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Firda Friend: Excuse me sir if firda is at home?

I brought her favorite chocolate (huweekz)

Firda Father : Oh yes she was helping her mother (a.k.a bu lilis) move things into the car
because starting tomorrow we will move to sayang

Firda Friend : what the fuck? (ganti aja sama what doang hha)why are all so sudden?

Firda Father : because from tomorrow she will lecture at Padjadjaran University and her mother
also got an offer to teach at Padjadjaran University

Firda friend : why should move to sayang?

Firda Father: because the distance is not far from sayang to save money so we moved to a
place close to Unpad

Firda Friend : May I go inside to meet her?

Firda Father : of course

Firda Friend : I heard you're moving to sayang?

Firda Bawel: Yes. My mother got an offer to teach at Padjadjaran University

Firda Friend: Oh, that's great!  But I'm going to miss you.

Firda Bawel: Me, too.  Let's keep in touch.

Firda Friend: Yeah.  Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down.

Firda Bawel: Trust me.  I won't. I'll keep you posted. Do you want my address?

Firda Friend: Of course I want

Firda Bawel: Well, my home address “jl kol. a syam dusun saying no 5 RT 01/ RW 06 (nah lho?)

Firda Friend: All right!  I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Good luck!

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