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Dear Sir,

In reply to last week’s Article . The comments I made were at an Easter Sunday commemoration as a
Sinn Fein Councillor, I was not on the day wearing any chain of office nor was I trying to use any Office
to amplify my concerns.

I believe that my opinion that the Queen of England should not have been invited to Cashel, Tipperary
is a reasoned one and in reply to Councillor Delaney say that The Divine authority that I claim to speak
from is the authority of “Basic Common Sense” that tells me that Monarchy in all its forms is a poor
choice of self governance and this particular Monarchy arose out of a conquest, and not out of society.

Also, She represents a rule and realm that has indeed “inflicted terrible pain on this nation”.
Appropriate redress and apology should be offered first by the Queen to the people of Ireland before
we throw ourselves out in forelock tugging adoration of this Monarchy.

This same Feigning attitude towards our current aristocracy of EU-IMF overseers by our Government is a
continuance of this servile “respect your betters” and “know your place” mind conditioning and is
repugnant to any independent minded Irish man or woman regardless of political conviction.

This phenomenon I believe we seem to collectively suffer from as a Nation was also referred to in
Morgan Kelly’s widely read Saturday Irish Times article (“Ireland's future depends on breaking free
from bailout”) as “Stockholm Syndrome”.

We as a Nation, have Stockholm Syndrome and have become beholden, enamored, servile and
cooperative with our latest captors again.

Here we are 3 years on from, Economy in tatters , unrealistic levels of debt guaranteed on failed
banks, loss of sovereignty , record dole and emigration numbers again and Councillor Delaney’s and
perhaps Fine Gael’s answers to us are “Bring the Queen Over”.

Might I ask Councilor Delaney “Is this the new FG/LAB Government “Jobs Budget/Initiative” package
for Tipperary?” Or has Councillor Delaney any other groundbreaking “Jobs initiatives” to announce
that Fine Gael have to kick start our economy in Tipperary? Can he please point out what actual Jobs
this FG led Government has actually provided for and not speak vaguely with waffling promises of jobs
with future paychecks that are not being cashed this weekend.

In reply to his remark that “his party need to get real and put forward constructive ways of helping
the country instead of the occasional ‘wrap me up in the tricolour politics’ and revolutionary

In case Cllr Delaney did not notice, Sinn Fein got real and had put forward a constructive, credible and
costed proposal for National Recovery during the last General Election.

Many points from this are still valid and relevant today, many alternatives we offered in our manifesto
(“There is a better way”) including that the Bondholders should have taken more “pain” and Irish
people less. Other proposals such as, the disengagement of Private Bank and Public debt prior to the
election have since been acknowledged as a better alternative than what the current caretaker
government have rubber stamped for their Overlords. Sinn Fein proposed to use 7.6 Billion from our
National Pension Reserve Fund on a 3 year jobs initiative that would have seen 160,000 off the dole
queues. Instead the current Government raids the same fund, and dumps over 15 Billion plus of NPRF
money into insolvent banks in the 5th and only the latest round of Bank Bailouts earlier this month.
The new Government have flip flopped more from their election promises than a trout on a slippery
dip. Similar to the last Dail, The Government have refused to grow a backbone and have instead
become beholden and smitten with their new overlords, all the while compliantly being abetted by
their Labour party cohorts who obediently sign off to all their EU-IMF Masters orders.

Rome burns down and everybody still fiddles.

The reality is that we have merely replaced our “bookkeepers” since the last election. This new
FG/LAB Coalition is mutton dressed up as lamb. Both this and the previous government have chartered
identical courses of action adhering to the 4 year plan and EU-IMF Agreement with minimal tinkering.

Sinn Fein advised correctly that bondholders should take pain and was against throwing away any more
Public money into zombie insolvent banks. Sinn Fein has plenty of “Déjà Vu” on this as we were
steadfast in both our concerns and opposition in relation to the Euro, and the Nice and Lisbon Treaties.
We subsequently warned the public when our initial Referendum results were rammed back down our
throats a second time by the cozy consensus of FF,FG,LAB.
Indeed I personally am the only North Tipperary Politician who wrote to the EU to plead with them not
to allow the Irish government bailout Anglo Irish Bank
Yet where has all this brought us? To what avail? Ireland is Broke and enslaved to a EU-IMF agreement
that cannot work for Ireland and its people. Instead we are urged to meekly comply, back to an old
time honored recipe of bow down and do as you’re told.

Last Saturday’s article by Mr Kelly also stated that: we are now facing costs of a ¼ of a TRILLION Euro’s
associated with the property and banks bust. That’s €120,000 for every worker in this country of 1.8
million workers and declining. Just when we were getting our mouths around the word billions we are
now talking in trillions. How in Gods name is that payable I ask?

Irish Banks debts have destroyed this nation, dumping its economy and people into the toilet bowl and
as a consequence of this many now struggle with unrealistic mortgage repayments. I suggested that a
“mortgage strike” should most definitely be considered in “an economic war against those that are
misusing our taxes” and also in “solidarity with those that are being squeezed by the financial
institutions” the same institutions that we the Irish people are being forced to bail out.

Irish people need to stand up for ourselves again and fight back. We should not just follow contrived
opinion meekly and quietly live indentured lives to the EU-IMF elite, no more so than to a British
Monarch of Old.

Perhaps Councillor Delaney will enjoy pirouetting in his front parlour at the thoughts of the Queen
being at the Rock of Cashel and he may well wrap himself in whatever flag he and his acquaintances
wish, but the fact remains, none of his cow eyed adoration of our country’s previous occupier, the
British monarch or the current EU-IMF “Royalty” installed in our Department of Finance will help solve
our woeful state of affairs . Its time we took a stand as Irishmen and Irishwomen again and banished
the notion of deferring humbly and meekly to all elites. Past and present.

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