Bank Balance Performa

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~\t Rie'll'1!lCi'llle and: nfl'U:1' Rfi~"'I1~ otp;elll[n~ Babna:

f\ddiliiQfl~ dUIi~ll~ t1'~ ~ ear iI)c~.b~mn'S (j\1f1i1J~ 1b.~ ~.ea;

\' B<llhwfu::e ill Fli'llliIfll ana IL.io5li i!l~wllll'lil


li~, '1'1, m.lly~jjd '\, ~ l~


I ,:'!,.S {In J !,.3 ...... (curre nt )!ea r I (lkl

As 'On 3L3 •..... (pw'~"i'O<l!s yeal~) U:tq

I. f o ~ ~'1 fI~ il~l'lII'l i~e(l Ba nks Capul.lIi

(JoiI]U~' owned by f!entr:ll Go\'erlllmellll)

u. ~ 0 r n,~ n ills lneo rp u,r!ltiC,d 0 !,Itshl~ bldlii!


(Th e :J m aun t Im)u,g~'1t li,n by Ib~n ks IlI)1 way 'of stillll"l:·~I~) C.~II)itll'll ~J, I}"eli~dbed hv RB I

s liIo nl'd be show n 'UIHh;l'~ his liIead.~

A. mou n~ oj[ del)()S it 'k~p~ willil the R.B.I urll.1'er S ectlu niH 2 ~ (If the Banl;.il'llg Regu ~)~tio n r\'~t, ~'9.:1,9

i\s; on j~ ~ Pn'!O,i~ILU


_.\~ 'l!1"! 31.3 .•.• -. (InlIt"ir"en't ,"~:nrl


A.. ~_ lle'Rl':;jI1(i1 ITIIe P01i1lt:s (i) F'Hlnt! ha.Dk~ (~~l' From OII1t:rS

II t S,;wii ng:s Blank [lepl~sit:o m- 'feFRli lJepll5ih;

Ol F.wn blInl;....;.

(ii) hrnn o~h~~

m'- t"Qt OUn~'t [l.['JJIiI!;:S A.uUwri~d C;ll'lil:aJ

r.-- .. shares orR~ ... e-.1ch) ~ ssued rapit,l!

, ~I!JJ~~ o{ It, ,,~a~1;~ S~~hs~ rjhed Capil a I

1. . shares uf H.~ .... cnc h}

Caucd-up CarHal

f. __ .. sh a.res (lnh_ ... each} ~ .• cs~ : Cal,1s unpaid

,\dd : rorlht~d shares


lIIoui: (1,.II~ a·~d 1,( I)

B. 1. l)o:lPO~~[S of brandl~~ l(ll ~ ndia

n. n~po~'1iS IlifbrJrl~hci ~llldi;;l 'ToMll:

I.-".s Iloll.;}. .•. , .. ~ ~ ~i~'WIII"~ill~ y,t~u:~

I ~R:s.)

_\5 HIIJ~t pr'eI.-ifi dc~



I. BOi"lIm~i'tlg~ ill ~mj i a

~i) Reserve Bank 1'1 f I ndia '(ii)' fHiI\er banks

,(Hi) Oiller ~IJiS~ ilt!lHOM ruulagenci~

U. Ilhln~wi ng~ ~mtside :1 jjdi~,

~1. S OillJ J LJ .... _. (pre v uom. YClIrJ (Rs. )

As On J I ,3., .... r,ClufrerU y~~tl (Ilb-)

m. StMut,o,ry Res~·r'\les.

Opening Balance

Add om d uring tile year Deductions d uri flg the year

II. C~ p.itfl ~ R~_~'~II·\ es Op~ll.lng. Ua~ailct:

A(I di tions duri Il~ q h~ :'eilf IXdl:l.cI.UOIl~~ dunng the ~ ear

11 L S~r'Ulrilu ~5 Pre III i u an ( ~~"'n i !til'l LIl<m~ "

\,1.1111,'1, lin II I' II

I' I.

TOI!l!I: ll:&m

:-;"" un-~~ IliOn m' U 11' III I .nld II above - I{, ..


