled. childhood. “He is the one
the sport. “I used to live in only two people from Leb- like to share my talent with Giusti does not like the way who made me go this far,”
Egypt, where I played ten- anon; the daughter’s coach other people,” Giusti ex- her compatriots are treat- she said. “I am worried about
nis,” she said. “Upon moving and I.” They lost due to little plained. “Moreover, I believe ed in international champi- what kind of new coach I will
to Lebanon my mother still experience in world competi- I’m a nice teacher, young stu- onships. “People often look be training with while I’d be
wanted me to pursue sports, tions. dents like me.” She laughed down at the Lebanese,” she away from my homeland.”
even if it meant trying some- But things soon became light-heartedly. said, obviously revolted. “Eu- The now confident and proud
thing new.” more positive. Giusti partic- The petite, lady-like Leba- ropeans are usually so much 21-year-old champion was
Now 21, Giusti became famil- ipated in a championship in no-Italian taekwondo star more involved in what they once a shy person who did not
iar with taekwondo when she Florida, USA, later in 2004. rememembered a 2008 com- do. We Lebanese competitors know what it was like to fight
first joined her school’s team “This time we were more de- petition in Italy where the do not have enough support for her rights in front of mil-
as a child. It wasn’t serious termined and familiar with jury was very strict. “The or even enough will at times.” lions.
April 1, 2011 Tribune 9

I L**e My Teacher Crowded Campus
Continued from page 1 Continued from page 1

Few instructors at LAU seem to particularly grab students’ at- studies, said that, in two of his classes, students drag chairs from other classes to be able to sit
tention. Their names have repeatedly been mentioned to us. down.
All share the same combination of traits; charisma, compe- At , the red and blue tables in the cafeteria disappear under the hoards of students that flock in
tence and sense of humor. during lunch breaks. “We don’t have enough space to shoot our films, and we only have one small
Psychologists suggest that people don’t get crushes on the peo- cafeteria and it is always crowded,” Hassan Mohajer, a 22-year-old radio/TV/film student, said.
ple they want, but rather on the people they want to be like. When LAU was built in 1835, the land was affordable and the space sufficient to fit the universi-
Most of the times, students’ crush on teachers is not about ac- ty’s first generations of students. But the number of Lebanese and foreign students has dramat-
tual romantic or sexual desire, but is rather related to a quali- ically increased since.
ty the young men and women want to bring out in themselves. “The main problem is that the university is adopting new majors and the number of students is
Aya, an economics student who refused to give her full name, getting bigger,” Samar Moujaes, an assistant professor of Arabic, said.
gets butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees her politi- Now the lands surrounding LAU in Koreitem are quite expensive and highly populated, which
cal science teacher outside class. She describes him as “charis- prevents LAU’s expansion. “From now till we have more space, there should be a precise study
matic, smart and good lecturer.” for the number of applicants every semester to control the huge number of students,” Moujaes
“I get too shy when I talk to him and, most of the time, I go said.
to his office and ask him dumb questions I already know the According to a study done by Sally Farra, an interior architecture student, Nicol Hall is old and
answers to,” she laughed. While Aya only thinks about her unstable but the university can’t restore or rebuild it for security reasons related to the presence
political science teacher as someone she admires, Leah, who of the Hariri family next door. “The cafeteria has high ceilings so they can build an addition-
also refused to give her full name, see things otherwise. “If my al floor inside it to add more space for students,” Farra said. She noted that even janitors don’t
teacher asked me to go on a date with him I would definite- have enough room to rest during break hours. “They all sit in small rooms,” Farra explained.
ly agree,” she said. Leah does not know the right term for de- Several instructors said that they heard about plans to build a new building for the arts and sci-
scribing her feelings toward her communication arts teacher, ence school within the coming six years. Members of the administration, including Dean of Stu-
but what she knows well is that she loves discussing various dent Affairs Raed Mohsen, Dean of Arts and Sciences Samira Aghacy and Assistant Provost
issues. Sami Baroudi, were unavailable for comment.
Although the class Leah took with this instructor ended in Jan- Meanwhile, as the university tries to solve the space problem, the number of students increas-
uary, her visits to his office didn’t come to an end yet. “I even es with time. “We are lucky that we got a TV studio, so we should give credits for the universi-
know where he goes on his lunch break,” she said. “I would al- ty for that,” Knio said. She added, however, that classes are growing in numbers not in meters.
ways be there waiting for him.” Students’ crush on teachers
is not only restricted to girls. Young men also expressed their
likeness to some female teachers on campus. Raed B., a bank-
ing and finance student, described his business instructor as
The Truth about Muscles
a “mesmerizing lady.” “I really admire her, she is the kind of Continued from page 4
women I want to marry in the future,” Raed laughed. “But I
just admire her, nothing more.”

