Induction Training For Employees

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Induction Training For Employees

Chris Kennelly

Every organization has a big picture, in which they want to achieve their goals and objectives. In
order to achieve these one could consider it a sum of all parts, as all employees and all
departments need to pull their weight and carry out their functions for the business to succeed
and strive for higher goals and objectives.

In terms of induction training, of which is also sometimes referred to as on boarding, the trainer
will have the opportunity of communicating these goals and the entire corporate picture to the
new employee. It will also allow the proficient training of the employee to conduct their work in
the way that is desired and stipulated by the company. This time and process of induction
training is in effect the first impression that the new employee will have of the organization, and
the trainer is advised to make the most of this process, obviously without making false claims
and promises.

One of the key tips when providing induction training for new employees is to try and keep the
training sessions as interesting and as simple as possible. The new employee is out of his or her
comfort zone, and without overburdening the employee with new information and details, you
would rather want them to gain a good understanding of the business in as simplistic manner and
detail as possible. This will insure that the new employee gets an understanding of the entire
business. Professionals also recommend that a welcome pack or email be sent to the new
employee prior to their first day at work, this will help the employee to get a basic understanding
of the company as well as who the key players are in terms of the organization; that is if the
company has a suitable website of course.

Each company and organization has a culture and a few of their own unique traits and traditions
that they may follow, such as casual Friday, or drinks at the pub on Tuesdays, whichever the case
may be. The new employee should be informed of this and be made to feel welcome to attend
these informal get together sessions, it will make them feel valued and part of the team. They
should not however find out the long way round, but rather ate the induction training; it will
instill that sense of belonging form the very beginning. These little tricks will enable and
empower the new employee so that he or she will feel as if they are part of the so called
corporate family even before they begin working with their new peers, it will also take the edge
off of being the so called new kid on the block.

Induction training enables the corporate training to effectively introduce an organization, its
policies and procedures as well as an avenue to be used to welcome a new incumbent into the

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