A b~1!I~!.i!lg. com,1I fly lis UO~. Fa!I'1II i'I'1l'1iI iII;I P I-.eP!;! re tit~ G:JJ~lIJm ee Sheet nmd 'I WI c P:roli t and Lo~cS Accol!lnt in necorda,Ilit\(lwHih Sc II ed !!lIe V ~ ~II' the Com pa 1'1 les A~(., ~9'5'6. lhH. the .. ~m~<l!lilCcounts of Ba~ll.~:ing :lire' dr3W~ upin comf'ormilty wdh For!]1 A (,For iBalance S~l'~cU <lind Form" (forPl:l0fil and Loss .A.!ecQmH) of the T,h j,rd Scb~d!!! le eif the Baln kim g Re;g,UI~9i~i!®m A'r~ 1949.

TH f.: nnmll SCm:n)liL E (Se~ Se~~:illin 29)

FUR f\[ • I"

Forl!'ifi !}f U!i! If!i'!(,)~ S h~~!

'Il~II:~.n.~11' SbCi~l (1,( ." ••• (~lle're' enter mime ohh t 1llln'lllUln g co 1111 pillrllr~ BA lM~ CE sn ri.:ET

1-\.5 Onl ht ~hJrdll (Y~~ r]

(' ~ pUa~!Im!1! bU lUes

l1lJl~ud I

Rc~~r",c5 &. Surphls :2

"Jllp(Hi:ilS 3

FltTrF{lwi ngs 'i

Jlher I:iahi,lill i~s and rwvisiot1~ 5



..Ish and bll,l'lil:lt~~~ W~ rh Re.S!Cnte

8 ~nk. onlltl~~ ()

B.:!]II~O~S \¥jth Ib~i'lk~ .md J;]lIney

~~H ni:ld sh,.:ln n otic~ 7

~~m~" &

hllU~~~ 9

•• c~1 A~c~~ W

ncr i\,·i;'~CI.'i. i I

I!IlI~1 ,

~lullig~m 1!!lbillth;l~ ; r ,~tO;:)I' ~(j<~J,~c~ LOll


A..~ !l11ii 3 ~ .3 •. , •.•.. (ell rw;ej'jj~' y~~,r)' ,[lb.)

1\8 ~}n • .lL J ...... {Pt~~!Q<!l~ YMr}

- {U~.~


As ~ n ;'H.J . ., •.. l(tillFr~iiil!: y~~lr I


AS'UIlI,ll.] ..... , (11'irt1l'~ ~~s ~I~r-l' (6:5.)

I. :BiL!b P:ayabl!!:

II t 1n1ier-o:ffiee ildju~nm:nlS, ([Ie-I:)' U l I~Sl accru.eill

WV. Othe~'Cinidl\i;d,i~g 'ifV'o!'i~j,~jjJ5)

A~ (1J!131.3. "" ... '~'~I.IHe:lllt ~'~m r J'


,'os 11111 3 ~I .3 ...... (Ipr'f'" io UIS )'t'ilIF) (Fi:s,.)

t CM~ ~1Il ~~nd

(il"lltltl)d ~Dgrno:Jreigll fUl"rElim qr II'lO'It',S)1 Il', WI~lIIce' 'Witlil R:e5!elrve BI'I"Illi;, o,r ~ln:di3 (i~ tn Curren!. .~;I;:~~\tmms

(ii ~ 11[J Oi]ne.rAauw).1;s,

lhtaf : nISIn)

SCI!IlE9ULE7-IAIA NCiES wl1'n B'\N'KS ANID' l'n)i'>I~;:' \f ,,\1' C,,\ l.L AN W)I Stl OR'l NOI'JICE

.\~ (i" J U. ,- •.. ('t~I'~I[ ~'~~rr) ~RD

A5, o1l!JJI.J ...... tpt1t'fioY~r~:ar) ~R5;.)

t I'n :Ll)d~!IJ

~iJ]1 llI~blR!ll~ "",,,ilii Ib3!l,k!;