Photo via Creative Commons

Several films and songs address students’ love for their teach-
ers, attesting for the universality of such a phenomenon. Rena
Del Cid’s “To the Teacher Crush,” for example, speaks of the
huge crush a student has on his math teacher, describing
how much he wants to be “the numbers in her mathematical
world.” The movie “Notes of Scandal,” tackles a similar story.
Nadine Ayoubi, a political science instructor at LAU, be-
lieves there is a fine line between admiring a teacher and hav-
ing emotions for him or her. “The student has to know where
this line is and define it,” she explained. “When you go beyond professional basket ball player and if I take any of these shakes it will put my career down the
this line in a very obvious way, you can say that there is some- drain.”
thing wrong.” Ayoubi herself is familiar with the issue. Many Steroids cause a variety of serious problems including infertility, severe acne and cysts, tendon
years after she graduated, she married a teacher she once had rupture, increased LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks, cancer, delusions and
a crush on; now Dean of Students Raed Mohsen. When asked mania, and HIV/AIDS –among others.
whether it would bother her to know students may like her J. D., a business management student at LAU, confessed to using steroids. “I loved the humon-
husband, Ayoubi said she sympathize because years ago, she gous shape that I was getting, the major change that my body went through was amazing and so
passed through this phase and was a fan of him too. Although I started increasing the dosage,” he said.
some instructors believe that, most of the time, a crush is in- J. D. paid dearly. “I suffered from kidney failure,” he said. “Every two weeks, I have to undergo
nocent, others think that talking about this topic is taboo and dialysis and have my kidneys checked up.”
unethical. Dr. Alayli said that steroids may also increase erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia (growth
Bassam Doughan, a business instructor at LAU, believes that, of the breasts), a condition that is irreversible without plastic surgery. Atrophy, or shrinkage of
in university setting, a student’s crush on a teacher is not inno- the testicles, may also occur in cases of high steroid intakes.
cent anymore. He said instructors shouldn’t allow it to happen A survey of LAU female students revealed that 60 percent objected to the use of protein shakes
and should draw clear limits when interacting with students. and steroids and disliked “the fake image it gives to guys.”
But that does not deter Nellie A.. Ten years later, when her “I don’t believe in extremes and that is why a guy has to have a normal shape that best fits him,”
philosophy instructor’s hair will start to thin and wrinkles Maya Ibrahim, a pharmacy major, said. “I love the muscled shape but not to the extreme of hav-
will form around his eyes, her appreciation for him will always ing a very small waist and extremely huge muscles. Proportional body is bliss.”
stay the same. “I really wish all LAU guys were like him,” she to leave our coach,” she said. “I am worried about what kind of new coach I will be training with
smiled. while I’d be away from my homeland.”
Adviser: Editors-in-Chief: Staff:
The Team:
Yasmine Dabbous Mohamad Yahia Hamade Lama Al-Haqhaq. Diaa Al Jurdy, Diana Bachoura, Tala El Riz, Maria Fellas, Lea Giusti, Ivana Hindi, Eleena Korban,
Caroline Hodroj Sahar Moukaddem, Nour Monajjed, Tala Osseiran, Reem Swaidan
10 Tribune April 1, 2011

