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Topic Number 1:

Jonathan Capehart June 22nd 2010 President and Mrs. Obama

will throw open the White house doors to gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender Americans to celebrate pride month. This event
was used to reflect on where the community is and how much
farther it needs to go to acheive full equality. There is a long-term
effort that is riding a growing wave fueled by changed hearts and
changing demographics. Obama is trying his best to change how
gay men and lesbians and their families are viewed by the
federal government. I mean look at the changes already,
→ Gay partners of federal workers will now received long-term
health insurance, access to day care and other benefits.
→ Hospitals must allow gays to visit their ill partners.
→ And federal child-care subsidies can be used by the children
of same-sex domestic parents.
• In 1942, the American Psychiatric Association declared that Homosexualityis a disease.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed Homosexuality fromits list of diseases.

In a 1993 U.S. News and World Report poll of 1,000 registered voters, 53%said they knew
someone who is gay of these, 73% supported equal rights forgays. 46% said they do not know
someone who Is gay or lesbian; of these, 55% supported the same rights.

These new things that were put into place

These new ideas
put in place may not be earth shattering to capture the media’s
imagination or the public attention, but they have a profound
impact on real lives, and eventually bring equality much closer.

o   Social equality is possible (either today or in the

future) for gays and lesbians.

In 1620 the Puritans settled in Plymouth Masachusetts. These
puritan were one of the first settlers in America. These group of
people were a very religious group. They believed God, the
Creator of all mankind, is the One who righteously defines
homosexuality as a heinous crime. In the State of Massachusetts
being Gay or lesbian was definitely not an option. But who knew
that 384 years later in 2004 Massachusetts would be the first
state to legalize Same-sex Marriage in the United States. If the
state of Massachusetts who were so against homosexuality,
evolved into a gay welocoming state.

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