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The first image I chose was actually a combination of two images: a woman with a

shirt which says “Real Christians Don’t Sin” and also a very much contrasting photo
of a man yelling so hard, that you can see saliva from his mouth (it isn’t very
pretty). I chose this image to represent religious controversy, which occurred in unit
one. The Puritans, a protestant group came to America to purify the Church of
England, by means of simpler worship and church organization. All Puritans behaved
in exemplary manners for reason of who actually was of the chosen few which their
God had selected. I see the man on the right as Jonathan Edwards at his sermon,
instilling fear to persuade others, and also the woman on the right contradicting the
man. I directly resembled the pictures to resemble the controversies of the Puritans
separating from the Church of England.

The second image is a silhouette with a background of the American flag and a bald
eagle. This image represents the theme of the American Dream, in which the
colonists all wanted to have. They wanted to remove themselves from the British
rule and carry on their lives with religious and governmental freedom. The bald
eagle represents freedom.

My third image is another combination of photos; the first is a baby gripping an

adult’s hand, and the ladder is staircase which both represents the explorer’s
journey to the New World. The baby is the concept of physically bringing something
new into the world, and that is what the colonists had done, make a new world for
their own children. The staircase is a heavenly staircase in which the explorers, such
as the Puritans, want to find God, a better path at life.

Lastly, I have a tree, wish is almost blown over, which represents the numerous
struggles that the colonists faces after arriving in America. They faced disease,
starvation, along with many other struggles which made their goal very hard to
reach. This is shown in the text in which described John Smith and the many
troubles that the colonists faced in the new world.

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