Beirut, I Lo(ve)athe You Treasuring Health
By Mohamad Yahia Hamade By Sahar Moukaddem
LAU Tribune staff LAU Tribune staff

I was born in the wrong era. I Long gone are the days of the come the next Los Angeles in The colors in the children age. Before going to sleep,
long for the pearl of the Med- old-fashioned buildings and the making, filled with fake cancer center of Beirut their small brains are busy
iterranean that was Beirut. I traditional quarters. All I noses, fake brands, and most (CCCL) create an imaginary wondering about the un-
miss her blinding lights, the can see now are pubs, clubs importantly, fake people. world for kids far from real- known or about what might
warm summer nights, the and brothels. I wonder how the city that ity. be next.
immaculate architecture and This makes me wonder, what survived thousands of wars I entered the volunteer team It didn’t take them much
walking in the rain along ce- the fudgemuffin happened to could have, so easily, turned for the CCCL with the pur- time to understand that the
rulean shores. All were once the city everyone admired? into this miserable, lifeless pose of giving cancer chil- big wealth in life is health.
upon a time the makings of a This city used to be “Imm el- wannabe. dren hope, listen to their A child with cancer does
fairytale city. faqeer,” as my grandmoth- What happened to her cul- talks and support them not need a flying plane on
These days I dread going to er so eloquently put it. What tural heritage, to her intel- throughout their fight with Christmas, nor will a fai-
Beirut. I hate having to face happened to the city that lectual and artistic genius, the disease. But do they real- rytale princess draw a smile
the heartbreakingly unorga- was rebuilt seven times, ris- to her simple yet beautiful ly need me? Do I really know on his face. All he needs is
nized city overrun by hooli- ing from the ashes of the visage? Who is the wrong- the meaning of hope? Am I one more moment to enjoy
gans posing as police officers war and oppression, soaring doer here? What caused this able to feel their pain? life with friends and fami-
and never finding a proper like a phoenix into the blar- awful transformation, turn- Did God choose them be- lies.
parking spot. ing sun of victory and all that ing the mother of Europa of cause they are strong? There is no textbook path in
Alas, the blinding lights are mumbo-jumbo? The city is Tyr into an insecure, soul- Or had the disease made life to tell us what we should
no longer the shiny lure of now mostly filled with un- less harlot? them stronger? Questions do and what we shouldn’t.
Beirut; no, they are the faux- cultured, ignorant, morally It’s entirely our fault. We I couldn’t find any answers And we are very good at
xenon headlights of corrup- bankrupt, sorry excuses for stood by and did nothing for. finding things to complain
tion and the sleazy old guys’ citizens. when our city was infest- They know that life is not about. I hope that we all can
BMWs zooming down the These people are complete- ed with all this corruption, easy. They were not fed with learn from the experience
streets, trying to impress (or ly defunct in terms of culture turning into an impassive silver spoons. Actually they of children with cancer and
more appropriately seduce) and intellect, but firmly be- concrete jungle. Now it’s up were the ones to feed them- treasure what is most impor-
girls. The weather now is bi- lieve that expensive mate- to us to fix what we broke. selves with strength and tant in life. We should know
polar. The rain is a product rial possessions make them Let’s bring back the good hope in time of pain and de- how lucky we are to enjoy
of toxic fumes enveloping the the greatest people on earth. old Beirut to life again. Let’s spair. In their presence, our food without a feeding
atmosphere over Beirut. Regrettably, Beirut has be- give her years of dignity. I’m in a continuous chal- tube. How lucky we are to go
lenge with myself because whenever we want and stay

