PCCDI Meeting Minutes 9-8-2010

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PCCDI Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2010

Present: Shelley Clifton, Kim Crouch, Joyce Johnson, Frank Ruggirello,

Bob Hayes, Nicole Jackson and Seema Ahmad

Minutes were approved as sent.

Community Support Groups -Community outreach opportunities are being investigated. Peer
mentor opportunities are being investigated. Parent tutors are also being considered. Nicole will
email her “Closing the Achievement Gap” strategy sheet to the committee.

Kim believes the September 1st event was very good, but it was too rushed. Honest conversations
took place. Kim believed it was a good start, but the conversation needs to be continued.

Shelley indicated that her group did not get through 2 discussion questions, but future conversations
need to include students, and possibly some parent s. Seema agreed and stated that the students
are the customers. The committee believes that student and parent input should be considered in the
evaluation process. Where are the students from P-CEP going to college, and what percentage is

Joyce believes it is imperative to stay the course in Courageous Conversations and report on the
progress regularly. It is imperative that we institutionalize these changes.

On September 30, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a PCCDI meeting held at Pioneer Middle School to
introduce all the new P-CCS teachers to the community. Frank volunteered to support the sending of
the invitations to the new P-CCS teachers.

Shelley distributed the PCCDI educational committee strategic plan, which guides the work of our
committee. PCCDI is striving to write a grant to fund aspects of the PCCDI organization and of the
Education Committee. PCCDI is also in progress of fundraising for funds to support agenda and
necessary programs that will support the community.

Joyce, Nicole, Kim, and Bob will meet on September 15, 2010 to review achievement gap data.

Future Meeting Dates:

September 22, 2010 6:30pm-8pm Plymouth Township Hall

October 13, 2010 (Special Meeting) 7:00pm-8pm Pioneer Middle School- PCCDI annual event
November 10, 2010 6:30pm-8pm Plymouth Township Hall
December---------------No meeting------------------------------------------

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