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May 6, 2011

Hon. Dannel P. Malloy, Governor State Capitol

210 Capitol Avenue Hartford, Connecticut 06106

Dear Governor Malloy:

The budget you signed yesterday includes $1 billion in labor-management savings in each year of the upcoming biennium, consistent with the budget that was offered in February. While Deputy Secretary Ojakian continues to be constructively engaged with the coalition representing the State's labor force, we are proceeding with contingency efforts should those discussions not reach a fruitful and timely conclusion. As you know, the enacted budget includes a May 31 st deadline for presenting a plan to achieve $2 billion in budget adjustments over the biennium, and requires that the General Assembly enact legislation to achieve such savings by June 8th.

Accordingly, attached is a list of options for potential inclusion in the plan required by the budget act. These options include $455 million in savings as the result of the reduction of 4,700 positions and their associated programs; and over $1.2 billion in other programmatic reductions including cuts to aid to local governments as well as cuts to state programs. All told, these options reflect $1.67 billion in reductions from which a budget balancing plan can be developed if necessary.

The options on the attachment were derived from a variety of sources. Some options were considered but ultimately were not included in the budget presented in February; some of the items were submitted by agencies in response to the requirement that they provide additional 10% reductions last month; and a number of alternatives were generated by my staff.

These options are unattractive policy choices, and I offer them with a sense of reluctance and even regret. Clearly, implementing these reductions would be a worst-case outcome-painful for our citizens, our employees, and those who rely on state services. It is my fervent hope that an agreement will be reached in short order, obviating the need for either personnel reductions or additional programmatic cuts. I stand ready to assist you and the General Assembly in any way I can, including carrying out any of the alternatives attached hereto if required.


~/j -'~A.Jv- 0--"__"'1 Benj~~ Barnes Secretary


450 Capitol Avenue' Hartford, Connecticut 06106-1379

Proposed Position Eliminations vs. Authorized Count
Authorized, Proposed
Appropriated Reductions to
Positions Count FY 12 % Reduction
GOV 27 3 11.1%
50S 106 8 7.5%
LGO 5 0,0%
OGA 68 12 17.6%
OTT 49 4 8,2%
OSC 271 39 14.4%
DRS 734 12 1.6%
OPM 148 12 8.1%
DVA 279 18 6.5%
DAS 548 79 14.4%
DCM 88 8 9,1%
OAG 288 28 9.7%
DO 498 16 3.2%
DESPP 1,634 61 3,7%
DMV 575 47 8,2%
MIL 46 5 10.9%
DOB 120 10 8.3%
001 141 49 34.8%
DCP 213 19 8,9%
DOL 217 10 4.6%
HRO 80 80 100.0%
OPA 31 30 96,8%
wec 117 45 38.5%
DAG 58 1 1.7%
DEEP 864 188 21.8%
ECD 103 11 10.7%
AE5 67 67 100,0%
DPH 523 52 9,9%
eME 58 6 10.3%
DDS 3,617 54 1.5%
MHA 3,578 141 3.9%
PSR 4 1 25,0%
DOT 3,292 277 8,4%
DSS 1,807 9 0.5%
SSM 9 0.0%
BRS 108 0.0%
SDE 1,706 1,413 82,8%
CSL 61 61 100,0%
TRB 27 2 7.4%
BOR 4,478 471 10.5%
uoc 2,901 285 9.8%
UHC 1,641 133 8.1%
DOC 6,493 319 4.9%
DCF 3,284 106 3,2%
Executive Branch 40,962 4,192 10,2%
Legislative Branch 580 80 13.8%
Judicial Branch 4,748 470 9,.9%
Total 46,290 4,742 10.2% FY 2012
$ from Other
$ from PS Options Options Total
GOV 254,682 254,682
SOS 529,480 10,567 540.,0.47
lGO 50,966 50,966
OGA 1,191,149 1,191,149
OTT 330,000 330,00.0.
OSC 2,915,714 6,500. 2,922,214
OSC-Mise 156,255,384 156,255,384
OSC - Fringe 21,814,50.0 21,814,50.0.
DRS 1,10.7,0.65 1,10.7,0.65
aPM 1,354,0.81 33,248,656 34,60.2,737
DVA 1,112,138 1,112,138
DAS 6,132,910. 850,0.00. 6,982,910
DCS 632,30.4 11,655,167 12,287,471
OAG 2,691,276 2,691,276
DCJ 2,539,661 2,539,661
DESPP 6,80.0.,843 9,420,681 16,221,524
DMV 3,949,677 70.5,90.3 4,655,580.
MIL 429,228 33,667 462,895
DOB 1,169,0.0.3 361,70.0 1,530.,703
001 5,163,397 250.,00.0. 5,413,397
DCP 1,487,452 80.,468 1,567,920.
DOL 808,531 4,536,264 5,344,795
HRO 6,516,257 41,054 6,557,311
OPA 2,499,678 2,499,678
wec 5,0.73,159 5,0.73,159
DAG 141,50.0 165,668 30.7,168
DEEP 21,53],0.35 3,331,273 24,868,30.8
ECD 880.,594 41,0.32,479 41,913,073
AES 7,371,965 7,371,965
DPH 3,237,0.0.8 4,559,821 7,796,829
CME 488,345 20.0.,0.00. 688,345
DDS 13,0.11,180 29,749,373 42,760.,553
MHA 13,252,969 19,675,0.43 32,928,0.12
PSR 9,821 9,821
DOT 14,871,069 121,728,70.3 136,599,772
DSS 12,867,595 213,912,476 226,780.,0.71
SSM 17,255 17,255
SDE 150.,620.;179 459,409,821 610,030,000
CSL 9,433,972 1,315,843 10.,749,815
TRB 127,412 245,0.17 372,429
BOR 33,277,492 56,944,637 90.,222,129
uoe 2.2,535,367 22,535,367
UHC 11,351,539 10.,0.00.,0.0.0 21,351,539
DOC 33,444,745 567,0.67 34,0.11,812
DCF 10.,633,165 7,0.74,90.7 17,70.8,072
Executive Branch 413,780.,637 1,20.9,250.,860. 1,623,0.31,497
Legislative Branch 6,746,455 5,126,725 11,873,180.
Judicial Branch 34,291,530 420.,675 34,712,205
Total 454,818,622 1,214,798,260 1,669,616,882 FY 12 PS FY 12 Non-PS
FY 12 Positions Options Options FY 12 Total $
Banking Fund 10 1,169,003 1,030,339 2,199,342
Consumer Council/Public Utility Fund 46 6,786,935 925,386 7,712,321
General Fund 4,268 417,783,247 1,024,885,040 1,442,668,287
lnsurance Fund 49 5,185,532 739,831 5,925,363
Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Fund 61,779,907 61,779,907
Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Fund 17,255 17,255
Specia I Tra nsportation Fu nd 324 18,820,746 124,735,906 143,556,652
Workers Compensation Fund 45 5,073,159 684,596 5,757,755
Total 4,742 454,818,622 1,214,798,260 1,669,616,882 Reduction Proposals with Personal Services Impact