Citizen Journalism their strength makes me feel

weak. I feel the pain behind
with whomever we want
without the fear of catching
By Lama Al-Haqhaq the beauty of their smiles a virus that might keep us
LAU Tribune staff and I wish if I could ever in bed for weeks. We can fol-
promise them that one day low our dreams and have the
Recently, citizen journalism them from showing only the from, or whether it is old foot- everything will be fine and faith to turn them into real-
has been highly encouraged side that works in their fa- age. okay. ity. We can stand up after
and performed across the vour? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not They talk about cancer and each fall. Do you know the
world. This new phenome- This means that we have to calling all citizen journalists surgeries as if they are talk- real meaning of Faith? Hap-
non brought life to the phrase look at a number of different liars and fakes. I’m just say- ing about their own little piness? Miracles and Guard-
that I hear repeatedly; “it is sources when it comes to cit- ing that the same flaws apply game. Their coloring pens ian Angels? Maybe learning
real news brought to us by izen journalism in order to in both cases. held by their little fingers from children with cancer is
real people.” find a mid-point where the I think the most effective fea- chart a story of hope and the greatest tribute we could
While I am not complete- truth may lie. ture of citizen journalism is faith. Their dreams are not all pay to these brave little
ly against the idea of citi- This, however, can also be hearing the news before it is like those of children their kids.
zen journalism, I would like done with professional news presented by traditional me-
to bring forward a specif- outlets. The only difference, dia.
ic point: Most of us, as “real in my opinion, is that citizen Do I personally think citizen
people,” are biased by nature.
One-sided stories from news
outlets are among the rea-
journalists will happily pro-
vide graphic footage and pic-
tures that news outlets can-
journalism should contin-
ue? Sure. Some of the footage
it has presented is valid and
sons why many have turned not air. could not have been brought Do you have anything you’d like to say?
to citizen journalists, yet the A big problem that comes to attention if this sort of
same one-sided account can with citizen journalism is journalism didn’t exist. Do I Share your thoughts with the entire campus.
be found in the content these that their absolute freedom think citizen journalism has
citizens provide. on the Internet has opened been overrated? Yes, to an ex- Tribune’s opinion page is designed to provide
True, citizen journalism a door for incorrect informa- tent, it has.
travels faster than tradition- tion to be reported as real Before we can claim that you with a free forum where you can publish
al news. However, it is usual- news. this is real news brought by
ly fuelled by emotion rather The wide reach that the In- real people, we should take your ideas and be creative.
than objectivity. ternet helps rumors spread a closer look at these people,
If citizen journalists report like wildfire. We, as viewers, their backgrounds and al- Send your articles to
news in order to inform the cannot tell whether a vid- ways leave room to question
world of what is happen- eo online actually came from whether the information is
ing around them, what stops the event it claimed to come reliable or not.
April 1, 2011 Tribune 11

