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To the Teacher
There are eight tests in this booklet. Each test covers
the work done in one Issue.
Each test has two parts:
Part A tests:
- language structures
- reading skills
Part B sets the pupils a creative communication task
related to the project work they have done.
Each part gives a total possible mark of 100.


These tests may be photocopied freely for classroom use.

They may not be adapted, printed, or sold without the
permission of Oxford University Press.

Illustrations by Jan Lewis


Section 2
Look at the picture.

Part A
Section 1
Write the questions to complete this conversation.

B Dan.
B Weedon.
B W-double E-D-O-N.
B Thirteen.
Now complete the descriptions with the following words.
B 28th January.
A has glasses short hair long wear eyes
B 3A. Is brown tall eyes straight has curly got
short hair quite glasses black
B Elm Street. Rebecca quite . She got
A blond , and
B Sixty-nine. blue . She wears .
Peteris . He
B Yes. French and Chinese. and
A . Hedoesn't

B I play the guitar and I watch television.

Score 1 for each correct word.
A Thank you, Dan.
Total 20
Score 1 forcontent.
Score 2 tor correctness.

Total 30

year now. It's called 'Fashion Time', because it's

Section 3 about clothes. Can you drive a car?
Kate No, I can't, but I've got a bicycle.
Complete this story. Colin Oh, OK. And are you good with a camera?
Kate Yes.
When he a boy, Alex Haley's relatives Colin Good. Our photographer left last week. So we
him about their family. told him about his need a new photographer. Can you start next
great-great-great-great , Kate Yes.
Kunta Kinte. Colin Great.

Later Kate is talking to Jane. Give Jane's answers.

Kunta Kinte lived in a in Africa. One day
he left village and he never saw his Kate Tell me about the job again, Jane. I can't
remember it all. What are the boys' names?
again. Four men captured him. They him to
Jane Their
America in a ship a lot of other men and
. The men sold Kunta Kinte in the
Kate What job do you do?
Jane I'm
Kunta Kinte's master was very and Kunta Kate What's the magazine called?
Kinte ran . But his master caught him and Jane It
off hisfoot. Doctor William Waller Kate Who is the magazine for?
Kunta Kinte and he worked in doctor's garden. Jane It
He Bell, the doctor's cook. They had a Kate How many issues do you do?
. Her name was Kizzy. Jane We
Kate Which issue are you doing now?
In 1967 Alex Haley found Kunta Kinte's village in
Jane We
.He wrote a book about his family.
The book was 'Roots'.
Kate What is it about?
Jane It
Score 1 for each correct word.
Kate What is it called?
Total 20
Jane It
Kate And what job shall I do?
Jane You
Section 4 Kate When shall I start?
Kate wants a job. She is at a magazine office. Jane You
She is talking to the editor, Tony Cass. Read their

Tony We write a magazine for young people. Come Score 1 forcontent.

on. You can meet the team. This is Jane. Score 2 for correctness.
Kate Hello, Jane.
Jane Hi. Total 30
Tony Jane's a reporter. And this is Colin. He's the art
editor. He'll tell you more about the magazine.
Colin The magazine is called'Cool Cat'. We do one
issue a month. We're doing the fourth issue forthis Your total for Part A:

Part B
Describe yourself.
- What do you look like?
- What are you wearing today?
- Write four sentences about what you can do.
- Write four sentences about your family.

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 1:


Part A
Section 2
Section 1
On the picture in Section 1, write the names of the six
Label this picture. rooms, in the correct places.

Score 1 for each correct word. Total 19 Score 1 for each correct word. Total 6

Section 3 Section 5
Put in on, in, or at. Complete this story with the following words.