Remove Appropriations Committee's Increase To Provide Staffing For Non-State Public Employee Pool

(425,OOO) .

duction of Positions in the Information Services Program

(532,864) .

Reduction of Positions to the Management Services Program


I Reduction to Personal Services Through Attrition


Office of Policy and Management

IAchieve a 10% PS Reduction

;Office of Policy and Management

i Reduction - Personal Services


Department of Veterans Affairs


I Eliminate 3 Positions

I Reduce leadership Positions

Department of Motor Vehicles

Military Department

Page 1 of 6

Reduction Proposals with Personal Services Impact

s (289,618) $


ipated Reslgnationsj' Turnover for FY 12

am inations - Privatizi

pa rtment of Consumer Protection

Department of Consumer Protection

Department of Consumer Protection


Reduce Personal Services Funding for One Vacant Part Time Marketing Department Office Assistant


Department of Agriculture

Reduce Fundi for Two Filled Part Time

ulture Wrkr 1 Positions $



Reduce Funding for a Filled Agricultural Marketing and Inspection tive


. Department of Energy and Environmental

CC!PUF Protection

Reduction of Personal Services, Fringes and Indirect Costs related to the Office of Consumer Counsel

Page 2 of 6

Reduction Proposals with Personal Services Impact

iCCjPUF Protection

I (1,191,669)1 $

I Department of Energy and Environmental

'CCjPUF I Protection i Reduction Resulting in the Reduction of DPUC Staffing by 27% $ (2,876,126) $ (2,800,575), (20) (20)!
I Department of Energy and Environmental I ' -, I
(1,783A24IH I
CCjPUF l Protection I Eliminate Funding for the Office of Consumer Counsel s (2,579,905) s (11)j
! I Department of Energy and Environmental 1 I
1 I
iGF Protection : Reduction in Personal Serv~ces $ (3,556,458) $ (3,347,546)1 (60)L (60)!
I Department of Energy and Environmental j - (1)1 !
, i
I. i
GF I Protection lDEP ~ Dam Maintenance $ (13,247) $ (13,247) (1)1
I Depa rtment of E~~r~w ~ nd Environmental ! (6)1 I
i Protection IDEP - Solid Waste ManagenientAcct I
GF $ (291,889) $ (291,889) (6)
Departmentof Energy and Environmental ! !
Protection I DEP - Underground Storage Ta nk Acct $ (132,649) s (132,649) (3) j (3)
I.GF r Department of Energy a nd Environmental ·····1 i
Protection ! Elimination of funding for Underground Storage Tank program $ (1,170,761) $ (1,147,067) (11)! (11).
! I Department of Energy and Environmental '1 , I
(12)! I
GF Protection ! Reduce Staffing Related to Permitting by 25% $ (919,O25) $ (884,987) (12)1
I D~partment of Energy and Environmental i (12)1
GF i Protection Reduce Permitting Staff by an additional 25% $ (919,025) $ (884,987) (12)J
Department of Energy and Environmental i i
! Eliminate the Burlington Hatchery I !
GF Protection $ (504,050) $ (488,769) (6)1 (6)!
I Department of Energy and Environmental I (11)1 i
GF I Protection . I Eliminate the Quinebaug Hatchery s (1,514,444) s (1,488,385) (11)!
IGF Department of Energy and Environmental I I
Protection Reduce Number of Summer Workers in Outdoor Recreation $ (1,334,000)1 $ (l,334,DOO) - - I
i Department of Energy and Environmental ! !
IGF Protection Eliminate Summer Workers in the Bureau of Natural Resources $ I i
(616,725)! $ (616,725) - - I I Department of Energy and Environmental !

~G_F~~~I~p_ro_t_e_ct_i_on_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~I_R_educethenumberofSeaonal~o~e~in_O_u_~_o_o_r_R_e_cr_e_a~tl_o_n_b~y_6_D_%~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Page 3 of 6

I (1,048,216)
$ (1,088,532) I $
$ (244,448) $ (240,822)
$ (441,847) s (433,550)
$ {2,003,OOo)i s (2,D03,ODO) !




. (4) I

i I Department of Energy and Environmental

IGF I Protection


I Reduce Conservation Officers by 50%

II I Department of Energy and Environmental

GF I Protection

1-1 ~--+I D-~partment of Energy a~d Environmental I

~GF I Protection [Elirnmate the Kensington Hatchery

I .

!Eliminate Funding for Mosquito Control

Reduction Proposals with Personal Services Impact

±-' ~Q'N_~.I~~~~~1j~t=rt~y~~~ -'-~~~I~~7E~;·.c';:='~~n~1~I!&rN~t~~~~~~~-.~ ~m·0l:?:~7·:·~~~pi-1i~.r~){):Sfw~~11~r.i~4Qllil

I Dept of Economic and Community i I I ! I I

iGF 'Development IReduce Personal Services I $ (427,080)1 $ (427,080) (5) (5)1

. Dept of Economic and Community " I t I I I

GF Development Reduce Personal Services by 10% I $ (453,514)1 $ (453,514) (6)1 (6)!