“The People Want to Overthrow the Regime”
By Eleena Korban
LAU Tribune staff

“For sectarianism, exploita-

Photo by: Eleena Korban

“There is no place for us ec- also oppose the movement
tion, favoritism and corrup- onomically, socially, pro- because they assume that
tion… a revolution!” protest- fessionally, we have had secularization will margin-
ers chanted. enough,” El Chit exclaimed. alize shariaa law and encour-
For four consecutive Sun- Kazak also confirmed the age civil marriage.
days, the secular citizens of widespread frustration. Mahmoud Kaaki, a student
Lebanon marched through “With this system, I need a at the Beirut Arab Univer-
the streets of Lebanon, de- ‘wasta’ to do anything, I am sity, offered another objec-
manding the overthrow of graduating soon and I can’t tion. “These movements need
Lebanon’s confessional re- find work unless it is offered more awareness,” he said.
gime. by someone from the same “Most people don’t even real-
Assad Thebian, a social me- sect as me.” ize they are going on.”
dia consultant, nicely sums Lebanon is notorious for the The movement’s partici-
up the movement’s demands. corruption inflicting govern- pants admit there is a long
“We want to get rid of the mental offices and the private road ahead. Each has his or
mentality that judges peo- Bassem El Chit, a passionate ing to do,” Kamal Behlok, an sector. “Corruption in Leba- her own suggestions. Ka-
ple based on their sectarian participant, said. illustrator taking a shift at non exists in all its forms in- zak believes demonstra-
identity,” he said. “Instead of Mohammad Kazak, a partic- the Sanayeh tent, explained. cluding bribery, nepotism, tions should take place on
voting for a leader because of ipant from LAU, thinks that “We might not overthrow the favoritism, patronage, em- weekdays whereas Thebian
his sect, we should judge him the reason numbers deplet- regime, but we might get a bezzlement, kick-backs, and thinks the movement’s de-
on his leadership skills and ed in the last march is be- civil law for example.” vote-buying,” the Lebanese mands should be organized
state-centric thinking.” cause there is too much time Scholar Ussama Makdisi ex- Transparency Association’s and priorities set. El Chit,
The first march took place between the marches. “When plains that sectarianism in website says.. on the other hand, finds that
from Mar Mikhael to Adlieh there is a week between each Lebanon was literally manu- Facing the call for secural- what the protesters need to
and comprised around 3,000 demonstration, arguments factured during the mid 19th ism, a common concern develop a political point and
participants walking under happen, things interfere, century, when the Ottoman among Christian electorates analysis.
the rain. The second march that’s what the sit ins are Empire and colonial Europe- is the fear of being wiped out Nadim Haidar, a student at
gained some momentum with for, to make it more of a daily an forces deliberately fueled by the Muslim majority. the American University of
10,000 participants march- thing,” Kazak explained. religious strife in an attempt Thebian replies. “The Chris- Beirut, explains why Leb-
ing from Dora to Lebanon’s Last month, sit-in tents were to impose their imperial and tian leaders they elect to pre- anon’s revolution is differ-
Electric Company. The third set up in Sidon, Tyre, Aley colonial visions of modernity. serve their voice are not rep- ent from the rest of the Arab
march gathered a whopping and in front of the MIA on Sectarianism was institu- resenting them, it’s a fake world.
30,000 participants, who Sanayeh. Shortly after the tionalized in 1943 when inde- representation,” he said. “If “There is no dictator enemy,”
walked from Sassine Square tents, a sit-in was set up in pendence leaders introduced you think about it they have he said. We are trying to get
to the Ministry of Interior Af- Riyad Solh square in Down- the National Pact, an un- no ground influence, with a rid of, sectarianism, which is
fairs (MIA). The most recent town, Beirut. written treaty that distribut- secular system, leaders will a mentality, an ideology that
march began in Amchit and “My mother used to say; if you ed the country’s positions of be chosen for their qualities cannot easily be changed. It
ended in JbeiI with less than throw a handful of dough on power among major sects. and the fulfillment of their requires slow cultural ed-
2,000 participants. the wall, it may not stick, but A major reason driving the promises, so no one will get ucation and should not get
“These marches act as a form it will definitely leave a mark secular youth is the lack of left out.” caught up with the Arab
of recruitment at this point,” and that is what we are try- options youth have. Religious Muslim leaders world revolutions.”