1 nine o'clock repaired windy one crowds turned past

2 1653 disaster cradle castle over sank wreck
3 the morning blew bottom engineers part lifted crane
4 Monday museum people girls waving king ships
5 4pm going men broke
6 Wednesday 3rd June
7 Saturday 13th December 1986 Sunday afternoon in July 1545 of
8 my birthday people were in Portsmouth. Theywere watching the
9 1992 English ships. Henry VIII was in Southsea
10 17th August 1987 . He was watching the ,too. It
was a day, but the were still
Score 1 for each correct preposition.
happy. Their ships were to fight the
Total 10 French. and women, boys and
were singing and cheering and flags.
Section 4 But as the ships were sailing Southsea Castle
a happened. The wind
Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in
very hard and the King's favourite ship, the Mary Rose,
over and .
Last Monday afternoon Jane (be) in the kitchen.
She (cook) some chips. The stayed at the of the sea for
While she (heat) some oil in four hundred years. Then in 1982
a pan, the telephone (ring) . When she (hear) made a special forthe
the telephone, she (go) to ship and it with a giant . While
answer it, but she (forget) about the oil. theywere lifting it, of the cradle .
It (be) her friend, Kelly, on the phone. While But the engineers it. Now you can see
she (talk) to Kelly, the oil the Mary Rose in a special in Portsmouth.
(catch) fire. When Jane (see)
Score 1 for each correct word.
the fire, she (run) into the kitchen. Then Jane
(do) the wrong thing. She (open) Total 27
the back door and (pick up) the
pan. But as she (take) the pan
outside, she (burn) her hand and she
(drop) the oil. Jane (be)
very lucky, because the burning oil (miss)
her. But remember: fire is dangerous. When oil catches
fire, throw a damp towel over it. Don't pick up the pan.

Score 1 for each correct verb.

Total 20

Section 6 Part B
Yesterday there was an accident in the High street.
Write a newspaper story about an accident. Use these
A policeman interviewed a witness. Look at these
cues to help you.
answers. What were the policeman's questions?
- boy / Colin Marsh /14 / Newcastle
B Mrs Johnson. - on holiday
-sailing /lake
A -boat/turn over
B 14 Green Street. -fall in/can't swim
- pull to shore / save life
A - award

B Outside the supermarket.

B I was talking to my friend.
B No, I didn't see it, but I heard a crash.

B I telephoned for an ambulance.

Score 1 for content.

Score 2 for correctness.

Total 18

Your total for Part A:

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B: /100

Your total for Issue 2: I




Part A 444

Section 1 707
Complete each of these expressions with a suitable
Score 2 for each correct number.
as as the sky
as deep as the Total 20
as as a lion
as green as
as as lead Section 3
as good as Complete the sentences. Use these words.
as as snow
hot near popular far big light bad cold
as cool as a
heavy expensive good small
as as a mountain
as light as a Example

Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 10

Section 2
Write these numbers in full.

Ben is than John,
Colin is than John.
Ben is the _.



300 1 A is thanB.
520 C is than A.
B is .

2 London is than Birmingham. 5 Kelly's picture is than Jane's.

Oxford is than Birmingham. Vicky's picture is than Jane's.
London is _ . Kelly's picture is .

6 A is thanB.
C is thanB.

3 The cassette recorder is A is

than the radio.

The cassette recorder is
than the stereo.
The stereo is

7 Top of the Pops is

than Dallas.
Record Breakers is
than Dallas.
Record Breakers is
4 Rome is _ than Paris,
London is than Paris.
Rome is Score 1 for appropriate adjective.
Score 1 for correctness.

Total 42

Section 4 Section 5
Names these places. Complete this text.

1 This is the second largest country in the world. It is in The American man is 175 cm tall and
North America.
the average American is 167 cm tall.
But males are always taller than females.
2 This is the sixth largest country in the world. It is an
Girls fasterthan boys, and at the of
English-speaking country and it is in the southern
hemisphere. twelve the average girl is and heavier
A than the average .
3 This is the largest country in South America. It is on
the equator.
The tallest man ever in the was Robert
Wadlow. He was 272 cm tall. The tallest woman ever
4 This is the largest country in the world. Part of it is in
wasZeng Jinlian China. Whenshediedin
Europe and part of it is in Asia.
1982 she 247 cm tall. Giants like Robert
Wadlow Zeng Jinlian do not have happy
5 This is the largest continent in the world.
6 This is the smallest country in the world. It is in Italy.
Some are easier for them. Robert
Wadlow could a ceiling or change a bulb
7 This is the coldest place in the northern hemisphere.
The a ladder. But a lot of things were more
. He could not wear ordinary
8 Our heat comes from this.
^ . He could not travel on buses,
and he a special car, too. He could
Score 1 for each correct answer. see at the cinema, but he was not very

Total 8 popular. The people behind him could not

the film.