~3~ I~ ,CIllfRd A~.cow:ns

tllll)1 I~ ,0000~eJ' Dep«>il "!I.OOIl..uls

Cil~ \\'!Q:o;ey ~ .;md Shilll J[J(llire

ta~ wQIfI bards

(b~ W<j~ 100~:t:Il" instJ1ll!JiMls-

II t IOlJ,.jid~ ~'B.l:Ji:~

'1\1) jg ('WRIllQ l~._i:COU!l1$

(Sii~ In ~heiu ID~il A~J1SO (ijij) ~llIlIey II!I: ,1i:!D ~:!ill Wrt Illlililioo

Tfl1:Il : ,r.;f~'l1d "ili'ula11 ; US; III

t In,ve.5tm Uits in ruDd~!I ~ n :

(i~ C()1i't1i'n,men~ ~ eCII r~,U~.5, 011)1 OEhe rOl.])pnwed securities (i~ i) Shares

(iv) [}dl<cntu res lind Bond;5,

('i' l' SlJb~id ~aries and/or joil11 vensures (vi~ Olh~r:s U-o be s[l'edned)

Il, rnml",es:tm~flB Ou tsi de bId ill ~1iI :

(i) Govemme:nl securities (i DI~h!di fig Illtili II'L!I~hQdtl1.ell)

on SlJbsidj~rt~s OUldl'or joim venu.m~s ilbrood (~ii) Oth er in:vesU;tenl:S ('10 be 5p~d1iedl) Tbital:

IG!f,~Ddi Tot,'!,1 {I& 11)

As 01131.3 .... "pl"~\i~OIl,S 'Ye9 r

. (,&,,)

A~ on,3U ...... (eurrent year)!

I (lh.)

H. (i) Securoo by !a!n;gibiealSsclS

I(it) Ol'o'ered by B:illflklO{il\l'emInerul GllarMte~,

(~,iil) Urlsecure<l ~~~~--+"-~~--~~.


.~ ('11 B·.·]',' lls "lLrchas.edand d~~t:cmtued

"'. . :~, ~ t'

(in Cashcredhs, Q\l!e,wmils an,dlloall!s,

Fl:p<a~ ahL~ on demand

Ui~) Term loans


C. L A.!I"ri!!!1C'fS il~ I: 1'Idh'l (il Priority Sectors li~) P ubi it: Sector Ui~) Ban"'!>

(h,,) ntiln:r~

II. A,'Lh ~,!I ~~., ~ tl!J ~~i d~ ~'I!I{li;) ~ il~ I h,,' Ij"Ul h.lil"'~

II ~I ~ I ~~II RIII~I~ ~d.l~ I

A. s on 3.' ~ .•. 3.'.' •• '....1, As ~n 31..3. ,.,.,

(cllrteli1 :yea r] (pFe'!.'toIliS 1fear

{"R!:,.) , (IU:.)


~. il'ln~'mb~

At cos! .i'lSOn ]] Man: h 'of toe preoeding ~ Ad~i!liottS during, Ulle ~ar IOedm::triIJ.lIls during ~Im~ y~lIr fJe~red<.i.!iOfil (0 d~!,e

n. nUuiIr Fi'llied A.ssets. ~irJ.dlll,[I ~ng lI1'!lI,r~ilulr,e' .nll! iFjjl.~~r~)

,.!\~ cost as 'O~ 3 hil MarC'fl (If

~litl: prcood ~ Dill yCaii

Add ~!il.alu d( year Ded[!(l~:!IS dliming ~Ilt: }"eu DelIln:c iatien U.I lI.m::

liot,all: ,(~ &: U)l

.~j. on l t!l .

,(culi"l\~n~ )'11l'3.r)'


As (In 3;'3 .

~ IPl'evill us. year)


)li..s iGliI' J ~.3. _ .. t:JiI~e¥wu:s :!I~t),

(Its •. )

As,oI:l513 __ ~ k:~ fnllJ! J,r311"~ (R:s.J

I. htte,r·officr; :!1011Js,1nJe~.1S.ll'letl I~. .~lIJt~ <'KXfiIm

ruI t lilDi IP~id in ;;:ditan«f>l ..... dd~ucd at ~tI:JO: ~Y- St<!Il()flefY awJI ~amps

~- .... OOrtpao~ asseis :!Il.qt1liuliI i.[1 s-.nisfac!:iOfi 'Of d:a:.1lm

·VI. Otl:l~s:@

@; 1'10 'fII:I.>e' tiben_ ~ :HiJl' ul!I!ldjiat-5iI'1d baJ:ilJU'Ie· n'li'10&'5 1I1n SlI'Il"Ul mil,}" be sho1llII' III!!.dU- fb u iUrn W'r~i!i ::1:,p,p;:r~p:riallie mWIJ:io'te.