GF Agricultural Experiment Station I Reduction of Business and Support Services I $ (114,333H $ (114,333)1 (2)1 (2):

iGF rAgricultural Experiment Station IReduction of Rese~;~h'R~gulatory and Support Programs I $ (407,029)1 $ (407,029)! (5)! (5)1

j ,
jGF ! Agricultural Experime nt Station I Reduction of Public Health Research and Services 1$ (215,835)1$ (215,835) (3) (3)1
; I ! II (6,417,059)1 I
~ I I
i I I
GF Agricultural Experiment Station i Eliminate the Balance of Funding for Agricultural Experiment Station i$ (6,634,768) $ (57) (57)1
I 1$ (381,908)1 $ (413,733) (8) (8)
GF Department of Public Health ; Personal Services Reduction - Regulatory
.. '$ (3)1 (3) I
GF Department of Public Health .Personal Services Reduction - Administration (179,800h $ (194,800)
I IPersonal Services - Health Care Systems Branch - Lengthen the ! (78,800)1 I (1)[
(72,800)1 s t
iGF Department of Public Health ~censing interval for Assisted Living ..... . $ (I)!
i I Depa rtment of Public Health Personal Services - Health Care Systems Branch - Facilities Licensing -, (92,600)1 I· I
i i (1) I (1) 1
IGF and Investigations Section s (92,600)1 $
! I 1 (63,200)1 "1
~ I
I !
I 1 Depa rtment of Public Health (58,700)1 $ i (1) I
IGF Personal Services Reduction - Operations - IT - Support Services s (1)1
j , i ! !
f I
1 , ; i epartment 0 u IC ea t ersona ervices e ucnon- perations - - u IC ea t ru ra ive , i , j !
GF Department of Public Health Personal Services Reduction - Planning $ (83,300)1 $ (90,300)( (1)1 (l)i
.. - - .- , 1 I
Personal Service Reduction - Planning - Staff Elimination - Adverse i 1
GF Department of Public Health Event Reporting $ (70,600) $ (76,500)] (I) I (1)
GF Department of Public Health 10% PS Reduction $ (2,214,000) s (2,214,000) i (35}i (35)
GF ! Office of the Chief Medical Examiner 10% PS Reduction $ (382,630) s (382,630)) (5) I (5)
! I I
IGF ! Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Eliminate expansion in Approps Committee budget of $105,000 in PS $ (105,715) s (104,695): (1)1 (1) !
iGF I Department of Developmental Services Retirement Savings $ (4,087,472) s (3,242,768)! (41)1· (41)1
I i
IGF ! Department of Developmental Services Centralize Regional Business Office Functions into Central Office $ (220,385) $ (220,385) (6)! (6)
I $ (8,703,323) s (9,O44,338) (7)1 (7)
iGF Department of Developmental Services 10% reduction to Individualized Home Supports
! Closure of the state operated Local Mental Heatlh Authority (LMHA) in i
I fP bl" H I h



R d


IT P bli H I h I iti ti


(83300)1 $



(1) ,



l§F I Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs Danbury '_~ 1-$;____ __ --,(....;2,,-,1_24-,,_83_0-'-)t-r .,;_$ ,('-2..;....,l_2_4,:-8_3....:0)+I ---'('-3-'2)+1 __ ---'(_3--'-j2)

iGF Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs Close River Valley Services (LMHA) - Staff and OE Reduction $ (9,021,752) I $ (9,021,752) I (87) I (87)

iGF Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs Reduce State Support for Advocacy and Assistance $ (697,209) $ (678,891) (7ll (7)

iGF I Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs Reduce State Support for Education and Training $ (372,993) $ (369,064)1 (3): (3)

~. __ lDept Mental Health & ~ddiction S,v~s~_~~.R_e_d_u_c_e_S_ta_te_Su-'p~p_o_~_f~o~r_R~es_e~a_rc_h-,(_PS_an._d_O_E)~ ~ $ (1,036,185) $ (1,015,026)1 (12)1 (12)

Page 4 of 6


STF Department of Transportation [Vartous Personal Services Initiatives i $ (5,580,900)1 $ (5,580,900)~ (101) (101)

STF Department ofTransportation [Eliminate Ferry Service i $ {728,083)i $ (701,480)1 (10) (10),

l?_!F Department ofTransportat!on 110% PS Reduction I $ (7,038,000) $ (7,038,000)] (150) (150)i

iGF~~~~D-e~p-art~m-e-nt-o-f-S-o-c-ia~JS-e-rv-i-ce-s~~~~~-I~E-Itm--in-a~c~~~;~-n-d--~~~~~~--~~~~~~i-$~~~~(1~867,595) $ (13,66~704)i (9) (9~


iGF 1 Department of Education IClose the Adult Dental Assistant Program I $ (227,010)1 $ (227,010): (3), (3)

GF I Department of Education I Close the Adult Surgical Technology Program I $ (194,160) $ (194,160): (3)1 (3)1


i Department of Education ! Reduce PS Based on Vacancies in Central Office $ (500,000) I $ (500,000)1 (6)! (6) 1

[G 1 Department of Education [Close the Adult Certified Nurse Assistant Program $ (140,660) $ (146,660): (2)! (2)

!G~ Department of Education !close the Adult Medical Assistant Program 1 $ (118,370) $ (118,370)[ (1)1 (1)

!! i !

jGF Department of Education IReduce PS Based on Anticipated Retirements in Central Office $ (100,000) $ (100,000)1 (1) (l)i


jGF Department of Education IReduce PS Based on Vacancies in CTHSS $ (1,100,000)1 $ (1,100,000)1 (13) (13):

iGF Department of Education iReduce PS Based on Anticipated Retirements in CTHSS $ (l,OOO,OOO)j $ (l,OOO,OOO)1 (10)1 (10):

!GF Department of Education [Reduce Funding for CTHSS by 25% 1$ (36,709,568)1 $ (35,230,476)1 (342)1 (343li

~G_F -4I_D_e~pa_rt_m~en~t_o~f~E_d_uc~a_ti_o_n __ ~ ~~iE_li_m_in_a_t_e_R_em __ a~in_in~g~F_u_n_di_n~g_fu_r_C_T_H_S_S __ ~ __ ~~~~~~~,I~$ ~(1_1_0~,1_2~8,~7_0~6)~$~ __ .~(1~0~5~,6~9~1~,4~2_9~)I~~~(1~,_02_6~)~i~~(~l,~0_27~)!