Giants do not live long. Robert Wadlow was only 23,

when he . Zeng Jinlian was only 18.

Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 20

Your total for Part A:


Part B
When it is winter in the northern hemisphere it is
summer in the southern hemisphere. And when it is
summer in the northern hemisphere it is winter in the
southern hemisphere. Explain why. Use diagrams to
illustrate your answer.

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 3:


Section 2
Label these objects.

Score 1 for each correct answer.

Total 10

Section 6 Section 7
Read this conversation and complete the invitation. Complete the recipe with these words.

Jenny Dad? salt with oven dish put frying pepper

Mr Smith Yes, Jenny. degrees batter ingredients mix into flour
Jenny Will we be here next Friday?
pour until minutes instructions oil
Mr Smith Friday? We're going to your Grandma's,
I think.
Jenny No, that's the week after.
Mr Smith What date is it next Friday?
Jenny It's the 18th.
Mr Smith Oh, well, you're right then, because we're
going to your Grandma's on the 25th. Why?
Jenny I've got an invitation to Phil Clark's birthday
party. Can I go?
Mr Smith What time does it start?
Jenny Eight o'clock.
Mr Smith OK, but you must be home at eleven.
Where does Phil live?
Jenny Collingwood Road. Number 45. Thanks, Dad.

Score 1 for content.

Score 1 for correctness.

Total 20 Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 18

Your total for Part A:


Part A
Section 1
Carol's Mum is ill. Carol and herfriends are going to do
some jobs for her. Look at this list. Say what the people
have and haven't done.

clean the bathroom Carol and John

do the shopping Kate and John
make the beds John
wash the car Carol and Peter
take the dog for a walk John
buy Mum's medicine Kate
telephone the doctor Carol
write a letter Peter
go to the bank John
collect the clothes from the Score 1 for correct positive or negative.
cleaners Carol 1 for correct auxiliary.
cook the dinner Kate and Peter 1 for correct past participle.

Total 30

Section 2
Complete these sentences with since or for.

1 We've been in London two days.

2 I've been ill last Saturday.
3 1900 the number of whales has fallen
very fast.
4 The dodo has been extinct three
hundred years.
5 We've been here 9 o'clock, but the
bus hasn't come yet.
6 I haven't seen my cat aweek. Ithink
he's lost.

Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 6

Section 3 and played forthe Los Angeles Dynamos. But he was

not very happy in the States and less than a year later he
moved to Birmingham. He got married in 1982, and two
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the
years ago Johnny and Marie bought their lovely house.
verb in brackets.
Here is an interview with Johnny Ball. What were the
1 I (work) at the
factory for ten years and I still work here.
2 Mrs King (live) in this house A You're England's youngest football manager,
for fifty years, but she doesn't live here now. Johnny.
3 Dennis Wall (play) for B Thirty-five.
Manchester United for five years, but he doesn't A
play for them now.
4 My father (work) inabankfor
ten years, but he works in a shop now.
B I've been manager for five years, but I played for
5 I (be) a teacher at Elm Street
Birmingham before that.
School forfifteen years and I'm still here now.
6 Mr Clark (have) a sports car for ten
months, but he sold it last week.
7 I (collect) stamps all my B Ten years.
life and I've got two thousand now. A
8 This record (be) number one for six
weeks, but it isnt now. B Three.
9 We (live) inthis house A
for nine years now.
B In Scotland, but I didn't live there very long. We
10 Jane loves her cat. She (have) moved to Newcastle when I was five.
it forten years now.
Score 1 for correct tense. B Newcastle United.
Score 1 for correct form. A
Total 20
B In 1961.
B I went to America to play forthe Los Angeles
Dynamos, but I stayed there for less than a year.
Section 4 I was never very happy there.
Read this story.
B In 1982.
Johnny Ball, England's youngest football manager, is
thirty-five today. He and his wife, Marie, live in a beautiful A
old house near Birmingham. Johnny played for
Birmingham City Football Club for ten years and he's
been the manager there for five years now. In total he B For two years now.
has played for three football clubs. He was born in
Scotland, but when he was five years old his parents Score 1 for content.
moved to Newcastle in the North of England. When he Score 2 for correctness.
left school at the age of fifteen, he started with the local
team, Newcastle United. In 1961 he moved to America Total 30