A.~ I[JIl J I.J.. _CP:rt=\ )TflJll~ ~v.tlf~ IRq

1_ C'h.lm1s .lgll:i:51 ~ ktr.Jl![;Oll. <'I<;Lrulo\,;bl~ ~ ~:tI ..

LV- OUi[ra,rnee~ given Q!I behalf of eonsuteents (9,) in ludi a

~b) OU[SLCj,e ludla

V. J.\C(;ep~:nces_ e[l(h.useilltlnt~ ~td Ol~,e~f ob ~i gatiolls

VI. O~hc:r uerns for wh ien the hailk IS contingently Iliable

!FORM '0'

FO!rlfll of Pwfii~: and LOess Aj[;CO~ [It ~mI~ the )',ear ~llIided J, ~ Ma reh .....

L '~NCOME Irneresl earned O~her incQnli.':

n. EX PEN mrURE [nt~Test e.xpe!1doo Operating expenses

PrlJ~' isi [MlS Ilnd enntingercies lI'ot;;(JI:


N,~ pirofU!uQss (-»for the ~'ear Protit/Loss t-) brought rorw.~rd 1!otal ::

IV. APmOp'RMTlONS Transfer ~(l statutory reserves Tmnsfe~ to Ollrr~f reserves

'j rnns ter 10 Gcwcm~llelltiPrnp6S1!lcl [)i" nlcnd

nal~Lno~ carried M'~ r tn h.LI.ill'· ~ ~h~~'1

15 ~6

¥~mr e<.nd~d 313-"" ..

(ell rt"elilll yeilmr) 'lR15-)

Y~'II.r e·11 31.3- ('~Illr rtlnt ~R5




I h" 1'1,1:.1.1 In~'iIH" III' hll'~n ~Ij, "lUi !I! hli{'i~~n hF:m~II~~ a'~ Ih, . "

~ hit? '~ui.~~ '·'~In··lj~hl!ru~ 'I H~~ huh" ~ P!Ji II~ H~ttlh~i" ill I~~H r~!,:~~ lu i~n~ lu-", II U ...




.ts on !~.J. {p.",;j'O\I1 J' ~IIS.~

~ <1)11 31.!" .~~ CD(Drmr:D~ ~:Jjfll {it;s~~ _

As on 3U •••••• (c !!I:rrent y;ellil') (R~.)I

ASOli'i.lU .

(pre'!l'io'!JI5 year)

- (Its.)1

PaYliIlIeill:S 1.0 and. pFovisiCl.ll.5. fo~ IIDIiP~);ou ~1IIi1.wes <'lIn.e lIpting

rfinitin~ and s.tation6l')'

Ad"..~rt~:se:menl an,lI publ LC~

iDe:pretiahclIl ~ilL ~!'Ik Is pJ'iClpextt) Ot.irectows' fees, <l!11(l· :~nd1 I!.l:lpeli~'5 A'Udii~o~" fees and ·ell:p<::IiIse:l.

Il~ lIL~ilu d braDch .~III.dil~Oift

:rIe.e.!!d Ci~:pen5t.s~

la .. , .. ICIf!.<!r~~S

tos[~ge,s,. lelcgr,u;'1:>, T~I~~bo<ne.~c... R~plilir:> and mil ~llterJjl!'l(lc


Otll(:r ~pcendi tu ee

m. n. n~. ~V_


Vt Vlil~.

I. Il'Il:ereo:5't/disoou itt onaevrulces/bj ilii. n. InCQl:I1Ie on in\i'e:stnum~s

lIL I m,tres4 en b,,~arloe with Resesve Hank of I nd.ia and Qlhe,r hner-bank funds

[V; Others


VUlI. ~xxXt XU.

A$ (m 31.3 •••••• (ell rrent yes.r'}


As Orm, J 1.3 .•. --(previoIJ1$ Yf":U)

dRs .• )

1. Comml'is.:s.i on .. e.x~hange IIDd brokerage U.. PraHl on sale Qlf in\'i:l>tments

Less ; Loss on sale of jnlv·~s~m~!lt~ nil. ProI] I on revah.!al&OIl of inyc:>tl"ll.l:Ht!i.

