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Combination Between

Ancillary + Video
The combination between my ancially task
and the main video were that the audience
tell there was a connection because the
CD cover had the song titled on the back
cover this shows that the music video and
ancillary task are related to each other
When the audience have a look at the main
and ancillary.

The artist being in the music video and

being shown when selling the CD, shows
The audience that there is a link between
the two.
Having a large picture shows that the artist
in the video is the same person who
Sang the song in the video, the audience
will pick this up by noticing the large
Picture on the poster and CD.

I used the blur key on Photoshop so I could

get rid of the background and just
have my face on the left hand corner so
people would recognise the artist this
Shows the connection between the main
and ancillary tasks.

I then basically added In the artist name in

black bold writing that was fairly
large, so this would catch the audiences
eyes, this shows the audience who the
Person is singing in the song on the video
and the person on the ancillary tasks.

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