Section 5 Part B
Complete the text with these words. Here is some information about Betty Ross, the famous
film star. Use the information to write her life story.
risen number for count exactly million
went beginning hunted animals believe 1956 born / Sydney, Australia
extinct fell called 1968 make first film / 'Sweet Polly'
1970 move / England
When Europeans first to North America
1970-1981 make five films
they found a lot of new animals. One of these
1981 marry / American millionaire
was the American bison, or buffalo, as 1981-today live / California / make three films
it is sometimes . The Indians 1986 win award / best film star of 1986
buffaloes forfood and clothes, but they
only killed a few thousand animals each year. We do not
know how many buffaloes there were,
because people could not them. But we
thatin 1800 there were sixty
buffaloes in North America. Then
men started hunting the buffaloes profit.
Between 1800 and 1890 the of
animals to only five hundred. The buffalo was
almost . But the buffalo was lucky. Atthe
of the twentieth century buffalo
hunting stopped. Since that time the number of
buffaloes has to twenty-five thousand.
Will other animals, like the whale, be as lucky as the

Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 14

Your total for Part A:

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 5:


A Where
B Let's go to the Transport Museum.
B It's in Capstan Street.

Part A A
B It's near the Castle.
Section 1 A
B It's £1.50 for adults.
Give the opposites.
B It's free.
wide B Every day from April to October.
B Half past five.
long Score 1 for content.
Score 2 for correctness.
easy Total 21

Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 9 Section 3
Complete this conversation.

A me. do I
Section 2
to Waterloo Bridge,
Read this information. Then write in the questions to
B Takethe
complete the conversation.
A the station?
B Bond .
A Bond Street? How do I get t
B Go ontothe
Capstan Street (near the Castle)
lights and then right and take the
Open every day from April to October s -no, the third-
10 am to 5.30 pm on the left.

Admission A you.
Adults: £1.50
Children under 14: free Score 1 for each correct word.

Total 14

Section 4 Key:
Look at the map. Read what the tour guide says and
complete the key. 2
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our
sightseeing tour. We're in front of the railway station 4
now. In front of us you can see New Bridge and next to 5
it the railway bridge. But we won't cross this bridge,
because we're turning left into Riverside Walk. 6
On our right now you can see the River Raddle and the 7
large building on the left is Pendie Palace. This was built
in 1756. In front of the palace is the Pendie Monument
and behind the palace is a large zoo. 9
We've just been over Cannon Bridge and we're now in 10
Brook Street. On the left you can see the City Museum
and straight ahead is St Bernard's Cathedral. The small 11
building next to the cathedral is the oldest building in
the city. It's now the Westland Bank. 12
Now we're going along Manchester Road. Straight 13
ahead is Victory Fountain in William Square.
Now we're going round the square into Hill Street, and
towards Green Park. In the park you will see the Black 15
Tower on top of the hill. This was built in the twelfth 16
We have turned right and we're now in Preston Street.
The big building on the left is the city's largest shop, Score 1 for each correct item. Total 16
Now we've turned into Raddle Street. In front of us you
can see Old Market Square next to the river. We will
stop here for an hour and you can do some shopping.

Section 5 Section 8
Draw the tour route on the map in Section 4. Complete the text with these words.

Score 4. expensive tube half queue catch

anything sightseeing travel transport taxi
sometimes jump don't stand arrive
Section 6
Hot Dog's Guide to London
Look at the map in Section 4 again. Someone at number
11 wants to get to number 6. Give them directions.
In London you can by bus, by
underground or by . You the bus
at a bus stop, but you have to wait in a
for a long time for a bus. Sometimes no
buses come for an hour and then four buses
will all at the same time. But don't
the queue. The other people won't like it.

You can take the from any

tube station. The is fast, because the trains
Score 5 for content. have to wait for the traffic. But you can't see
Score 5 for correctness.
on the underground. Buses are the
Total 10 best for .