Less , Loss on revaluation of in v ·e:5I:rnems ~\I. p~of1.~ OFi sa~e on~j)d .b~ i Id i n.g~

alld other assets

Less :'Lo~~ Q:['I sate orland. lYuildil'lgs: <lila other wets

V. PrQfit Qf! ,e){ch,mge ~~n$a.>J;hons

Lts;$ , Lessen e;.:~h:iit"lg)! of trnll$~choJ:ls. \It In.cQ:rIU~ earned by 'WOI!y (lr di vidends.

ere. from ~bs i dj a.riesfc(m''1]J<iffiits mdlo.rr j O~!l!! veiUures :abroadli n ~nd i L\

Vi rn, M i~daneolJs I nrolillie


l'OtllJ~1 :

Note: Umll:er ih ms II w V lass f:iigu re rna,)! be S,hIl'WIlI i n brackets,

A~o~1 :n .3 ...... [cu rrlllll11ea r) (Is",)

ASOI'lI J] .3." ... (plrl~"'lj.OU.!l. yea r) (Is.)

I. ii'i!er~ "Iii! defwM~~

n.. ~ M.ere:H 011 Reserve Ban k of Indialin~~fo<blIrtk oo.l"J\Dwings nt Others

lIotal :


... ,



(R~q, 15.500

r.seo ~::W '150 )90 U:O

Post.ll &,n'r ~

PrLmiog and $tMiQnery Olner Expofl~S

20.,32.<'1;2 1JID.oon 5:5.000 2.00.000 2.00,000. 30.00(l

1.00JKm 5{L286 30.000 50.000 15,000


I M.U. H19~ (Ada,ljIhHI ~ I

ru. '~n'mll!le

1!1IC~St £arne<! O~h~r hl COI'lllC'

l~ I. [~p.elfidU~m~

IllIl~l Exp~lld~d

OjXrnl.m:g Ex:P~I'SJi.,"S .F"r!).\Tk::;iorlsa..d Can'linwcnci::=;

1 n. . Pl'luifill fol' lh,,~ lr'~9 r (~ - II} Prru! brmJglhll t'orw:lrd

IV. A p,pnpri atl O:U

TWruJs.ler to SUli[[nol)' R~~r.e (mr~ (If Rs. J\34,O!OO ~

Balan.ce carried Hi, ~ lance Sb~cl

S~[n~diilh~ NQ. V,~~ r E!!ded 3< ~ ,OO,.2JOCM ~R~.)

\:~ar Ell 11.:OiJ.2~ ~R;!;.)

13 ]6,9'1.1'3~ Nil,
r"'l q·.:H.OOO N,,\
"1.~iI:L7JS Nl\.
IS nU~.4n Nil.
u') ~·_!lJ:I_:UH) NA
J!l_ll.rJil!: N~\
J.J4,fk~[) Nil.
3_l4JM}[J N,\
6b.8t1n NA
2_67.:WO \!A
3..34,000 NA Sl;'hi!d 1iI[1~IJ .~ rnntef'~S! t:alli',~,~d Interest and Disoouil~


SQh~!;!W~' H ~. (lthe;r rMI"'~,~l:1e C(lmmission, ExchOlrlge OUIrj Br(lk~mge :l?lrnfit 0'1:11 sal e Qf in loIlt-stl1ll.eM:s

Ht.'!II] Received

2,00,[ 2,(ltJ,I[ 5S_{

S['~,ed u le IS : I nlell">est [~peillde.i!ill 11I11':I'1).,s1 0lI f.reposits

S~h!.lil Uhl 16: '0 p ~ t.a.t illlJg li:lpt'ns~~; ~"'I;!1l s~ ~;1ri.~~ afld All flW~.~

~k:n!, Ebt(s and 'I'rlNts

J 'r Lui i nl,! ~nd -in ~ i [lJR1)

11'·I'f~'!.I,I'I~~ln I~I! r~;UI1~ • l'r'lp~II" IIII~. h~~ ~,.-,_, ,~IILi ·\II"l\;lI!U-~

• "II r ~ I I.~ II !~ I I I. L I

1.lli') I ,lJU,! '~U!i W.~ w.