Street of the Week: Manara, the Street that Never Dies

Reem Swaidan
LAU Tribune staff

The sun is rising. The Medi- one that comes at this time whole different world. Away Beirut literally translates to day.”
terranean Sea begins to glit- know each other. We’re like from all the conflicts that “the head of Beirut” due to Abboud’s parents explained
ter, giving the skies and the a family,” Ibrahim Hijazi, a Lebanon faces, around 500 its location on the tip of pen- that the Corniche presented
sun just the right colors of na- 58-year-old business man people fleet the street. insula. The Corniche stretch- an affordable outlet for their
ture to complement one an- said while walking. Manara Street has become a es approximately five kilo- children.
other. Men and women from Hijazi discussed the dras- mixture of elitist luxury and meters around the entire Around 1,000 people fleet
all ages enjoy their morn- tic changes he experienced down-to-earth democracy. Central Beirut perimeter. Manara Street on a Sunday
ing sports. Some walk, some on this one street in the past On one side are the extrava- Each corner of this street afternoon. “I run here ev-
jog, some skate and some just 20 years. “Other than the ap- gant apartments only the for- has a history. Some trees are ery day,” Zeina Dakroub, a
watch the few minutes of bliss pearance, it used to attract tunate can afford. On the oth- pockmarked with bullet holes 24-year-old professional run-
while they sip on their hot cof- the older generation but now er is the sidewalk filled with from the Lebanese civil war. ner, said. “The atmosphere
fee. you see all kinds of ages,” Hi- people from all classes freely “I come here to play and is beautiful, especially in the
“It’s my second home, I’ve jazi explained. enjoying the outdoors. watch the sea,” Jawad Ab- morning.It clears the mind
been walking here every The “Manara” or “Corniche” The Manara is the western- boud, a 9-year-old child, said. and creates a healthy life-
morning for 20 years, every- in the morning hours is a most district of Beirut. Ras “I love it, we come every Sun- style.”
April 1, 2011 Tribune 12

Piracy Destroys April Fools
Lea Guisti Zahi Sahli
LAU Tribune staff LAU Tribune contributor

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, ies, Jarmakani replied “rare- the police to come to my shop “They are very strict on the April marks April Fools’ Day,
Lyn Jisr, a hospitality man- ly.” When he buys an original and see the copies,” he said. matter,” Bahous said. “The a universal holiday that tol-
agement student at LAU, DVD, he explained, it is like- “They can’t and won’t do any- only way to buy copies in erates foolish pranks, hoax-
watched her favorite episode ly to be a classic or a block- thing. This is Lebanon.” New York City is to go to Chi- es and practical jokes. Also
of Gossip Girl on a pirated buster. At Megabase, the sale of pi- na Town or online.” referred to as All Fools’ Day,
DVD. When done, Jisr picked Ghada Alieh, 49 years old, rated copies exceeds that of When in the US, Bahous nev- the public holiday is celebrat-
up the phone and called her agrees with Jarmakani. “It’s originals. er buys pirated movies. And ed among friends and in the
favorite DVD shop, located much cheaper and most of Zehri gets a hold of his pirat- yet, she seems to change in media.
next to her apartment. She the copies are of good quali- ed DVDs through a third par- Lebanon. “Here I’m not wor- April Fools’ Day theory of
wanted to know what hap- ty,” Alieh said. ty who in turn gets the cop- ried because I know that’s origin remains unclear but
pens in the following episode. And what does the legal de- ies by downloading them how everyone does it there,” the most popular hypothesis
An employee took her order partment think of all this? from the Internet or record- she said. “It’s not my fault the dates back to the French cal-
and delivered the DVD to her “You are in Lebanon, my ing them directly from tele- stores offer pirated DVDs.” endar reform of the sixteenth
house. He is fast, efficient dear,” Alieh said, laughing. vision. The massive business of pi- century.
and sells good copies. In March 1999, the Lebanese Wael Makarem, a loyal cus- rated DVDs in Lebanon rais- In 1564, France altered its
“I always buy pirated DVDs Parliament passed a new tomer at Megabase, only es a serious threat to the calendar, moving the end
because they come out real- copyright law prohibiting rents original DVDs. “Orig- shops that supply original of the year from the end of
ly early and they are cheap- March to January 1. It is

