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Bilingual Project Saint John’s School


Phrases used: Cuando se quiere hablar de las actividades que nos gustan hacer, se debe seguir la sgte. estructura:

I / you / they/ we + like/ love + verb (ing) + complement.

don’t like / hate listening to music every night.

She / he / it + likes / loves + verb (ing) + complement.

doesn’t like / hates playing the guitar with my friends.

Questions used: Existen distintos tipos de preguntas relacionadas a las actividades favoritas, las más usadas son:

Short Questions:

Question: Do you / they / we like… ( listening to music)? Does she / he / it like … (listening to music) ?

Answer: Yes , I do / No, I don’t. Yes, she / he / it does // No, she / he / it doesn’t.

Wh- questions:

What do you like to do in your free time?

I like playing tennis with my friends.

I love watching TV.

Some Free time activities:

1. Watch TV: ver TV

2. Listen to music: escuchar música
3. Go to gym: ir al gimnasio
4. Sleep: dormir
5. Play tennis / golf/ soccer: jugar tennis / golf/ fútbol
6. Talk with: conversar con alguien
7. Go shopping: ir de comprar
8. Surf the Net: navegar por Internet
9. Dance: bailar
10. Go out with friends: salir con amigos
11. Visit somebody: visitar a alguien
12. Read a book / magazine/ newspaper : leer un libro / revista / periódico.


1. According to the examples given, write 3 free time activities:

A. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
B. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
C. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Ask to 3 persons:

What do you like to do? Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

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