Of course, you can take a taxi. You don't have to

Section 7 in a queue or find a station, but it's much

more than the bus orthe
Put in the where it is needed.
Trafalgar Square
Tower of London Score 1 for each correct word.

Houses of Parliament Total 16

Oxford Circus
London Zoo Total for Part A:
Westminster Abbey
Victoria Station
River Thames
Bank of England
Buckingham Palace

Score 1 for each correct answer.

Total 10

Part B
Write about your town.

1 Describe two places of interest to visitors. Say:

-where they are
-when they are open
- what people can see there.
2 Explain the transport system in yourtown. Explain:
- what forms of transport there are
-how much they cost
- what people must do to get a ticket.

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 6:


4 A Kelly
.write an
article about whales.
Part A 5 A

Section 1
B I'm going to do it on Wednesday.
Look at the diary. Phil is talking to Vicky about next 6 A Whois going_
week. Complete their conversations.
B The TV station.
7 A

B He's going to take them on Tuesday.

Score 3 for each dialogue.

Deduct 1 for each mistake.

Total 21

Section 2
Write these numbers in full.




1 A
When Justin to_ _the
new issue to the local shop?
going to take it on
2 A What going to on

Score 2 for each correct number.

goingto anewfilm.
3 A
Total 10
Who . Justin and Kelly _ to

Section 3 Section 4
Put these sentences into the past tense and add Put these sentences into the future tense and add
yesterday. tomorrow.

Score 1 for each correct verb.

Score 1 for each correct verb.
Total 10
Total 10

Section 5 Section 6
Read this story. Then complete the conversation by Complete the text. The first letter of each word has
filling in the questions. been given.

John Lees left City Hall, Los Angeles on 11th April 1972 Hot Dog was an wreck. His eyes were red
and walked from one side of the USA to the other. He andhec sleep. CoolCatwas
arrived 53 days 12 hours and 15 minutes later at City
Hall, New York on 3rd June. In that time he walked 4628 s all the big cases. He solved the
kilometres at an average speed of 86.495 kilometres a Newman murder case and the Walton robbery. Finally
day. John Lees was born in 1945 and he lives in
Brighton, England. Hot Dog went to see the d .

'You're working too hard, Hot Dog,' said the doctor.

'You m take a long rest. You n
B John Lees.
stay in bed, but you must take a h .'
B 23rd February 1945. 'But I can't go away, Doc,' said Hot Dog. 'I must solve the

A Carson r case.'

B Brighton. 'That can wait. You m worry about your

A work. You're ill,'said the doctor.
B No, it isn't. It's in England. The doctor gave Hot Dog some t and Hot
A Dog took a long holiday. He didn't s and he
didn't drink any c or alcohol. He had a good
B I walked from Los Angeles to New York. r .
A When he went back to the doctor's five months later, he
B On 11th April 1972. feltg .
'You can go b to work now, Hot Dog,' said
B On 3rd June 1972.
the doctor. 'Butr you mustn't get
A e .'
B I walked 4628 kilometres.
The next day Hot Dog was back at the doctor's.
'What's the m ?' asked the doctor.

B It took 53 days, 12 hours and 15 minutes. 'My a says that damned cat has solved
A the Carson robbery case. I think I need another holiday
and some more tablets, Doc'

Score 1 for each correct word.

B It was 86.495 kilometres a day.
Total 19
Score 1 for content.
Score 2 for correctness.
Total for Part A:
Total 30

Part B
Write a story using these cues. Make your own ending
forthe story.

Lost in space

spaceship TSR5 / on way to Planet Janos

see unknown planet/ land
oxygen / don't need spacesuits
captain stay in spaceship/others look for food and water
return / can't get into spaceship /force field
spaceship takes off / astronauts on planet / captain still in

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 7:


9 A reader has checked the newspaper.

10 The editor has sent the printing blocks to the

machine room.
Part A
Section 1
Turn these sentences into the passive.
11 The printing presses print the newspapers at night.
1 Every day the editor receives messages.

2 This morning a man reported a fire. 12 Tomorrow morning van drivers will deliverthe
newspapers to shops.

3 The editor sent a photographer and a reporter to

the scene.