Photo by: Lea Giusti

er,” Jisr said. Quality wise, said that those who failed to
an original DVD would keep up with the change and
be better. But DVD shops stubbornly clung to the old
found a way to the top of the system were ridiculed and
scale. “Sometimes the pirat- “fooled.”
ed DVD’s are of good quality Pranksters would stick pa-
and you can’t see the differ- per fish to the backs of the
ence,” Jisr said. “fools” and the victims of
Sales of pirated DVDs have these pranks were referred
changed people’s film view- to as “Poissons d’Avril,” the
ing habits. Why pay double French term for April Fools.
for a movie when you can find That is how the tradition was
it for much cheaper with the born in accordance to the
same options and quality? most well-known theory. And
Prices of pirated DVDs vary this is not another prank!
between 1,500 and 5,000 Today, April Fools is an in-
Lebanese pounds. Buying a ternational holiday and in
DVD at Virgin Megastore, Lebanon, people have for-
one is likely to pay between the reproduction of software inal movies get little finan- DVDs. Chadi Saad, the own- ever enjoyed the tradition of
25 and 40 dollars per DVD. “without permission from cial support,” Makarem said. er of Video Master, speaks making pranks and practical
But the major factor isn’t the the owner of the copyright- “I certainly don’t want to en- up, revealing that his sales jokes on April 1.
price for Anwar Jarmakani, ed computer program.” Shop courage the pirated DVDs.” considerably dwindled. For students like Sarya Sar-
21 years old. “The real prob- owners who are caught sell- For Makarem, quality and According to the 1999 copy- kis, who is in her final aca-
lem is that the good movies ing illegal CDs or DVDs pay a sound are of prime impor- right law, the Lebanese demic year at Saints-Coeurs
take three to four months to penalty up to 50 million Leb- tance. “The people who government has a duty to Sioufi, April Fools’ Day is
come out on DVD,” he said. anese pounds. Their compa- work in the DVD business protect the rights of copy- an occasion to enjoy having
People have become impa- nies are shut down for a lim- should not encourage pirated right owners. Saad, howev- space for unusual fun.
tient. The first movies they ited time and they may go to DVDs,” he said. er, charged that behind ev- “Foolishness, childishness
ask about at a pirated DVD prison for up to three years. According to Now Lebanon, a ery shop stands a prominent and pranks are tolerated. It’s
shop are the ones still show- Nonetheless, pirated DVDs global survey on piracy, per- supporter. “The police might not like April Fools is just any
ing in theatres. “The prob- are openly displayed at the formed in 2009,Lebanon is- shut a shop that sells copies, other day,” Sarkis exclaimed.
lem with original movies is shops that sell them. Mega- ranked as the fifth most im- but won’t be able to do so un- But the trend of pranks is
that they take at least two base, a DVD shop on Kore- portant trader of pirated til they know who owns the not welcome by everyone, as
months to come out,” Jisr item, rents and sells a va- DVDs in the Middle East. business,” he said. many people predict possible
said. “While copies are more riety of movies. The rental Outside, the issue is tak- When asked if the prices of dire outcomes for the targets
up to date and faster.” price amounts to 2,500 Leba- en more seriously. Anne Ba- original DVDs would de- of their practical jokes.
Good copies are sometimes nese pounds while the cost of hous, a student at Parsons crease facing the competi- Mohammad El Khatib, 18,
hard to find. “I wouldn’t buy a pirated DVDs does not ex- University in New York, is tion, Saad explained that it believes that certain jokes
the copy if the quality is hor- ceed 4,000 pounds. To rent against piracy. “I prefer orig- would be impossible because can be too much to handle on
rible,” Jisr said. “I’d rather an original DVD, one must inal movies by far,” Bahous of the costs involved in ac- April 1, and therefore he pre-
watch it in a better quality.” pay 50,000 Lebanese pounds said. “It’s also more respect- quiring them. “If you buy di- fers not to shock the victims
And yet, the difference be- to open an account. No such ful to the people who worked rectly from the supplier, the of his pranks.
tween a pirated and an orig- thing is required for sales. hard on making the movie.” DVD isn’t expensive,” he “Some people can really get
inal DVD is sometimes bare- Mohamad Zehri, the own- No regular DVD shops sell said. “If all suppliers would shocked,” El Khatib said. “I
ly noticeable. When asked er of the shop, is clearly not pirated copies in the US and open their own shops, things wouldn’t want to traumatize
if he still buys original mov- worried to be caught. “I want those who do hide them well. would go differently.” them.”

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