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World War Two

Done by : Timothy Chong and Lim

Bing Wen
Causes of the War
• Germany wanted to set out to establish a large
empire in Europe.
• Japan wanted to conquer Asia
Effects of the War
• Many millions of lives had been lost as a result
of the war.
Effects of War
• The communist takeover of China and Eastern
Europe, the creation of Israel, and the division
of Germany and Korea and later of Vietnam
Literary Works Which Enlighten Us
• “At the slightest offence, punishment was
swift and sever. Many anti-Japanese suspects
were subjected to terrible torture.” quoted
from “Singapore From Settlement To Nation
Pre-1819 to 1971” page 108 . We learn from
this sentence that the Japanese were ruthless
and the people in the countries that they
conquered were not well-treated. Life was
tough for them.
Repercussions of WW ll on literary works of
the world
• The war sparked up many anti-war works as it
was the biggest war in the history of mankind
which involved the whole world.
• One example would be “Did World War II Have
To Happen?” by Patrick J. Buchanan

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