5-10-2011 4 07 54 Pme

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And i wouldthl^ thQt rf these Qre fo be done musf ^schgdu|ed

very, very carefully m relation to a potential military action. There must be a very very
preaSi >enes of, of contact* »i*h *,«„, ^ ,-^,-wt,-MW Mf w^t r^,1( ^ ^ ^,rW;M ^M.~
following that. And, thirdly, we should be prepared to answer your questions regarding the,
the effect of these strikes and the time required to carry them off. I think ..........
Source: Kennedy Library, President's Office Files, Presidential Recordings, Transcripts.
No classification marking. The source text is a 35-page transcript of audiotape 28.1.
Identifying footnotes in the source text are not included. For Taylor's draft account of
this meeting, October 16, including a list of participants, and Carter's memorandum for
the record, dictated on October 17, see the Supplement. Carter's memorandum is also
reproduced in CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, pp. 145-147. McSeorge
Bundy had informed the President about the U-2 photographs of the missile sites at 8:45
a.rn. October 16, and Kennedy immediately called for a meeting of his principal advisers at

10. What evidence is there in the document that indicates Me Namara takes this issue
'V W-K
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Document 11

lla.Why is the U.S. government concerned on the short and long-range missiles based in
llb.How would this map persuade the average American citizen to support Kennedy's
navel blockade of the Russian ships going to Cuba?

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