GF Department of Education [Ellrninate Funding for Choice Program Positions $ (401,705)1 $ (386,827)1 (6)1 (6)1

~F IState Library IEliminate Interlibrary Loan Delivery Service 1 $ (282,342)1 $ (275,751)1 (6)! (6)1

GF IBoard of Regents for Higher Education [Reduce Personal Serv~c_e_s_,_~_____________ L$ (155,787)1_$ ---'('-15_5 .... ,_78_7.""""j)i .. ~(_2)'_ti-----,-(2.,:.):1

GF Board of Regents for Higher Education [Reduce Charter Oak State College by 10% 1$ (272,223) $ (267,054): (3)! (3)1

iGF [Board of Regents for Higher Education iReduce Regional Community Technical Colleges by 10% ! $ (14,913,096) $ (14,566,798)1 (200)! (200)

GF [Beard of Regents for Higher Education jReduce Connecticut State University by 10% $ (15,736,386) $ (15,352,274) (242)1 (242)1


iGF !University of Connecticut !Reduce Governor's Recommended Budget by Additional 10% $ (22,535,367)1 $ (21,984,091) (285)1 (285}i

!GF I Univ of Connecticut Health Center 1 Reduce Governor's Recommended Budget by Additional 10% $ (11,351,539) I $ (10,966,244) (133)1 (133}1

iGF ITeachers' Retirement Board 110% PS Reduction $ (127,412)1 s (127,412) (2)1 (2):

iGF Department of Correction [Revise Inmate Feeding Plan at MacDougall/Walker $ (439,0581j $ (519,308) (5)1 (5)1

IrG_F ~-D~ep~a~r~tm-e_n-t_o_f_C_o_rr-e-ct-io-n-· __ ~~ __ ~~~C-o~n-so-l_id-a_te-M~e~dS_u~r~g5--N-P8--Po-s-it-io_n_s~ __ ~~~~ ~ __ 4~$~~ (~2_3~O,~1_64~)+II~$~----~(-2-21~/_64_0~) ~(~34)!~--~~(3~)i

IrG_F~ __ ~I-D-'ep~a-rt_m-e_n-t-o_f_C-o-rr-e-ct-io-n~~--~----~+-R_e~uce Facility Posts s (1,500,000) i s (1,500,000) (48)r (48)1

I ! s ( )1 $ ( ) ( 3)1 (13)1

GF Department of Correction Reduce Perimeter Posts 1,343,175 1,343,175 1 I II
, 1
lGF Department of Correction Close Additional Prison $ (15,276,000)1 $ (15,276,000) (214) (214)1
IGF Department of Children and Families Increase the Caseload Size of Child Protection Workers s (2,161,165 ) s (2,443,056) (7) i (7l!
IGF Department of Children and Families Close Voluntary Services $ (380,OOO) $ (760,000) (3li (3)i Page 5 of 6

Reduction Proposals with Personal Services Impact

Connecticut Children's Place


Eliminate Funding for the Wilderness Schoo

Executive Branch Total $ (413, 780,63 7) (404,911,S56) (4,192) (4,178)
Legislative Branch 10% of FT staff + Eliminate Commissions $ (6,746,455) $ (6,836,933) (80) (80)
Judicial Branch (including PDS and CPC) 10% of FT staff $ (34,291,530) $ (34,697,792) (470) (470)
Grand Total $ (454,818,622) $ (446,446,281) (4,742) (4,728) Page 6 of 6

Reduction Proposals


[Reduce the Claims Commissioner 0 rations Aceau

of State

, $

(10,567) s

(6,500) s

(50,966) s

(94,475,477) $

(61,779,907) $

Office of Policy and Management

System (ABS) by 43%





Reduction to the



. State Comptroller - Fringe Benefits

Reductions *approximate


Reduction of Grant Payments for the Tax Relief for Elderly Renters

Office of Pol and Management

Reduction to Subsidy Provided to the Capital City Economic Develo ment Autho

Office of Policy and Management

Eliminate Balance of Funding for the Capital City Economic Development Authority Subsidy


Eliminate the Grant Payments for the Tax Relief for the Elderly Renters

Office of Pol




Department of Veterans Affairs

Eliminate the WRAP (Warriors Reintegration Assistance Pro


Department of Vetera

Increase efficiency of health care services


iReduce the Insurance and Risk Management Acea

!Additional reductions to the Other

Use DOlT Hosting (Computer Aided Facilities Management).

Department of Administrative Services


Department of Administrative Services

Change Connecticut Natural Gas tariff structure for state buildi


Page 1 of 12

~X~PJ;!)J~~ . - -=~~ ~.:ji1N,~"~--:.:!'lfA'G~;~%t:;: ~ .. ~~:~~:;!~~/~_:.~~=&: .. - ~~Q?J!q~~~-~~ .. ~ =-7.:,;~~f.-;~~{::J~~~Y~~::-:
I IRed~ce Other Expense Costs related to the Department of Public i I
GF Department of Administrative Services Works (DPW) i $ (112,000)1 $ (112,000)
GF Department of Administrative Services I Close Mystic Ed ucation Center I s (452,000)1 $
i -
IGF Department of Administrative Services Connecticut Education Network reduction (CEN) , $ (325,000)1 $ (325,OOO)
I ." IDepartment of Administrativ~ Services .! $ (3,291,493)1 $
~ Eliminate funding for Connecticut Education Network (3,291,493)
Eliminate state subsidy for Capitol Day Care Center , $ (127,250)1 $ (127,250)
Departmentof Administrative Services ,
F Department of Administrative Services Eliminate DIRECT Security Contracts ! $ (670,000)1 $ (670,000)
1$ ;
!GF Department of Administrative Services Eliminate Security Portion of Leased Facilities Management Contracts (3,600,OOO)! $ (3,600,000)
IGF i . " " (169,483)1 $
Department of Public Safety Sell the Helicopter - Operating and Insurance Cost Reduction ! $ (169,483)
IGF Department of Public Safety Civilianization of Sworn Positions - Savings to Overtime I $ (749,277}1 $ (799,277)
IGF Department of Public Safety Charge for DARE Training Costs ! s (10,OOo)i $ (10,000)
GF Department of Public Safety IClose Southwest SNTF Wilton Office , $ (20,000)1 $ (20,000)
GF Department of Public Safety I Reduce COLLECT Contingency Fund by 90% i $ (44,033)1 $ (44,033)
GF Department of Public Safety l Reduce Workers Com pensation 1$ (1,178,224)1 $ (1,156,227)
GF I Department of Public Safety Deferral of Sworn Training Class i$ (4,041,199)1 $ (4,041,199)
GF I Department of Public Safety Reduce IT Costs Through COLLECT System Circuit Replacement ! $ (587,439)i s (783,252)
I ! I
I Department of Public Safety 1$ i (8,400)1
GF 1 Eliminate of notifications of permit renewals and certified letters (8,400)! s
!Bring Alarm Systems Monitoring In-house I $ , $ (60,000)1
,GF Department of Public Safety (60,000)1
LGF Department of Public Safety I $ (20,000)1 $ (20,OOO)!
Reduc~ C~p'iers in Agency I
Department of Public Safety [Reduction of Property Management Contract in Scientific Services i $ (25,000)1 $ (2S,OOO)!
I " ,
IReduce printing costs for all forms available on the agency website ! ! !
IGF i i !
$ , $ (60,000)\
Department of Public Safety i (60,OOO)!
lGF . , , (322,897)1
. Department of Public Safety Offset DEMHS Personnel Costs with Federal Funds i $ (322,596)1 s
IGF IDepartment of Public Safety Reduce Other Expenses $ (66,310): $ (66,328)j
I , ! I IGF

