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Immigration: Yesterday and Today

Name: Mr. Smith and Mr. Janociak

Class/Subject: 11th Grade American Studies

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:

1. Students will compare history of immigration with contemporary immigration

2. Students will examine and interpret primary source documents pertaining to immigration

Content Standards:

1. 16.A.5a Analyze historical and contemporary developments using methods of

historical inquiry (pose questions, collect and analyze data, make and support
inferences with evidence, report findings).

2. 16.C.5b (US) Analyze the relationship between an issue in United States economic
history and the related aspects of political, social and environmental history.

3. 16.E.4b (W) Describe how migration has altered the world’s environment since 1450.

1. Immigration to America - Power Point
2. Primary Source Packets
3. Primary Source Worksheets
New York Times Interactive Map of American Immigration.

Introduction of Lesson:
2-4 minutes • Immigration is an important issue in America, historically and today. Our plan
for today is to introduce some of the history of immigration in America, examine some
primary source documents, and connect this history with contemporary debates on
Lesson Instruction:
• Present the Immigration to America Power Point presentation
20-30 minutes
• Introduction
immigration-explorer.html website to show patterns of immigration settlement.

• Pass out 5-6 different Primary Source packets and corresponding worksheets
Assessments/Checks for Understanding: Student groups will complete the Primary
20 minutes Source Worksheets and give brief reports on what they learned from their Primary
Source documents. Class will discuss any apparent patterns between immigrant
experiences yesterday and today. Students will turn in worksheets.

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