Glossary Italian

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Elam 1

Elam, Navarre

Rodriguez Reina, Maria del Pilar

Lengua C1: Italiano

El 4 de febrero de 2011

Glosario Italiano

20 palabras de Favole 6-12

1. Lontano – faraway, 17. Pressappoco – 12. Cordicina - ?

distant about, 13. Bottiglia - bottle
2. Perfino – roughly(quantity) 14. Arrampicò -
even(including) 18. Rane – frog, arrampicare – to
3. Squama – squamare breastroke rock-climb - climb
– to scale 19. Crochio – naked 15. Aggrappò –
4. Fazzoletto – ladies(?) aggrapparsi - to
handkerchief, hankie 20. Terza – third, thrice cling(onto) - clung
5. Capriole – 16. Risparmiare – to save
somersault, leap 50 palabras del favole 19- 17. Addormentata –
6. Sicura – safety 25 addormentare – to
catch/bolt, chain put to sleep -
1. Squagliavano –
7. Sirene – siren, horn, sleeping
squalgliare – to melt
mermaid 18. Buio - dark
2. Affacciati –
8. Babbo – dad, daddy 19. Rubinetto – tap
affacciarsi – to
9. Ordinò – ordinare – 20. Caduta – cadere – to
to clear up/tidy up fall - fall
10. Riempiti – riempire – 21. Sgridavano – to
3. Sportello - door
to fill scold, to tell off -
4. Mucca - cow
11. Cannonissimo – scolded
5. Svizzera -
cannon(big) 22. Tovaglie -
12. Pulsante – pulsating, tableclothes
6. Prigione - prison
beating, throbbing 23. Impiastricciarsi – to
7. Massiccio - massive
13. Nemici - enemy dirty oneself
8. Frigoriferi -
14. Benzina – 24. Sfera - sphere
petrol/gasolina 25. Tenete – tenere – to
9. Meccanismi -
15. Sconosciuto – keep, to hold - keep
unknown, unfamiliar 26. Liscia - smooth
10. Affannosamente -
16. Ghiaccio – 27. Pezzetto - piece
ghicacciare – ice, to 28. Quadratino - square
11. Imparato – imparare
freeze 29. Contadino - farmer
– to learn - learned
Elam 2

30. Accorsero - accorere 1. prostrare - to wear 4. Nascondere – to hide

– to rush, to run - out, to grovel, to 5. Gridare – to shout
ran prostrate 6. Lasciare – to let go of
31. Chissà – who knows? 2. sedile - seat, bench 7. Uccellino – a little
32. Leccatina – leccare – 3. immondo - filthy bird
to lick - lick 4. freno a mano - hand 8. Ferire – to hurt
33. Inginocchiarono – brake (frenarsi - to 9. Filastrocca – nursey
inginocchiarsi – to check oneself) rhyme
kneel down - knelt 5. stazione - station 10. Guarire – to cure
34. Stanghe - strange (tomé mucho tiempo 11. La bua – a hurt
35. Smontare – to con este) 12. Pregare – to beg/ask
disassemble 6. passaggio - passage 13. Ancora – still
36. Tirate – tirare – to 7. reversare - to pour, 14. Scosse – scuotere –
pull to copy, to transfer to shake
37. Lacrima - tear 8. Giuditta - Judith 15. Nemmeno – not
38. Meravigliardo – 9. volta - volgere - to even, neither
meravigliare – to turn 16. Spingeva – spingeare
astonish 10. chiesa - church – to push, pushed
39. Affamato - hungry 11. pazzo - crazy 17. Sorriso - smile
40. Maniera – way, 12. scappatoia - way out 18. Buffa – comic, funny
manner 13. a destra - up right, to 19. Riderebbero – ridere
41. Specchi - mirrors the right – to laugh
42. Orgoglioso – proud 14. razziare - to steal 20. Pericoloso -
43. Sbagliare – to make a 15. colare - to strain dangerous
mistake, to be wrong 16. esplicare - to carry 21. Vertigini -dizziness
44. Rimboccarsi – to roll out, to perform 22. Desideroso – eager
45. Maniche - sleeves 17. giusto - fair, correct 23. Topolino – Mickey
46. Magro – thin 18. colpo - blow, hit, Mouse
47. Parere – to appear, strike 24. Rivolgergli – to turn,
to seem, to look(like) 19. pelliccia - fur to address, to direct
48. Grattacielo - 20. a proposito - by the 25. Vattelapesca -
skyscraper way goodness
49. Puntando – puntare 26. Borbottò –
– to point 20 Palabras de Pinocchio borbottare - to
50. Traballando – to mutter
teeter 27. Filarono – filare - to
30 palabras que quiero spin
Las Palabras de Il Piccolo 28. Straniero - foreign
Diavolo 29. Mulino - mill
1. Fischio – whistle 30. Fruscio – rustle
2. Tempesta – storm
3. Scrosciare – to pour 30 verbos irregulares
Elam 3

1. Scuotere – scosso – 11. Deludere – to 21. Scrivere- to write –

to shake disappiont – deluso scritto
2. Ridere – riso – to 12. Chiudere – chiuso – 22. Decidere – to decide
laugh to close – deciso
3. Trarre – tratto – to 13. Scendere – sceso – 23. Scoprire – to expose
stretch to go down – scoperto
4. Dipingere – dipinto – 14. Permettere – to 24. Nascere – to be born
to paint allow – permesso – nato
5. Coprire – coperto – 15. Spendere – speso – 25. Trascorrere – to go
to to cover to spend by, pass by –
6. Parere – to seem etc. 16. Interrompere – trascorso
- parso interroto – to 26. Vivere – to live –
7. Piacere – to like - interrupt vissuto
piaciuto 17. Spegnere – to 27. Chiedere – to ask for
8. Porgere – to extend - extinguish – spento – chiesto
porto 18. Offrire – to offer – to 28. Giungere – to
9. Ardere – to burn – offerto join/arrive – giunto
arso 19. Proporre – to 29. Vincere – to defeat –
10. Condurre – to lead - propose – proposto vinto
condotto 20. Rispondere – to 30. Fondere – to cast, to
respond – risposto fuse - fuso

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