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The advantages
of being a famous
person are fame
and fortune and a
happy life. For
example BILL
GATES – is one of
the most famous
men in the world
making a fortune
the computer
area. He is one of
the richest men
on this planet too.
He lives a happy
life and
he can have
anything he
wants: a happy
family and all the
things money can
buy and he is
an important and
respected member
of society too.

2. The
disadvantages of
being a famous
person are: he or
she has no private
life because
everybody is
trying to find out
more about that
so the journalists
are always looking
for new
good or bad
things about
them, he or she
can have more
enemies than
friends in the
professional area,
they do not have
time for their
friends. The tragic
case of Lady
Diana is an
example of how
fame can be a
disadvantage or
even a tragic one.

3. Keeping fit is
one of major
problems of our
society. People do
not have time for
food and there are
many fat people. I
keep myself fit by
going to the gym
once a week,
eating healthy
food, I do not
smoke or drink
and I spend my
free time not in
front of the
computer but
outside with my

4. My favorite free
time activity is
meeting my
friends. When we
meet we talk
about hobbies,
school, we have
fun, we go out
and we listen to
music or go on
trips. I think at
this age we
feel better
together with
people at the
same age because
we have a lot of
things in common
and we
communicate very

5. A life
experience that
taught me a
positive lesson
was my driving
course. It was
that taught me to
respect more
traffic regulations
and the other
participants in
traffic because
those rules could
make the
between life and
death. It taught
me new
and offered me
the possibility to
use the car and to
drive safely.

6. Television
everybody’s life. It
keeps me
informed and
connected with
the entire world, it
is a nice way to
relax after a long
day. The
disadvantages are
the fact that
more and more
people stay in
front of it too
many hours and
they can also
watch bad or
violent programs
that can influence
their life.

7. I think it is
better to watch
the film than read
the book because
we do not have
time for
reading as living
in the century of
speed. More than
that I think that
films are more
than books and a
famous film made
after a book can
be a good way of
convincing people
read the book
after seeing the

8. Drug-addiction
can be a threat
today because
more and more
people are badly
influenced by
their companions
to take drugs.
Films are also a
bad source of
presenting this
addiction to
young people.
There are a lot of
examples of
musicians, sport
men or actors who
because of the
overdoses or
simply destroyed
their life using
drugs. Drugs kill
every day or
cause mental
disturbances or
illegal or criminal
acts. There should
be more strict
against drugs.

9. The importance
of school in
educating the
young generation
is growing every
year because
school offers the
basis of a young
man future
education and
Today parents are
very busy at work
and most of them
do not have time
for the education
of their children so
school takes their
role in education.
For me school is
very important
and I really enjoy
it. It
offers me
knowledge, good
friends and it
teaches me
important things
for my next adult

10.My favorite
season is
SUMMER. It is the
season of our
great holiday. The
weather is fine
and sunny and I
can spend more
time outside than
usual. I can go
swimming in the
sea or in
the lakes, I can
travel more than
in the rest of the
year or I can do a
lot of sport
Summer is also
the season for my
parents’ holiday
and we can spend
more time

11.A person I
consider a role
model for me is
my father. He is
my best friend
since I was a
child and he is
always there when
I need him. He is
a loving husband
for my mother, a
caring son for his
parents, a great
friend and
colleague for his
friends and co-
workers and a
great father for
me. He always
helps people and
offers good advice
and I consider him
good role model
for my future
adult life.

12.Today smoking
is a real threat to
our life. More and
more people
smoke putting in
their own life and
the life of the
people they live
with. Even people
who do not smoke
get cancer
because of the
passive smoking.
Smokers live a
shorter life and
they can get
cancer or heart
attacks easier.
The company of
smoking friends
can turn a non-
smoker into
an addicted
smoker, too. It is
great that
smoking is more
and more
restricted in public

13.Computer or
the mobile phone?
This is a good
question because
nobody today can
without them. In
my case I would
choose the
computer because
it is easy to use
even it is not
easy to handle. I
am very good at
computers too.
Computers soft
can stay on the
longer than the
mobiles so I can
have time to use
them for a while
without any
Mobiles are small
but easy to lose
and must be
charged from time
to time or there
are areas
where we do not
have signal.

14.I do not think

that children
should have the
same jobs as their
parents except if
they want to.
Today there are a
lot more
possibilities when
you take a job
and you can
change it at any
time. For example
my parents are
working in the oil
and gas field and I
am interested in
Parents can offer
guidance but we
must take the
final decision.

15.A great
present for my
birthday would
be…a new modern
car. I am to go to
university and I
would like to be
independent from
the transport
point of view. I
would like to
travel around
the country with
my friends or to
have a quick
mean of transport
at all times. My
dream car
is a Ford or a

16.My last party

was the
graduation party
and it was a party
to remember. I
went to Busteni
with all my
colleagues and
our class teachers
to celebrate the
graduation of high
Everybody had
elegant clothes
and the music and
food were great.
We had fun and
the party
ended late in the
night, we took
photos and
everybody was
very happy.

eighteen is a great
time for any
adolescent. You
become more
responsible for
acts, we leave
home for the first
time to go to
university and we
can get our
driving licence.
The first part of
our education is
over and now we
are considered
adults, we can
vote and be
more responsible
for the political
aspects of our
society. I think
turning 18 is also
a time for
taking life
decisions and
having fun at the
same time.

