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Day 6 Notes

SDLC Models

- Agile Methodologies

- Interactive methodologies

- Big-Design-Upfront

- Anamorphic development


-Phased- stand alone subsets of the system are implemented

over a period of time
- Big bang- the whole system is put live in one go

Baselines in the SDLC

- Functional Baseline- established after the conceptual design


- Allocated Baseline- established after the preliminary design


- Product Baseline- established after the detail sign and

development phase

- Updated Product Baseline- established after the production

construction phase

Strengths of SDLC

- Control

- Monitor large projects

- Detailed Steps

- Evaluate Costs and completion targets

- Documentation

- Well-defined user input

- Ease of maintenance

- Development and design standards

- Tolerate changes in MIS staffing

Weaknesses of SDLC

- Increased development time

- Increased development cost

- Systems must be defined up front

- Rigidity

- Hard to estimate costs, project overruns

- User input is somewhat limited

SDLC Phases

- 1. Initiation
- 2. System Concept Development

- 3. Planning

- 4. Requirement Analysis

- 5. Design

- 6. Development

- 7. Integration and Testing

- 8. Implementation

- 9. Operations and Maintenance

- 10. Disposition

Types of Testing

- Data Set Testing

- Unit Testing

- System Testing

- Integration Testing

- Black Box Testing

- White Box Testing

- Regression Testing

- Automation Testing
- User Acceptance Testing

- Performance Testing

Prototype Model

- Based on the response of users

- Slowly builds from a simple concept of what a program is

Prototype Model Types

- Patch Up Prototype

- Non-Operational Prototype

- First of a Series Prototype

- Selected Features Prototype

Complementary to SDLC

- Software Prototyping

- Joint Application Design

- Rapid Application Development

- Extreme Programming

- Open Source Development

- End-User Development

- Object Oriented Programming

Prototype Model Advantages

- Time frame development

- Software is created using lots of feedback

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