1 i

"j ul~lsio:l!Is IIlIId C!:mlil'l&fmd~

,1'rovisi.OIl li:f.r Bad and Doubtfill Deb,s Provisicn for la;.;.ati{lI1 (:5,00.1000' '" I. ,50,10(0)

a.~. 6.S0.00U 6.50_000


J n1]jerf~:S~ leaned In a.s been ealcu la~ll<d as under :

Illtcre..s>t and Di:scolJr1J~. Received

Add : Reb.ate on B i ills Disoouiilled I}[I () 1.04 .2003


J(),f)S , 73,::: 1:1.000

37))7.7.)& ~6,OOO


IUllstr!l!_llon U) : (nllllllll~1C Sh'~~f Ol1liy)

Tbe r'On~",(jng-6~larH;.es ilJI'pear,ed vn rnc boob of Bhar1.~ Bank .ltd. as 011 31 March 2004 :

Share Capi lal lR!eserve f'ulid

ClJnen:~ Call and S<li"'~ng Billilk AccoO~ll~ fi,,,ed Depo.s:i rs

[)cli)ls cliuc to Banks anti Agent.s Cash iII hand

Cash with other banks Silver

l:flI\'1esl11'lems at COS!

Rcbllh! on B.u!!s Discounted and TrC!l!Smy BiH~ B.rlll1cn Adj ustments ~ Cr. l'

Apeeptal'! ces for c LI stomers

B,i~IIS ('Or Collectiof')

.PlrOfit and Loss Acceum

illleres~ accrued mil III ~~l1Ine~fI:ts

Caslil credit. demand ad vences andloans Bills discolllit~d and purchased Bu.ildings

Dca-d Slock

Rs_ 2JJO_OO. (j{I(J

7_50_000 16.95_1:8.302 6.9J.34.:SY(} !.S-LI!2.'i'6D L6J.55. ~ 12 :.L6? ()O. 509

3~"OO.OOO n .. 91.90.h~6 ~9,:)9;i 89,85.604 IJ~,9~U'i62 6H15_927 ~95L63j 9'.03_2t5 SJI4.47,645 i 2.39,54n


Pr':c::~ a balsnce sheet as 011 3 l Mareh 200·11l'fler tak Ihc f('lllo~~,i.n~ i nforrnan QI1I Ljj~!) ,1('mLm~ (i) lhe authorised capital ofthe bank is 1i'~<: creres cfrupccs in ~hme~ of R~_ I ~iO_ til wJuch r<lIJr lacssheres are i ssue<l a,t Rs 5U per $11~I't being cal led II P ,ur~u pilidlup.

'i i, Rs, 7.4~ 168. 59 2 of lille Ilill'lk' book d~ b!S is hLII)' ~lXllfC'lI. I h.: i')~LI;LI u:,: be i'u~' LifN:~ll FCl~ but cou sidered ,good, Debss rl ue b\ n<ll'l k· O!fiil:cr' ~un, I h III~ ,~, LU e(! .uIH' II u t Co Rs. 19J:OO

Bh:m:i :Blanli: [WI.

BaJII~~H Sl\ee'J: As ~n J I .7dar;m 2~04

l:a.~ilt:3l :lI~d Li~,bi IID~fies ('aFinal

Reser.·e~ mdI S\;IrpJ us [)CPGSlt~


01 her I_i<l~~ lities <!~~d F'n.n' iSl (~Iil$


easfu .aJ~d l,l,~ce$ wcilh.RBI

egl~a~~:s \\'i~1t! B;lnJ::s and :vhme)' ~1: Ci:lll, <me! Nl.!tit;e I"V~SI.m'l~lm;



Other ,'lIli5d.~

GDll~:~,m L~a:bi lihe~ Bi~ls for CI),IIIe(i~iOI1


6 7 8, 9' 110 II


¥ellir 1[11 3UI,l.2~ I~~]I

2.00~0Ifl. &:HII,_ 23,88_j~. i54.~.

I. 90.0ii.


11.6:U)_ 2.69.% .. _ ~2.91~~,~ iO . .7ltiS_: ~:u~_.