13 Aeroplanes will take the newspapers to other


4 The reporter interviewed witnesses.

14 Newsagents will sell the newspapers.

5 The photographer took some photographs of the

15 People will read the story.

6 The darkroom assistant developed the film.

Score 1 for correct verb.

Score 1 for correct subject and agent.
7 The reporter wrote the story.
Total 30

8 Now the compositor has made the page.


Section 2 The reporter is interviewing a policeman. Here are the

policeman's answers. What were the questions?
Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.
1 The crash happened half past nine.
2 Most British newspapers are printed London. B It happened at five o'clock this morning.
3 Clive showed us the newspaper A
4 Photographs are stored filing cabinets and B We're looking for three men.
shelves. A
5 I live number 14 Green Street. B It's in City Road, London.
6 He was taken hospital an ambulance. A
7 He had to stay hospital two weeks.
B Over one £1 million.
Score 1 for each correct preposition.
Total 10 B Yes, they were seen by Mrs Carter.
B She was going to work.
Section 3 A
Read this story. B No, she can't, because they were wearing stockings
overtheir heads.

£1 MILLION B They escaped in a red Ford Escort van.

B Yes, it was found by a group of children, but none of
THE POLICE are looking for three men after a
bank robbery in West London today. The the money was in it.
robbery happened at the National Bank in A
City Road at five o'clock this morning. More
than £1 million was stolen from the safe. The B We're searching the van for fingerprints.
men escaped in a red Ford Escort van. They were
seen, as they were running away, by Mrs Carter.
She was going to work when the robbery Score 1 for content.
happened. 'I can't describe the men, because they Score 2 for correctness.
were wearing stockings over their heads,' she said.
'But two of them were tall and the other one was Total 30
short. They were all wearing jeans and black
Two hours later the red Escort was found by a
group of children. None of the money was in the
van. The police are now searching it for

Section 4 And now sport. The forthe women's

800 metres has been by the American,
Complete the texts with these words.
Tracy Jones.
way luckily saw poisonous beginning
evening sank ambulance broken at Score 1 for each correct word.
Prime looking airport boy has record
Total 30
coast said lucky neighbour coins
cleaning tomorrow found arrived been
hospital local wreck carrying Your total for Part A:

Good . Here is the news.

The Minister of India has arrived in London at

the of his visit to Britain.
he will meet the Prime Minister
10 Downing Street. There was a small protest at
London , when the Prime Minister's
plane .

An eight year old from Liverpool was taken to

today after he was bitten by a
's pet snake. The snake was
and a doctor at the hospital
that the boy, Alan Grantley, was very
. . The snake escaped while the neighbour
was its glass tank. Alan it in
his garden and picked it up. , his older
sister was out of the window and she
called an . The snake has now
caught and taken to a zoo.

The of the'Dundee'has been

by divers near the of Holland. The'Dundee'
in 1682 on her from France to
Denmark. She was gold and silver
, but none of the coins been found yet.

Part B Two men arrested - bank robbery

Look at these teleprinter messages. Write the news
in Manchester - £50,000 stolen
reports for them.

New York marathon won by George

Thompson new record - 10,000
runners - very hot - many runners
now in hospital

I Editor of the Year - Clive

Clarke - Daily Mirror - chosen
from ten editors - £1,000 prize
- Clarke 'I'm very happy.1

Five people injured in bus crash

- near London - three adults and
two children - taken to hospital

Score 50 for content.

Score 50 for correctness.

Your total for Part B:

Your total for Issue 8:

Your total for the whole book*:

* See To the Teacher" on page 1.


Answers to Part A tests only.

Sections 1 and 2

Section 1
What's your name?
What's your surname?
How do you spell Weedon'?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
What class are you in?
Where do you live?
What number?
Can you speak any foreign languages?
What do you do in your free time?

Section 2
is, short, has, long straight, hair, eyes,
quite tall, has got short black curly hair,
brown eyes, wear glasses

Section 3
was, told, They, grandfather, village,
his, family, took, with, women, slave,
cruel, away, cut, bought, the, married,
daughter, Africa, called

Section 4
Their names are Colin and Tony.
I'm a reporter.
It's called 'Cool Cat'.
It's for young people.
We do one issue a month.
Section 3 Where were you when the accident
We're doing the fourth issue forthis 1 at 2 in 3 in 4 on 5 at 6 on 7 on 8 on
What were you doing?
year. 9 in 10 on
Did you see the accident?
It's about clothes. What did you do, when you heard the
It's called 'Fashion Time'.
You'll be our photographer.
Section 4 crash?

