The Great Gatsby Response Paper Prompt

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The Great Gatsby Response Paper

Length: 3-5 Pages

Prompt: Choose One of the Following

The Lost Generation and the Deterioration of the Moral Code

- How does the novel portray the 1920’s generation and their lifestyle? What is important to
them? What moral ‘code’ or set of values do they live by? What conclusion does the novel
come to about the lifestyle of its characters? Does The Great Gatsby and the history of the
1920’s teach us anything that we can use in our own lives today?

Money, Materialism, and the Pursuit of the American Dream

- How does the novel portray the pursuit of money and materialism as a means of achieving
happiness? What is the American dream? Is it possible to achieve the American dream?
How does the novel portray rich people who seem to have achieved the American dream?
If they have achieved the American dream, how did they do so? If they have not achieved
the American dream, what was keeping them from doing so? If the American dream is an
illusion to some people, must it be for all people? Why?

Love, Sex, and the Weakening of Marriage

- How does the novel portray relationships between men and women in the 1920’s? Analyze
the female characters and explain what the novel says about what it means to be a
‘woman.’ How does the idea of marrying, settling down, and having a family fit into the
lifestyle of this generation? How does the idea of love and romance fit into the framework
of the 1920’s generation? What lessons can we learn about our romantic relationships by
reading this novel?

If you want an A:

I need at least five textual examples that are relevant to your topic and explained well. I also need
insightful interpretations of those passages in a way that backs up your overarching statement. Your
overarching statement should by clearly stated at the beginning and end of your paper and everything in
between should connect with it in a logical and coherent way.

If you want a B:

I need at least four textual examples that are somewhat relevant and explained adequately. I also need
interpretations of those passages in a way that relates to your overarching statement. Your overarching
statement should be clearly stated at the beginning and end of your paper and everything in between
should connect with it in a logical way.

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