2K,60 .. 42 .. ~ LI:U:H 67-,U!'H

Sc:he;d:lIl~tl :: CapHa I

;\IUi~~l(1,ri~~d ~ 5Jw,oon E(j!li~} SlM.l\~S ,ofR!\.. ~ 0 each

Issued! and Sub~[r~becl :.4,00.000 Eq:ui1t}' Shmes ofRs. Weach

Calledl IruP' !lr~;d lJJ~ii d WI;) : ~J.H.Ml!OOI !:lqui t}' SIMne:s oil Rs. I 00 I~ h R:t>. 50 C:I U~,t'I up :mlll II;midll~ p

il 5,00,00.C


S~ih.ed u ~e2: .Reoser1l'e:ol alDdl Sill '11Jl tll,~ ~~l<l!1iI1tq)1)' He:re~e

I)rofii~ and Loss A,~collnt 88.[i1,nce

7.~U) 11951.6

~'fllnh!!1 e J ~ l),elPo~~ ~j

'\'" [] ,. Cu.rvcn~ cnl I :n lId ~.~~ III f.!: n'l'lm~ "I,~WYI'I~l> ~iH' I-:";rll'i i ~~iH'd) II i-t'~m~lh

n- lill IlqOl"II,,'1 Ih.I!i' I" "'·!'I,I'.I

!Ii} I kp" 11'_ "I I h.II,. I,. ,,,,1 ... 1, 1'1,1"

j; 10.9 5.11 !i_~. cJ.9J.Rj' 2 )"1'1 1115 ~!.II' lU~;;t <;'~' X'

• \ 11)0; " ~"

S'l:ll,nJtll:~ 5 : Otile:r Uabilli~ies ,~,f:ld Irrol.'li:!lLIlil'!l BnlsP:a)lltb le

Lnl!'::ir-officc' ,.i\cljuStmerIiS I~'N~:U

Re~il.te on Bills Disooun~tld and T~~t1i')' IMls

S,bed!u 11:6 : lCiiSI~ IH! d B:a bH'!ce:S wi'll! Rill Cash in hand

BailaJ'lce~ wi,En Rll<~.

Ilh IJ,3_e,~ II'

Sl!i:h,ed~~'~ 7 : B3~':<iII'l,~es wi.~h Ban ks 3'rld M:OlIliIl'Y :lit Can :~ml sh on Not i C~ Cash with mher Banks

Money <II C",~~~nd Shon Not i Co:

Sc.ned u le ,8 ': ~ nve..s~:1iI1eml! Investmeruat COSI,


Sched,llle 9 : ~\dll!a nC'~

AI. ,(i)1 Bi Us Dlscounredend Purchased

(iil Ca.._m cnedil, UemOlfJG ad".anoes and LOOfi~ '(I ii) Term lotlnS

B. (il) Seeured by T:m!:Lbl1l: Assots

(ii) Cevered b.~ Bank and Govemment Guarantees (i'i~) unsecuree

Sehedu le I 0 :'If~,x:ed, A.ssds i~~em ~$~S (B~ih1:i n~)

OtnLJof f'i;«:d ,"\ss.eIS (DC'.!!d Sto ~I!:)

S.~h,edllie I ru : Oth,~gj Ass:t~

lmerest .i\i~(;ruedl 011. I nvestrnerus Si~ve~

Si:h,~d ule U : COllJUn g,ent Li~IW:!HHi ~5 Accepl.WTlces. Fm CI.ISEOifi<:f$

Claims. IIgainJ,! the Billlk [J,ul acknowledgedas debts

I~, ~.7Ll7 !I~I ~·u)ctrl'_lll·

11~1.7i'1.7".YII .. ? .·J"I..·.S \'~

3)·I,WI ;In HI. 7R. 7 '\ >"1.

!h ~_ ~'" ~ I.U 1).')0) I KJoi



·j',LP.lII" U.U·UI~~I ·j.1 i! L ,~

I. 'I .1, .' i ~ r.~. "! ~ 11.'1[

It ~S' as!Surn~ (hat debts due by bank officer. U!"id full ~ ~'CIU r..:tl .ne nu, I nli,-.! III I h. "., ~ II' • .[)!l!DI5 of Rs. 7.'14,6.8_592

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