You can start on Monday. was, was cooking, was heating, rang,
heard, went, forgot, was, was talking,
caught, saw, ran, did, opened, picked
up, was taking, burnt, dropped, was,
Section 1
blue, sea, brave, grass, heavy, gold,
Section 5 white, cucumber, high, feather
One, crowds, King, Castle, ships,
windy, people, going, Men, girls, waving, Section 2
past, disaster, blew, turned, sank, four hundred and fifty-seven
wreck, bottom, over, engineers, cradle, nine hundred and eighty-three
lifted, crane, part, broke, repaired, eight hundred and sixteen
museum two hundred and nine
three hundred
five hundred and twenty
Section 6 six hundred and seventy-two
What's your name? one hundred and eighty-six
What's your address? or Where do you four hundred and forty-four
live? seven hundred and seven

Section 3 3 A
How much is this milk?
It's 25p a bottle.
Section 3
1 heavier, lighter, the lightest 1 have worked 2 lived 3 played
2 further (away), nearer, the furthest A I'll have three bottles, please. 4 worked 5 have been 6 had
(away) B That's 75p, please. 7 have collected 8 was 9 have lived
3 more expensive, less expensive 10 has had
(cheaper), the most expensive 4 A How much are these potatoes?
4 hotter, colder, the hottest B They're 20p a pound.
5 better, worse, the best A I'll have three pounds, please. Section 4
6 bigger (larger), smaller, the biggest B That's 60p, please. How old are you today?
(largest) How long have you been the manager of
Birmingham City?
7 more popular, less popular, the least
Section 6 How long did you play for Birmingham?
How many clubs have you played for?
Where were you born?
Section 4 What was your first club?
1 Canada 2 Australia 3 Brazil 4 USSR When did you leave Newcastle United?
5 Asia 6 Vatican City 7 North Pole Where did you go in 1961 ?
8 Sun When did you get married?
How long have you lived in this house?

Section 5 Section 5
average, woman, not, grow, age, taller, went, animals, called, hunted, exactly,
boy, world, from, was, and, things, count, believe, million, for, number, fell,
paint, without, difficult, clothes, needed, extinct, beginning, risen
easily, see, died

Section 7
Ingredients, flour, Instructions Section 1
Section 1 1 frying, until hot, clean, narrow, new (young),
pound, bottles, tins, dozen, loaves, 2 salt, pepper crooked, small (little), short, dry,
loaf, packets, bottle, pounds, packet 3 Mix, with, batter difficult
4 oil
5 Pour, dish
Section 2 6 Put, into Section 2
1 knife 6 saucer 7 oven, degrees, minutes Where shall we go today?
2 fork 7 saucepan Where is it?
3 spoon 8 frying pan Where's that?
4 plate 9 dish How much is it to get in?
5 cup 10 glass How much is it for children?
When is it open?
What time does it close?
Section 3
1 any 2 some 3 any 4 any 5 some Section 1 Section 3
6 any Kate and John have done the shopping.
John hasn't made the beds. A Excuse me. How do I get to Waterloo
Carol and Peter have washed the car. Bridge, please?
Section 4 John has taken the dog for a walk. B Take the underground.
1 a bit of, a few 2 a bit of, a bit of Kate hasn't bought Mum's medicine. A Where's the nearest station?
3 a few 4 a few Carol has telephoned the doctor. B Bond Street.
Peter hasn't written a letter. A Bond Street? How do I get there?
John has gone (been) to the bank. B Go straight on to the traffic lights and
Section 5 Carol hasnt collected the clothes from then turn right and take the second -
no, the third - turning on the left.
1 A How much is this bread? the cleaners.
Kate and Peter havent cooked the A Thank you.
B It's 60p a loaf.
A I'll have two loaves, please. dinner.
B That's £1.20, please. Section 4
2 A How much are these eggs?
Section 2 1 St Bernard's Cathedral
1 for 4 for 2 WestlandBank
B They're 95p a dozen. 3 William Square
2 since 5 since
A I'll have one dozen, please. 4 Black Tower
3 Since 6 for
B That's 95p, please. 5 Green Park
6 Victory Fountain