Reduction Proposals

1 Department. of Public Safety

Reduce Fire Training School Funding $ (58,720); $ (39,153l!


$ (80,468)1 s (34,198)i

Reduce funding for Fleet Purchase from $7M tO$5M ~~.+_$:.._~_,_(2....:.,_00_0...:..'_00_0_._)tl -':-$~_--'-(2...:..,O_0_0_'_,O_0~0},.1

Defer The Replacement of Equipm~..':lt $ (300,000) $ (300,OOO}:

Department of Pub!ic Safety Department of Motor Vehicles


Department of Motor Vehicles

Offset Costs of Building Superintendent 2 (50%) s (33,667)1 s (33,122)i


Revert To One License Plate $ (405,903) $ (405,903)i


Military Department

Department of Banking

Reduction to Other Expenditures Due to Efficiencies $ (234,700)1 $ (209,406)


Department of Banking

Reduce Equipment Funding $ (127,000) $ (37,200}



Reduction - Anticipated Other Expense Savings

$ (2_50,OOOU $ (250,000) I

Insurance Department


I Department of Consum~r P-rotection

-l Reduction of Other Expenses

Page 2 of 12

Reduction Proposals

~~@:fl .. lil:-:~~~-G ~ ---- :AfGE<MeV~-~ --;s.c:-a.~'f-;o~~-=''-~d~'''",~ =::B~~a"TII:®1Jf-{rTffillilt1~~¥~~-- =' - }1',,:o=Fa.:cwJ,",,'ii':"I"2"" "I 21'3:.~-=c='[l~12i::l~~~~~::'ll'1

~,~~~~~~~. ·~~~~::-'o.__)t:~:-~~~'~~l _~'~--;~~~!'i:"'":c'I~~~~u~~ ~"~-"':;r='.~ ~ _;,~- _-~¥~~ ~~~'::.~, . -,. ~-~r'-~,~""~~' f- ~1~ ,~=:~~~fo r~i

~ IDepartment of Labor Eliminate Customized Services i $ (500,OOO)! $ (500,000)

GF Department of Labor Eliminate Individual Development Accounts I $ (95,000)' $ (95,000)

Suspend Funding for Job Training Programs (except Apprenticeship I

Program) ! $


I Department of Labor

(2,796,931)1 $


GF ._I D_e__,_p_a_rtment of Labor


Department of Labor

I, $ Eliminate Restoration of 15% Cut to Job Training Programs

IEliminate Occupational Health Clinic Funding

(455,073) (682,731)

(459,737)1 $ (684,596)! $



I Reduce M8rti~ L~ther 1<:1ng,jr Fundi~i - .. _

Comm-Human Rights & Opportunities

(40,389); $


Comm-Human Rights & Opportunities

Reduce Other Expenses

(10,000); $ (36,168)! $

GF Department of Agriculture

GF Department of Agriculture

Eliminate Funding for CT Grown Product Promotion -I Reduce Funding fa r Other Expenses ---

GF Department of Agriculture

I~- _ I D.eP.artment of Energy and Environmental .Reduction of Other Expenses Related to the Office of Consumer

CC/PUF Protection Counsel

-----~-- __ ----------~----~-----~--------------------------------------_--~~------~~--~~~~~~-~

. I Depart~ent of Energy and Environmental

CC/PUF i Protection _ ...

(10,000) (20,668)

Reduce Funding for Agency Nutrition Programs


Reduction_ to Other Expenses Related to the DPUC

us.oooil $ (15,000)
(79,043}i $ (83,043)
(3,800)1 $ (10,000)
(786,502) i $ (767,316)
(41,041)1 $ (34,041)
(27,696)1 $ (27,696)
(346,181)1 $ (354,478)
(532,449}1 $ (532,449)
(200,000): $ (200,000)
- .- "
{199,561)1 $ (199,561)
(1,100,000) $ (1,100,000)
(168,639)1 s (168,639) j Department of Energy and Environmental

ICC/PUF I Protection _. __ _!{eduction to Equipment Funding Related to the DPUC

, I Department of Energy and Environmental

CC!PUF i Protection

Reduction to Fringe Benefits Related to the DPUC


I : Department of Energy and Environmental

!CC/PUF Protection

. Department of Energy and Environmental

I G F Protection

Reduction for the Elimination of Security Portion of Leased Facilities Management Contr,

Reduce Mosquito Control by 10%

i 16epartment ot" Energy and Environmental


jGF Protection DEP - Emergency Spill Response Acct

I Department of Energy and Environmental IEliminatefunding for Commissions and United States Geological

IGF Protection ,Survey Agreements

I I Department of Energy and Environmental I

I G F I Protection I Eliminate funding for Lobster Restoration


I Department of Energy and Environmental I

iGF Protection [Ellmlnate Funding forStream Gaging

1~--~--rD-e-p-a-rt-m--en-t-o-f-E-n-e-rg-y-a-n-d--En~v~i-ro-n-m-e-n-t-a-I--~r .

