Work of The Family Chart

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Mom Dad Ryan John Ben Greg

Laundry 120 20 5 20 10 15
Cooking 70 130 15 100 90 30
Cleaning 110 85 20 20 30 10
Maintenance 10 140 50 85 10 25
Yard/Outside Care 15 85 75 90 35 45
s 15 135 80 80 20 30
Family Care 60 15 45 95 30 30
Practice Piano 20 50 100 170 110 90
Total 420 660 390 660 335 275

I think that Ryan could do more, and Ben could do more, but Greg is only 8 and can’t do
much yet so, he has a lot for his age. I think one of our strengths is either cooking of
Practicing Piano, because everyone in my family loves to cook. That includes dinner,
lunch, breakfast, snacks, and special occasions. Practicing piano is the one with the most
though, because our whole family can read music and can play piano, and our parents
help with notes, rhythms, that kind of thing.

My Dad and I, cause we are tied. I do believe this is fair, because these things we do, me
and my dad have always done so we are good at them. But I do wish I could have had
more of a childhood growing up, because it was kid after kid so I never got the attention I
really wanted.

Ryan doesn’t do enough. He is always gone, he’s never home, and when he is, he’s
sitting on his computer all night. I think he should contribute more to work of the family.

Practicing Piano, because its something we all enjoy doing, and its not work if you enjoy

Yard and Outside Care, and Family Care:

Yard/Outside Care-We could make sure the flowers look nice, we could cut the grass at
least every 2-3 weeks, we could water the plants more.
Family Care- My parents could be around more, could realize or focus on more with the
kids not just themselves.

How much Greg does for his age, he’s only 8.

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