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How effective is the combination of

your main task and ancillary task?

For my ancillary task i had to make a film poster and a magazine review for my short film. The first thing was to make sure
that the theme was established throughout, and that through the images the audeince and readers got a clear insight for
the them and plot of the short film. Using the colours that were used such blues and black helped combine the main
product and both ancillary task together as they carried the same colours throughout and all let off the spritual feel i was
trying to create. Within the magazine review i decided to make the blue
More of a brighter shade and give some light, the only reason i did this was because i felt the pictures used from the actual
film in the review already gave oft he theme and plot and i wanted the review to look appealing so people would read it and
i felt that it might not be so easy attracted to if it was filled with dark colours. As seen all taglines have been kept the same
throughout “ a true friendship never dies, this is important as it symbolises the film, and when people see the tagline they
know which film it is associated with. Within all three products, the fonts are the one thing that i failed to keep the same,
firstly the programmes used to make these were different so the fonts weren't always available on both but also because i
felt variety is needed in products and in advertising, something which is new and different is defiantly more eye catching.
However i tried to keep the colour scheme and the writing joined quite closely together. Personally i think the film poster
combines with the film more and the review in some ways is a contrast because it is more colourful and the writing is more
fancy in some ways then the other two and doesn't nessacarily fit the fit exactly. The film poster in my opinion addresses the
theme and the audience through the fonts, colours, pictures, taglines, however putting all three together i think it is clear
that they were made all for the same product and genre, and work well together.

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