iGF Protection I Eliminate Funding for Operation Fuel

I Dept of Economic and Community

;BF Development Eliminate Additional Funding for Fair Housing Positions

l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J_ ~~ __ -- ~---- ~ ~~~ __ --~~~ __ ~~ ~~~~

Page 3 of 12

Reduction Proposals

Ir~",~tft}Jtl~~~0~~I~.~l~R~€N~ltl'=/~:.·~~ , - - - -~~ - ~- ·;;~~~~~6»T~ID:Ni.HrJ;(li~--'~~~~~;:"~~,~~

_ -_,_ ~J'_____ ~~" _!_----""T" •• _, :- '~-- """"'""" 'i=:-,!..-'- -;;;,.; ~==== '~_ ',=~ ,~~ - ,=~_.!'".":"" .D~''''''--!;;~'"';':'''-~~ . ~ ~ 'J;... 4"" '>- --'n::::;_. ~

r I, Dept of Economic a nd Community I

iGF [Development Reduce Economic Development Grants I $

Dept of Economic and Community Development


(696,S60)! $

! (696,860)1

Reduce Other Expenses


I Dept of Economic and Community , Development



\ (31,534)j

Reduce Fair Housing

i Dept of Economic and Community i Development

iDept of Economic and Community



[Elimlnate Funding for Main Street Initiatives


(171,OOO) l s




; jReduce Statewide Marketing by 10% I ;
JGF i Development i$ (1,500,000) i $ (1,500,000)
I !Dept of Economic and Community I I I
IGF Development jReduce CT Assoc Performing Arts/Schubert Theater by 10% I $ (340,841)1 $ (340,841)
! Dept of Economic and Community lReduce Hartford Urban Arts Grant by 10% I I
I i
f Development I $ $ (37,871)
IGF i {37,871}!
I Dept of Economic and Community 1 I r
, I (7,574}1 $
GF Development !Reduce New Britain Arts Alliance by 10% 1$ (7,574)
Dept of Economic and Community i ! ! (4,429}1
GF I Development I Reduce Ivoryton Playhouse by 10% $ (4,429)I $
I Dept of Economic and Community l (9,468)! $ !
GF I Development [Reduce Greater Hartford Arts Council by 10% $ (9,46S):
I Dept of Economic and Community 1 !
! (37,S71}1
iGF Development ~ Reduce Stamford Center for the Arts by 10% $ $ (37,871}i
-- I i
Dept of Economic and Community ,
GF Development Reduce Stepping Stones Museum for Children by 10% $ (4,429)i $ (4,429)1
I Dept of Economic and Community Development

$ (53,153): $
$ (4,429)1 $
$ (37,871)i $
$ {79,729)i $
s (9,468) $
$ (37,871) $ (37,871)

Reduce Maritime Center Authority by 10%


Dept of Economic and Community Development

Reduce Amistad Committee for the Freedom Trail by 10%





I Dept of Economic and Community , Development

Reduce Amistad Vessel by 10%


iDept of Economic and Community J Development

Reduce New Haven Festival of Arts and Ideas by 10%


! Dept of Economic and Community

I Development _

Reduce New Haven Arts Council by 10%


Dept of Economic and Community Development

Reduce Palace Theater by 10%

Page 4 of 12

Reduction Proposals

:'~fN,r - ~~iiI~r-.~1 T. . f~€fPJr€i['IJ:Stla. ",'?c3§ H'=; :h'III5I~~~~
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Beardsley Zoo by 10% $ (35,435) $ (35,435)
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Mystic Aquarium by 10% s (62,011) $ {6~,O_1}}
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Twain/Stowe Homes~y 10% $ (9,567) $ (9,567)
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Connecticut Humanities Council by 10% ,$ (165763) $ {165,763}
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Discovery Museum by 10% I $ (37,871) $ {37,871}
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development I Reduce National Theatre for the Deaf by 10% I $ {15,148} i $ (15,148)
Dept of Economic and Community I Reduce CT Trust for Historic Preservation by 10% I (21,040)1
GF Development $ (21,040) I $
Dept of Economic and Community I I
I I $
GF Development I Reduce Connecticut Science Center by 10% $ (63,060) (63,060)
Dept of Economic and Community ,
iGF Development ,Reduce Culture, Tourism and Art Grant $ (39,421) $ (32,572)
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development Reduce Tax Abatement $ (170 889) $ (174,105)
i Dept of Economic and Community
IGF Development Reduce Payment in Lieu of Taxes $ (220,917) $ (225,076)J
I Dept of Economic and Community
Development Reduce Basic Cultural Resources Grant s {29,348} $ {24,2491
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development [Elimlnate funding for specific grants (Amistad, Beardsley, Twain, etc.) $ (5,455,516) $ (5,455,516)
Dept of Economic and Community I
GF Development Suspend Economic Development Grants $ (2,017,Q§_2) $ {2,O17,0621
Dept of Economic and Community Suspend Funding for the Elderly Rental Registry and Counselors
GF I Development • Program $ (988,096) , $ (986,024)
[Dept of Economic and Community ,
GF Development Reduce Other Expenses Funding for the Office of Milita_!y Affairs $ (37,991): s (41,899)
IDept of Economic and Community Suspend Funding for Payment in Lieu of Taxes for Moderate Renta I i
GF Development Housin_s. Programs in 22 Communities $ (l,983,083) $ (1,978,92~)
Dept of Economic and Community
GF Development [Suspend Fair Housing Funding $ (277 800) $ (277 216) Page 5 of 12