18.Julia Roberts is
a famous,
talented American
actress whom I
admire very
much. She is a
very beautiful
woman and she
worked hard to
become a
successful actress.
She studied
theatre in New
York and worked
at the same time.
She comes form a
modest family and
has one brother
and one sister
who work in the
film industry too.
She became
famous acting
WOMAN” and
BAY”. She won an
Oscar for the film

She is a model
mother for her
two children and
she is married
with a
19.My room is
medium large and
everything in it
has my favourite
colors: cream and
There is a brown
corner desk near
the window with a
computer and a
TV on it. There is
chair near the
desk and one
person bed. There
are some shelves
and a lot of books
and CD-s
too. The carpet is
soft and it has a
modern design.
The walls are
painted in cream
and the
curtains are cream
too. I like to tidy
up my room every
week too.

20.At the
weekends I
usually like to
meet my friends
or my girlfriend.
We go out in
town, go to
the disco or to
parties. We like to
have a pizza
together or go to
the mountains and
have a
picnic. We
sometimes go to
the park and play
tennis or football.
Depending of the
season we
like climbing up
the mountains or
going swimming,

21.I would like to

visit the United
States of America
one day. I would
like to see the
Statue of
Liberty, the
skyscrapers in
New York, to visit
the Grand Canyon
on horseback, to
go to
Washington to see
the White House,
to have fun and
relax in Florida
and to make new
friends or to go to
Texas and visit
Dallas. I would
like to eat a real
hotdog and go to
Superbowl match
and I would like to
see the daily life
of the Americans.

22.One of my
favourite buildings
in Ploiesti is
because it is a
huge mall and all
important shops
are in there. It is
downtown Ploiesti.
It is a modern
building made
up of two old
buildings “OMNIA”
There I a modern
passage between
the two and there
is a two leveled
car parking behind

23.I agree that

music is very
important in
everybody’s life.
All the people
listen to it and
is a special song
or type of music
for everyone and
for all occasions.
Music makes life
enjoyable and it is
very relaxing, too.
I love pop music
and my favourite
musician at the
moment is NELLY

ROBERTS – Acelas
lucru ca la nr. 18 !
25.I was brought
in a loving and
caring family and
I am the only
child. My family
offered me
all their affection,
time, good
education and
advice and I felt
that they loved
me very much,
too. They gave me
the possibility to
have a great
childhood and
adolescence and I
know that
I can count on my
family at any
time. They taught
me the good
manners and
taught me to
appreciate and
help other people.

26.Today the
important part of
our life. The
positive aspects of
the Internet
are : searching for
playing games,
listening to music,
watching films,
in touch with
friends or making
new friends,
writing projects
for school,
making folders for
a photo gallery
and so on. A great
positive example
of using the
is the fact that I
could find all the
information I
needed for the
graduation exam
and that
helped me to
prepare better.

27.My dearest
family tradition is
the celebration of
Christmas. All the
members of my
get together at
my grandparents’s
house and it is the
only time of the
year when we can
everybody. We
prepare the
Christmas meal
and we all help to
decorate the
Christmas tree.
We talk about all
the things that
happened over
the year and we
have fun and
exchange gifts
and enjoy the
company of all the
members of our
28.Having a pet is
great but there
are a lot of
too. I have a
Burmese cat
Micheline and all
the members of
my family look
after it. We offer
her cat food, we
take it
to the vet
regularly and we
play with it. It is a
very loved cat and
we like to keep it
healthy and
happy. We offer it
our love and it
offers us a lot of
love too.

29.The happiest
day in my life will
be the day after
the end of the last
graduation exam.
I hope
that all my friends
and colleagues will
graduate. We
want to have a
great party to
the event and to
plan our future
summer holiday in
details. We will
make new plans
university and
relax a little after
twelve years of
school non-stop.

30.I do not think

that mobile
phones should not
be allowed in
school. There
should be school
rules to restrict
the use of the
mobile phone
during the classes
but not during the
breaks or
after classes.
Students can use
the mobile phones
to talk to their
parents to say
they are O.K.
and tell them
where they are
and they can ask
for help in case
they needed.

31.I do not think

that cars should
be banned from
the city center
because the city
center is the
most important
part of any city
and people need
to get from one
place to another
in a short
period of time.
The solution
against jams an
pollution can be
the building of
more car parks
and to offer the
drivers more than
one traffic
possibility in order
to avoid the city

32.I do not agree

that GOOD
educated person
must learn and
respect the good
manners in
society and in
their families.
Living together is
difficult if the
good manners are
not present and
we can see that
every day
at school, in the
street and even at
YOU – is
that everybody
must do. The
good manners still
exist for most of
the people but
some young
people consider
them out of
fashion and have
no respect for
anything or for
anyboby. For
example not all
the students
always respect
their teachers or
their own parents.

33.I agree to the

idea that uniforms
shouldn’t be
Students today
have their own
taste in choosing
their clothes
either for school
or their casual
clothes. I think
that students
can respect some
limits of good
taste for their
school clothes
avoiding strong
colours, too
much makeup or
jewelries. For
example we had
an uniform at the
beginning of high
but nobody liked it
and we came to
school with our
personal clothes.
And it was O.K.

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