Camp Newsletter 3 - 12th May 2011

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Thursday 12th May 2011

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Over the next week we will complete our preparation for our Room 13 Class Camp.
This will see the children complete a first aid course; participate in a search and
rescue drill and a host of other activities. The children are already very excited about
the prospect of their week at Berwick.

Please refer to the ‘Gear List’ when packing and remember those winter woollies and
the essential waterproof jacket. Please label clothes clearly with your child’s name.
Sturdy footwear is required at camp. Three pairs of shoes would be great if possible,
as it will be very wet underfoot and they will need a very old pair for the Assault
Course and Canoe activities. At camp, the programme is very much dependent on the
weather but we hope to complete as many of the outdoor activities as possible.

N.B. Berwick camp will be a lolly and electronic free zone. Please leave fizzy drink,
lollies, i-pods, game boys, cell phones… at home.

For the biking activity we need 6-7 students to bring their bikes to camp for the week.
The bikes will be transported to/ from camp in a trailer and they will be used by their
peers. Please return the below permission slip if your child can bring their bike.

Reminder: There is a meeting at 5:30pm in Room 13 for all camp helpers on Monday
16th May. I will hand out the helper’s pack; discuss the role of the adult helper and
answer any questions these helpers may have.

The camp fee is $135. Thanks to those who have paid or are paying it off in


Andrew Sloan
Class Teacher

Bike Slip – 2011 Camp

I give permission for_____________

to bring their bike to Berwick Camp for the week.

SIGNED: _______________

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