Reduction Proposals





(1,534,001) $


(416,575) s

- . I , i , ,
[Dept of Economi~ and Community (13,500,001J$
GF Development Eliminate Remaining Funding for Statewide Tourism Marketing s (13,500,001)
IGF I Dept of Economic and Community IEliminate New Funding for the Garde Arts Theatre I
: Development _ $ (300,000) s (300,000)
i 1 Dept of Economic and Community (105,706)1
iGF i Development Eliminate Expanded Funds for the Ivoryton Playhouse $ (105,706) $
! i Dept of Economic and Community I
, I Development I Eliminate Additional Funds for Tourism Districts ' I
GF s (1,660,OOO) $ {1,660,000)t
_ ... _. I
Dept of Economic and Community (1,500,000)1
GF Development IEliminate Additional Funding for Competitive Grants $ (1,500,000) I $
Dept of Economic and Community I I (500,000)1
GF Development I Eliminate Funding for Innovation Network $ (500,000)1 $
iGF Department of Publi~ Health [Reduce Venereal Disease Control- 10% $ (13,665)! s (13,665)!
iGF IRedu~e Rap~'Crisis Grants -10% - I ']:30,777)[[ (30,777)1
Department of Public Health $
i I i
~ I ! ! ! l i

iG F i Department of Public Health : Reduce Fund ing for Children with Specia I Health Ca re Needs - 10%


iGF - rDepartment of Public Health !Reduce Needle and Syringe Exchange Programs -10%

~. --~---r--~---------------------------~------------~~~'~----~--~~~--~

IGF ! Department of Public Health !Eliminate restored funding for Community Health Centers



(4 003 470) i $




{89,015l! s




(31,854) $




(3,500,000) s

1-, r ,
! Eliminated restored funding for Childhood Lead Poisoning Education
lGF Department of Public Health and Outreach $ (75,000) $ (75,000)
jGF Department of Public Health Eliminate additional funding for a New Haven Health Access Program $ (200,000) $ (200,000)1
lGF Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Eliminate expansion of OE funding included in budget $ (200,000) $ (200,000)!
J .
!GF .. (50,000)]
Department of Developmental Services Reduction in Pilot Program for Autism Services $ (50,000) s
!GF Department of Developmental Service~ Reductions to Clinical Services Account $ (50,000) $ (50,000)!
. -_. JGF i Department of Public Health !Eliminate restored funding for AIDS Services


lGF I Department of Public Health !Eliminate restored funding for Fetal and Infant Mortality Review

Page 6 of 12



(320,260) $


(299250) $






Reduction Proposals

Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs

Reduce funding for new caseload (young adults, TBI, inpatient discha


Dept Mental Health & Addiction Svs

2% Redu



1% Private Provider Reduction

De Mental Health & Addiction Svs

Remove Funding Restored by the Appropriations Committee for

Research Activities $



De Mental Health & Addiction Svs

Eliminate Funding Restored for Administrative functions on the Yale

Staffin Contract $

Remove Restoration of Funding for Uncompensated Care in Hospitals and FQHCs


Eliminate Governor's Pay As You Go Funding (New Money)

Reduce STF Su

Eliminate Ha


Department of Transportation

Eliminate Balance of Shore Line East


Department ofTra


Rail Service Modifications - Eliminate Branch Line Train Service

Page 7 of 12

Reduction Proposals


rtment of Social Services


rtment of Social Services

Eliminate Funding for the State-Funded Supplemental Nutrition

Assistance Pro m


Restructure Medicaid for Low-Income Adults (LlA)


Reduce Tem


Eliminate Charter Oak Su

rtment of Social Services


Reduce Enhanced ICF MR Rates Resultin from User Fee Increase

Reduce Enhanced Nursing Home Funding Resulting from User Fee Increase

Reduce EI


Reduce Benefits in the State Administered General Assistance

GF Department of Social Services

GF Department of Social Services

Page 8 of 12



Reduction Proposals



Eliminate Remaining Funds for Services for Persons with Disabilities

[GF I Department of Social Services Eliminate Municipal Community Services Account

! I I Eliminate Remaining Funds in Commu~ity Services Non-Municipal !

iGF Department of Social Services Account I $


I I I I !

GF .Department of Social Services [Reduce Transportation for Employment Independence by 25% $ (382,608)\ $ (382,608)l


{714,397}! $



GF I Department of Social Services I Eliminate the Before and After School Program $ (222,000): $ (222,000);

GF Department of Social Services' jEliminate Remaining Funds for Employment Opportunities i $ (919,119)! $ (919,119)!


i I IEliminate Remaining Funds for Transportation for Employment 'I', $

! G F I Department of Social Services [Independence

(1,147,824). $


lGF I Department of Social Services 11% Private Provider Reduction 1 $

. (408,913)1 $


i i$ ,
!GF Department of Social Services Eliminate Cash Assistance for Transitional Clients under SAGA (2,990,000) I $ (3,320,OOO) i
I ! ,
IGF i !
Department of Social Services Tighten "Unemployability" Criteria for Cash Assistance under SAGA Is (1,210,OOO)~ $ (1,350,OOO}i
IGF Department of Social Services 2% Private Provider Reduction , $ (817,54311 s (770,083)!
i . 1
, i
epartment a Socia Services Limit enta ervices or u ts un er Me rcai to Emergencies , , , ~ r r !
iGF ! Require Dually Eligible Clients to Fully Cover Medicare Part D Co- ,
, i
I :$ (2,200,OOO) j $ {2,300,OOO} I
i Department of Social Services Payment Requirements
L T Depa rtment of Socia I Services" Eliminate Rate Add for Nursing Homes and ICF/MRs i$ (5,950,OOO) $ (9,540,OOO)
i I Department of Social Services Eliminate Additional Hospital Funding under Revised User Fee .
! !
Proposal is (36,000,OOO) s (36,000,000)
i I Eliminate SSBG/TANF Funds for HRD Programs/ Shift Other General I
! I
! ) Department of Social Services I
iGF Fund Programs to SSBG/TANF IS (512,389), s (512,389)
r I iEliminate SSBG/TANF Funds for HSI-CAP/ Shift Other General Fund ( I
I i ID

f . I

I .. D


f Ad I


(31100000) $

(34 700 OOO)'


_J Department of Social Services

Programs to SSBG/TANF i $

(1/178,024)1 $


I !$ (1,825,114}1 s
~GF Department of Social Services Governor's Budget (1,825,114).
lGF Department of Social Services IMaintain Elimination of Funding for Legislative Adds $ (440,000)1 $ (440,000)1
iGF Department of Social Services [Maintatn Elimination of Funds for the Fatherhood Initiative ~ $ (146,250)! s {146,250l!
!GF Department of Social Services [Maintain Elimination of Funding forthe Casino Bus Run j $ (360,272) I $ (360,272):
f -- .. ,
Maintain Unearned Income for AABD Recipients of Cash and Medical I
!GF Department of Social Services Assistance ! s (458,684) $ (1,680,790)1
lGF Department of Social Services j EI.~r_ninate New Legislative Adds i$ (1,175,000) $ (1,025,000) I
c.J. IMaintain Low Priority Program Eliminations or Reductions from the