City Museum
Section 3
1 I couldnt play football yesterday.
9 Old Market Square 2 I had to stay indoors yesterday.
10 Cannon Bridge Section 1
3 We had to go to school yesterday.
11 Pendle Monument 4 Kate couldnt stay at home
12 River Raddle 1 Messages are received every day by
yesterday. the editor.
13 New Bridge
5 They had to buy some new clothes 2 A fire was reported this morning by a
14 Railway Bridge
yesterday. man.
15 Zoo 6 Did you have to make the beds
16 Railway Station 3 A photographer and a reporter were
yesterday? sent to the scene by the editor.
7 I didn't have to help with the 4 Witnesses were interviewed by the
Section 6 housework yesterday. reporter.
Go along Riverside Walk. Turn left and 8 Justin had to go to the dentist 5 Some photographs were taken of the
go over New Bridge into Hill Street. yesterday. fire by the photographer.
Go along Hill Street and take the second 9 Phil didn't need to do any work 6 The film was developed by the
turning on the left. It's straight ahead. yesterday. darkroom assistant.
10 The TV was broken yesterday, so we 7 The story was written by the
Section 7 couldnt watch our favourite reporter.
The Tower of London programme. 8 The page has now been made by the
The Houses of Parliament compositor.
The River Thames Section 4 9 The newspaper has been checked
The Bank of England 1 I will have to go to school tomorrow. by a reader.
2 We wont be able to stay at home 10 The printing blocks have been sent
tomorrow. to the machine room by the editor.
Section 8 3 I wont be able to repair the car 11 The newspapers are printed at night
Hot Dog's Guide to London Transport tomorrow. by the printing presses.
travel, taxi, catch, sometimes, queue, 4 Mrs King will have to take the bus to 12 The newspapers will be delivered to
half, arrive, jump, underground, tube, work tomorrow. the shops tomorrow morning by van
don't, anything, sightseeing, stand, 5 John wont be able to do his drivers.
expensive homework tomorrow. 13 The newspapers will be taken to
6 Will you be able to repair my watch other countries by aeroplane.
tomorrow? 14 The newspapers will be sold by
7 Will you have to go to work newsagents.
tomorrow? 15 The story will be read by people.
8 David will have to write a letter to his
Section 1 aunt tomorrow. Section 2
1 A When is Justin going to take the 9 Jane wont have to do the washing 1 at 2 in 3 around 4 in, on 5 at 6 to, in
new issue to the local shop? up tomorrow. 7 in, for
B He's going to take it on 10 I will be able to play football
Wednesday. tomorrow.
2 A What's Phil going to buy on
Section 3
Monday? Section 5 When did the robbery happen?
B He's going to buy a new film. How many men are you looking for?
What's your name? Where is the bank?
3 A Who are Justin and Kelly going to
When were you born? How much money was stolen?
Where do you live? Were the men seen?
B David Jackson.
Is that in the USA? What was she doing?
4 A What is Kelly going to do on
What did you do for your record? Can she describe the men?
When did you start? How did the men escape?
B She's going to write an article
When did you finish? Has the van been found?
about whales.
How far did you walk? What are you doing now?
5 A When are you going to make a
How long did the journey take?
poster of Hot Dog?
What was your average speed?
B I'm going to do it on Wednesday. Section 4
6 A Who is Kelly going to telephone? evening, Prime, beginning, Tomorrow,
B The TV station. Section 6 at, airport, arrived
7 A When is Justin going to take some nervous, couldnt, solving, doctor,
photographs? must, needn't, holiday, robbery, boy, hospital, neighbour, poisonous,
B He's going to take them on mustn't, tablets, smoke, coffee, rest, said, lucky, cleaning, saw, Luckily,
Tuesday. great, back, remember, excited, matter, looking, ambulance, been, local
assistant wreck, found, coast, sank, way,
Section 2 carrying, coins, has
two thousand four hundred and seventy- record, broken
six hundred and seventy thousand
eight point nine five
eight thousand and forty-one
five point seven eight two

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