Page 9 of 12

Reduction Proposals

Department of Social Services


mpanies for LifeSt r

rtment of Social Services

1 of the Connecticut Home Care P

Freeze Intake on


rtment of Social Services

Increase Cost Sharin under the Connecticut Home Care



rtment of Socia I Services


rtment of Education

rtment of Education

rtment of Education

Page 10 of 12





Reduction Proposals

1~1~g~;_:;~~=~~~~~:~~~~~~ .~~~~~~.~~~~~~l!eJil~ttLmk~~ti-~~~~{!~J~~'~~E'LQQ~~iif;If:!~~~lW!:¥j@~~i
GF i Department of Education I Eliminate Funding for the Youth Service Bureau Enhancement I $ (620,300)! $ (620,300)
GF i DepartmenIof Education I Eliminate funding for Youth Service B~~aus i $ (2,947,268)1 $ (2,947,268)
I I $ (269,519,896) I $
GF ! Department of Education Reduce ECS to state funding level in FY 2011 ! (269,519,896)
i Department of Education .- I (160,854,419) I
GF Suspend Funding for Non-Sheff Choice Programs and Staff ! S S (176,725,499),
~~_. __ .. _.J!Jepartment of Education _Eliminate Legislative Add for EvenStart i S (500,OOO)! s (500,000) , .
.GF [State Library Eliminate the Computer Access Program i $ (190,000): $ (190,000)i
lGF State Library Reduce Funding for Legal/Legislative Library Materials I $ (65,000)! $ (65,000)
:GF State Library Reduce Funding for the State-wide Data Base Program I $ (74,696)1 s (74,69~
[GF .. I (150,000)1
State Library Reduce Funding for the State-wide Digital Library I $ $ (150,000)1
GF State Library Reduce Funding for Cooperating Library Service Units i S (150,000)i $ (150,000)j
-, IEliminate the Grants to Public Liibraries - ! (207,692)! (214,283)1
GF State Library $ $
IStateLibra~y- IReduce Connecticard Payments - (478,455)1 (478,455)i
GF I s $
]Board of'Regents for Higher Education .. (522,500)1 (522,500)1
GF Eliminate Education & Health Initiatives $ $
GF Board of Regents for Higher Education Reduce CommPACT Schools , $ (237,500) [ $ (237,500)[
rGF 1 Board of Regents for Higher Education Eliminate Awards to Children of Deceased/Disabled Veterans i S (4,OOO)! $ (4iOOO)1
IGF I Board of Regents for Higher Education Reduce Minority Teacher Incentive Program by 10% i $ (47,137)1 $ (47,137)
I I I I 'I
i (4,908,269)1
! I Board of Regents for Higher Education I
jGF Reduce Connecticut Independent College Student Grant (CICSG) $ $
1 (1,170,693)!
IGF Board of Regents for Higher Education Reduce Connecticut Aid to Public College Students (CAPCS) ! $ (260,693)1 $ (2,474,900)1
iGF i Board of Regents for Higher Education Reduce CT Aid to Charter Oak by 10% in FY2013 i $ - )$ (5,939)1
IGF 1 Board of Regents for Higher Education Eliminate Equipment Appropriation I $ (1) ! $ (1)1
r::----" 0 ~ I
i - ~.G_F __ ~ __ ~lB_o_a_rd_o_f_R_e~g~e_n_ts_f_o_r_H~lg~h_e_r_Ed~u_c_a~tl~o~n __ ~ __ +IR_e_d_u_ce __ c_ap~l_to_I_S_ch_o_l_ar_s_h~IP_b~y_1_0_Yc_o_ln_F_Y_2_0~1~3~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~ $ : G F l Board of Regents for Higher Education 1 Reduce Other Expenses by 20% in FY2013 $

! S


, , ,
iGF I Board of Regents for Higher Education Eliminate funding for CICSG/CAPCS/Capitol Scholarship ~$ (47,163,371)1 $ (45,882,307)i
iGF ! Boa rd of Regents for Higher Education ~ j $ (2,405,666) i $
Suspend Funding for the Minority Advancement Program (2,405,666)1
iGF i Board of Regents for Higher Education ISuspend Funding for CommPACTSchools I $ (475,000) I s (475,000)
I ,
iGF ! Board of Regents for Higher Education Eliminate Additional Funding for Strategic Plan . $ (200,000)i s (200,000)
!GF : Board of Regents for Higher Education Reduce Asnuntuck Manufacturing Program ~ . $ (300,000)1 s (300,000)
IGF ~ Board of Regents for Higher Education _ .. _-- -- .. - . (20,500)1
Eliminate DOC Distance Learning Funds i $ $ (26,000)
IGF ~ Board of Regents for Higher Education Eliminate Funding for Kirklyn Kerr Program 1$ (400,000) I $ (400,000)
~GF IUniversity of Connecticut ~ ... .- .. _ ., $ i$
Eliminate Additional Funds for Eminent Faculty Initiative - (2,500,000)
I Un!V of Connecticut Health Center "" .. ... - - !$ - '1
[GF Eliminate Additional $10 Million in FY12 (10,000,000) I $ -
~ 1 $


[Teachers' Retirement Board

110% Reduction Additional Savings Proposal

, $ (245,017)! $ (241,625)
f $ (467,067)i $ (678,244)
$ (100,000)1 $ (100,000) l

I Department of Correction

i Pilot a Correctional Transportation Unit - Inmate Transport Savings 1 Proposal


---'1 . -

1 Department of Correction

[Eliminate Distance Learning

Page 11 of 12

Reduction Proposals




Total Executive Branch

$ (1,209,250,860) $ (1,416,411,477)

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch (including PDS and CPC)

$ $

(5,126,725) s (420,675) $

(8,303,248) (420,675)

Grand Total

$ (1,214,798,260) $ (1,425,135,400)

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